Friday, August 22

Saying goodbye

Our week has been with many goodbyes.  Jayla left us this week to go back home because she's starting school on Monday.  We miss her so much and since we dropped her off (on Wednesday), Xander has been asking why Jayla went home and "what we gonna do bout Jayla now, mommy?"  The two days prior we played in the water.

On Monday, we headed to the shopping center's splash pad.  It's small, not crowded, and we love it.

water + sun = one tired kid! 

After getting home we attempted naps, but when that didn't pan out, we headed out front to ride bikes 

And Xander was having a blast chasing the girls 

Tuesday morning, the kids and I had to be up, dressed and out the door by 645.  Yes,, was that an early day!  We had an appointment to get a hitch installed on the new car so we can carry our bikes

Kids were ready for the hour+ wait and all good sports about it 

I love Xander's concentrating face! 

Tuesday after lunch we headed to the cousins to swim at their community pool.  This picture was after swimming so everyone's a mess! 

On Wednesday morning, we were up and out the door by 730 to take this beauty to the airport.  Because she travels as an unaccompanied minor we had to go to her gate with her...then wait until her plane was in the air before we could leave.
We're going to miss our grumpy 8 year old! 

watching Jayla's plane depart the gate 

This little girl was sad.  She teared up, pulled up her dress and said "don't look".  She does not like when people watch her being upset.  I don't blame her, I don't either. 

Yesterday and today, we have kept our days simple.  One outing planned.  Yesterday, we headed to the laundromat to wash our comforter, then to Target to pick up diapers.  Today, we desperately needed to do some grocery shopping, so I braved the kids and the store and got it done.  I do not enjoy taking the kids grocery shopping.  They behaved well today, but I don't see many more shopping dates with them.

I was accepted into the University of Toledo Early Childhood Education graduate program.  I start on Monday and will be taking 4 classes.  Busy times are ahead.

Cousins and a Birthday

Last week we spent a lot of time with our local cousins.  To be honest, all the activities wore me out.  Just being gone so much was too much.  Schedules were off, but fun was had.  

This should have been the first clue that our lunch date at Red Robin was not going to go well with the cousins.  Tired and cranky.

At least someone's excited for her birthday lunch (a day early) 

On this beauties actual birthday, we made cupcakes, hair, painted nails, and created a whole lot of chaos in the 2 hours before we were to met the cousins again for a water play date.  The birthday girl chose the activity...splash pad and park.  Securely transporting her cupcakes to the park.
Happy 8th Birthday, Jayla!

Side note:  Don't trust kids to pick the right size when shopping.  A few weeks before this day, we were shopping and she saw this dress and wanted it for her birthday.  I said okay since it was on clearance.  I told her to make sure it was her size, an 8.  After I took this picture I kept thinking that the straps looked tight by her armpits.  I thought nothing more.  Until I washed it and went to hang it to dry.  I was shaking it to loosen up the wrinkles and noticed the says size 4!  Um...Jayla!?!  Oh well, looks like Sterling has a dress waiting for her next summer!

Wore out while waiting for the cousins to arrive 

This girl had her suit on, but after our picnic lunch she decided to take a poop in it.  What fun to clean that up!  Thanks girl! 

After we got home, Jayla opened up her birthday gifts from us...she LOVED them!  She got the Friends Dolphin Cruiser that she wanted 

Pure excitement! 

On Sunday we had baseball tickets to the local minor league.  It was the kids' first time.  It was miserably hot so we only stayed until the top of the 5th inning.  We had awesome seats, just 3 rows back from the field, right behind home plate.  

Xander loved the mascot...a green storm chaser?

Last week we were over packed on the schedule so this week we are laying low.

Wildlife Safari

Back on the 9th we headed to a local wildlife safari.  We'd never been, but have heard about it from friends so we thought we'd go and see what the kids thought.  

Once we got through the gates, we unstrapped the kids and let them look out their windows.  We told them to look for different animals and when they saw one, to let everyone know.  It worked, everyone had their eyes out the window, looking. 

"Mommy, it's Santa's reindeer!"--Xander 

He had the best view...through the sunroof 

Saw lots of birds 

And they kept looking 

Upon entering the bison, we saw them swarming cars...naturally, I started freaking out and was a nervous wreck approaching them when it was our turn.

I kept my window up most of the time.  Until I wanted a picture, but then it was back up.  They were just too darn close for comfort! 

All around us 

This girl was loving it 

After we finished the car tour, we headed up front to do a little bug catching.  Jayla had a butterfly, but it flew out before she secured it closed...bummer!  She was still proud. 

Goofball Xander and his faces...kills me every time! 

"Swiper, no swiping!"--Xander 

Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the flowers

At the end of the tour, the kids loved it and want to go back.

Thursday, August 21

Kansas City fun trip

Remember back at the beginning of the month I mentioned we went to Kansas City?  Well this post will be all about that visit.

Hubs and I enjoy going to Kansas City.  The city is beautiful and there is so much to do.  During this visit we did almost the same thing we did last September.  As the kids get older, going places is so much more enjoyable.  Seeing their eyes light up at something they find interesting makes my heart happy.

Jayla was loving the entire trip

 Xander started out happy and excited, but his 'no nap self' came into action about halfway through the aquarium

We got through the aquarium rather quickly because some 'no nap self' was beyond tired and making everyone miserable.  So we moved on to the next activity.  Legoland Discovery Center.  Sure enough we thought this would wake him up...wrong.

His miserable self create mischief for sassy pants (good thing we had at least ONE person happy and excited about everything) 
Look how much Sterling grew from last year...

Jayla was racing some random boy and she did awesome! 

This picture makes me happy.  I actually got Nick to bring out his inner child and pose with the giraffe.  People, this does not EVER's a big deal in this house!  

These blocks.  Sterling was having a blast trying to walk on top of them. 

Got you.  I knew I could get a laugh out of you!  This goofball.   I LOVE this picture!  Makes me laugh out loud every.single.time.  Love it!  Love him! 

What daddy does, everyone does 

Jayla built this awesome lounge chair.  She was proud. 

Another comparison from last year 

Last year they had the Friends set up, but it was small.  This year it was large and fun.  Jayla especially loved it 

Proud of their creations.  Jayla made herself a birthday cake...a very tall one. 

After having fun, it was time for dinner.  We ate at an Italian restaurant.  Although I believe it was yummy because we were all starving.  I wouldn't go there again.  While eating we enjoyed the music and sounds from the WeekEnder event that was happening.  Made it nice because we didn't have to physically go out there with the kids so crabby.  We then went shopping and went to Chips Chocolate Factory and we all got one chocolate treat (minus Sterling, whom hates chocolate) and then some fudge to take home.  After shopping, we headed back to the hotel, played and finally called it a night. 

It's a bird.  It's a plane.  It's a flying Smushy!  Man, did he love this! 

It was a fun and fast trip.  Excited to do it again next year.  We woke up the next morning, got ready and headed back home.  Fast and fun, that's how we roll.