Sunday, September 16

video chat with Nick

All day we were bums.  I got 4 loads of laundry done, all bedding changed, my closet uncluttered, and a figurine painted with a base white so I can get started painting it the colors I want.  It felt great. We then went to meet our friends at the bazaar to grab a late lunch.  After the kids and I got there, we couldn't find them and my phone was dead, so we walked 3 laps around the entire food area.  We didn't see any of them on our last lap so we decided to come back home.  After we got home, I noticed Nick was online, so i called him to see if he wanted to webcam.  So we did.  He's at his mom's visiting, so we were able to chat with her also.  We didn't actually talk that long and much about anything, but it was very nice to see him finally.  Only 3 more weekends and he'll be home!  I can't wait.  I think I'm going to run off the day he gets home and be gone all day...yeah right, but maybe a few hours solo!

Today was a better day in our house.  I've been noticing that Xander is jealous of Sterling.  Ever since we've been back home, he's just been an attention getter, unruly, defiant, and sweet and loving all at the same time.  I think because it's just me with both kids, Xander has noticed that he's not getting as much attention that he does when daddy is home and while we were on vacation.  So, he becomes loud and louder when Sterling is getting a bottle, a diaper change, being held, being tickled, or just being looked at.  He does not like it!  He's started this loud screech sound to get attention.  Obviously I can't ignore Sterling just because she don't know better, so while she is napping, I've created Xander time.  We read books, play, do art, anything where it's just him and I.  If I'm doing chores, I have him help me.  He's a great helper and feels so proud when he's put something in the trash or the laundry in the hamper.  But I try to leave the chores until he's napping, but sometimes I just can't.

Hope you are having a great day!

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