Wednesday, January 29

Do you feel rewarded?

While the kids were in school, I got some reading done, 3 discussion questions and wrote up all assignment due dates in my calendar.  Non school, I washed/dried/folded 2 loads of laundry.  I felt accomplished today.

I went to pick the kids up and one of their teachers, Ms. Kelly, was eager to speak with me.  She started out saying that I should get the mom of the year award.  I looked at her cockeyed.  Me?  No-way!  So I listened.  She went on and told me that my kids are so well behaved, have very good manners, listen and eat well.  What?  My kids?  We do instill all those traits to them every single day.  I feel like we harp on them consistently to use their manners, say yes ma'am, no ma'am, please, thank you, your welcome, etc.... If someone asks you to do something, you do it without fuss.  At home, it gets stressful because I feel like that's all I do all day long, so I wasn't seeing it.  They see it though and they appreciate kids that do what they're told and using their manners.  I'm glad my kids are 2 of them.
She also said that she likes that I pack them well balanced lunches and that the kids actually enjoy them.  I guess some kids don't eat what their parents send and some parents just send snacks.  What?  Snacks!  Now if we can get Sterling to eat her sandwich with her meal.  She's never been a fan, but one day, one day she will eat that sandwich!  She told the kids at lunch today that she wants their mommy to pack her lunch, lol!  I guess they liked that idea.
I guess it's time to sit back and notice that "training" kids does go rewarded.  It makes my heart happy to hear such praises about my children.

I do also like to hear the areas we need to work on.  Such as sharing :)
Xander has been in a hitting/pushing phase with Sterling.  I harp on him to be sweet to her.  I go on and ask him if he likes to be pushed or hit?  Of course not.  So then I tell him that it's not nice to hit or push and that he hurts that person's feelings and that it's not allowed.  We're working on it.  He doesn't do this at school, yet, but it's still something we are working on.

So maybe when I'm feeling overwhelmed and harping for them to do something a different way, maybe I should sit back and realize they know what I'm trying to say.  They're just showing me in a way I'd much rather them not.  Ms. Kelly's words were just what I needed to hear.  Parenting is hard, much harder than I ever anticipated, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!

School School and more School

We are in school overload in this house!  I started full time, which means 9 credits, which means 3 classes this semester!  That's a lot (for me).  In my previous master's program I was taking one, which was the perfect amount.  Now, I'm about to be MIA for the next 4 months with no time for anything other than reading, writing papers, discussing chapter concepts, and taking exams.  Let's hope I don't get the classes confused and start submitting homework to the wrong class.  I already had a case of "what class am I working on!"  The first week is usually laid back, getting familiar with the class schedules, writing up introductions and readings.  
My classes are People Process Culture, Advanced Quality Management, and Seminar in Operations Management.  Sounds fun, right?!
I see many afternoons of downing Mtn Dew, and munching on carrots and apples.  I'll start going to the library next week to be able to focus and not get distracted since this week is just organizing my schedule.  I've already submitted my homework that is due this week.  Just have to finish up reading, which I'll do in 45 minutes.  

The kids are loving school 4 days a week.  Their teachers have started putting them on the potty, but Xander is still strong willed about not using the bathroom at school.  Not sure why since he's so good about it at home.  Sterling has peed once in the toilet at home but has been staying dry ALL day at school.  Not sure if I should be concerned or if she's just ready to use the potty?  
Xander has been interested in "writing" names lately.  It's cute.  He'll grab his water pen/book and say he has a surprise for us.  He's showing us our names.  I'll have to get a picture, too cute!  He also likes to draw people.  Hilarious looking right now!  Again, need a picture.
I'm submitting Xander's preschool registration form today.  Fun!

Thursday, January 23


This post will be all over the place.  I'm sick, miserable, but feel like talking.  Kids are at school, so you're my company.
Last week there was a 5 year old little girl that was shot and killed while eating breakfast in her home.  How sad!  There is so much more violence than I thought possible here in the Omaha area.  Maybe it's more than I need to know about because there is no other news to report so the news stations report all the crimes?  I've lived in Hampton, VA...A LOT of crime happens there, but didn't hear about it ever day.  I like knowing where things happen so I can stay away.  
A few days ago, a workplace collapsed, 2 people have died.  I really do like watching the local news, keeps me in the loop.  I think they said there were 37 employees there at the time of the explosion, but I haven't seen yet if everyone is accounted for.
I had a dream that one of my friends from the military died.  Just a dream, thank God!  She's an awesome person so I'd hate to see her husband, family and friends lose her.
I'm miserable.  My head is pounding.  What does a migraine feel like?  I think I have it, whatever it is.  It's most likely just a really nasty head-cold.  I've been sick since Saturday night, then got worse Sunday and still bad today.  High fevers, drenched shirts as I sleep...yet I'm freaking freezing cold!  This flu season really hard on me.  Ii officially sucks!  We got our flu shots back in December, but I guess we didn't get immune.  Xander started this mess last week Tuesday, was home from PDO the rest of the week.  Nick and Sterling caught it Thursday.  Sterling was home Friday too.  No one was left out on this shindig.  I've been doped up on Dayquil, Nyquil, Motrin, Mucinex, and now Robitussin nasal relief.
Last night I took Sterling to the doctor to have a blistery breakout that she has looked at.  She's had it for like 3 weeks and it's not going away.  It doesn't bother her.  It's more me being dumbfounded by it.  Where did this come from?  What the heck is it?  It's not contagious, we know that.  So Dr. Hill said it looks as if something poisonous like poison ivy brushed up against her.  I don't have any idea.  I know we haven't been around poison ivy, so shouldn't be that.  He prescribed her a steroid cream that we'll apply twice a day for a week.  If it still does not go away, we'll then go see a skin doctor.
Potty training is actually going amazing!  When we're home, he uses the potty.  When we're out, he wants nothing to do with it and demands his diaper on.  Now we're trying to get him to use the potty at school.  I ask him every morning and its still "no, i don't want to use the potty at school".  I'm not going to push it, it will happen when it happens.  His teachers have been putting him (and Sterling!) on the potty though, just so he don't have to be afraid.
Nick hasn't been able to apply for the volunteer separation just yet.  For now they have pulled the officer's volunteer positions.  So now we just wait for it to reopen so we can apply.  He checks the dashboard every day!  On the day this happened, Nick thought maybe it was a "sign" that he should stay in.  No buddy, there's no "sign" until you're signing your name  :)
This is my last week before school starts and the craziness starts.  I'm not too excited right now, but that's probably because my head is pounding and I can't think straight.  I'll be taking 3! classes.  Yes, 3!  That's A LOT at once for a master's degree.  I had plans to work on applique and sewing, but yeah, that has not happened.  I don't think it'd be a good idea to inhale the fumes from the quilting spray while I have a pounding headache.

Friday, January 17

Five on Friday

Linking up with the lovely ladies again this week.

Have ya'll seen the new collection at Janie and Jack?  I mean, just look at this adorable top!
Source:  Janie and Jack

I did get a steal on these adorable shorts for Sterling.  I only paid 7.14 after tax!

More shopping discounts!  How doesn't love a good sale? My hubby thinks it's a good sale if you don't get it, then you pay nothing.  Sure, he may be right, but if you're going to need something in the near future, why not buy it while it's on sale, on top of another sale?!  This stack is just some of the loot from Carters.  I got 10 pjs and 2 basketball style pants for Xander all for 34.48 after tax!  These kids are growing like weeds and I can't keep up, so now i'm prepared for the next jump up...which is very very soon!

I was able to spend Wednesday working on an applique for Xander.  I love making him shirts because he loves them and insists on putting them on before I'm even done.  He put this shirt on on top of 2 others because he appreciates things.

He was also under the weather Wednesday so stayed home from school.  Look how pitiful he looks.  When he gets sick, it comes on so suddenly.  Fever of 105, after meds, down to 101.  Our nurse said to let it run its course.  I hope she's right this time because I really wanted to take him into the ER.

Both kids are home today from school, both with fevers and nasty coughs.

Beautiful weather!  We had the sun shining and temps just above 50 on Monday.  The kids were rambunctious for a Monday and I decided to let them run their steam off at the park.  Maybe this trip caused Xander to get sick??

It felt chilly though because there was a breeze so we quickly put the hoods up to protect the ears and try to keep some warmth in. 

Not so fun.  I took my car in for the factory scheduled maintenance to the Volvo dealership yesterday.  I came home, ate a banana, tidied up a bit, went to the gym and and an hour and half later when I got home I realized there was a huge oil mess in the garage!  I called the dealership back and they ended up sending out the guy that worked on the car.  I guess the ring that seals the filter down was pinched and was causing the leak.  What a mess!  I've also got a huge mess in the driveway so now I have to figure out a way to clean it up.  The dude had the garage cleaned really nice, but this morning the remaining drippings were still dripping last night and left another mess today.  So I have to figure a way to get it all cleaned.  Not fun times!

Sunday, January 12

The BIG decision

For the past 10 days we have been deciding what to do with our future.  Ten days ago Nick was given the opportunity to voluntarily separate from the Air Force.  We weighed the pros and cons.  We thought long and hard.  We decided it would be best for our family to take the separation way out.  Say what?!
How did we get to our decision?  It was hard.  Very hard.  We feel strongly to wanting to settle down in one place for the kids to grow up and not move around every 3-4 years.  Knowing we have the opportunity to live in one place as the kids grow up makes our hearts happy!  True, we could always move with promotions in a new company, but those aren't forced onto you and you can always turn them down.
The military is also downsizing like no other!  Hubs was supposed to be going up for the Major's board next year, but the AF has not even promoted the Major's from 2 years ago.  So, with that, Nick won't even be up for the board for 2 years, then 4 years until he'd put on.  That's all if they don't cancel next years board.  So, with his original plans to retire at 20 as a Lt. Colonel, he has no chance now (at 20).  If promotions were happening at the rate of before, we might not be considering this get out option either.  But they are, and he's just not seeing growth in the military.
The downsides to getting out sooner than retirement?  Obviously the retirement paycheck every month for the rest of his life.  The other, it's pretty huge too, family insurance.  It's so over priced outside the military, but we'll hopefully get jobs that offer insurance/benefits.
With all of Nick's experience, we feel he will be able to land a successful, well paying job that can offer our family new possibilities.  He's looking to get a job in Human Resources.  I know he can do it!  He's already applied to a few jobs and has been talking to military talent management firms.  
Our next steps is to figure out where we want to settle down.  Right now our focus is on the East Coast (DC and below) and also Minnesota.  
What are we going to do if we can find successful jobs (paying what we make now) in this economy?  I'll have to stop my master's program and get a job.  We can live in a tiny apartment until we get on our feet.  Not what we want, but it can be done.  We'll figure it all out and pray really really hard.
We're both pretty excited!  On Tuesday he will go into work and officially apply.  We pray his application will be accepted, and we'll be officially on our way out.

Friday, January 10

Day 2 Potty training

We've survived day 2 on the potty train wagon ride.  Kids had PDO today so he went in a diaper since we're not completely there yet to go without.  He was in a diaper from 830-1.  We actually got home from PDO around noon, but gave ourselves time to eat and get settled before going to undies.  We skipped nap time today to get some extra time in on the toilet.  He picked out his undies, he chose the soccer balls.  Within 5 minutes of having them on, he had an accident, just a dribble, but nonetheless, an accident.  I almost gave up.  But then told myself if I just put him back in diapers, how will he ever learn?!  Back up to his room to pick out a new pair.  He chose spider man this time.  I had a great idea to tell him that the spider will get mad if he pees on it and will bite him.  I know, it's mean, but I had to try it.  It worked for 4 hours!  Then he was watching Caillou and forgot.  So, 2 accidents in 6 hours, not bad for day 2.  Tomorrow we have plans to go to our friends in the afternoon, so we will have him in undies the whole time we are home, then will put a pull up on him while we are out.  Those have Diego on them so I tell him that he's going to make Diego cry if he gets him wet!  I'm so mean, but I'm sure you've all tried tactics too!  If you haven't, maybe you should try because it seems to be working in this house, lol.
We have to figure out how to make his pee stay in the toilet.  It seems to shoot to the floor rather than down into the toilet.  The joys of training a boy :)
When its time for bed he gets upset when we have to put on a diaper.  That's a good sign, right?
He's now snug in his bed with his pamper on :)

Nothing for Sterling today.  She did try once, but of course nothing.  I'm not really pushing her yet though.  One at a time, one at a time!

Five on Friday

Linking up with Darci from [the good life blog] for another fun week of weekly favorites.


I finally decided on a theme for the kids' combined birthday party with my family.  We're going to have it Easter weekend and the theme is Priate Xander and Princess Sterling!  How fun!  And the best part is we are having it at a hotel that has a pirate ship water park!  The kids are going to LOVE it!  I'm not to sure if I'm ready for all the little details I'd love to see at the party or if I should go simple?  My sister is creating an AMAZING! invite.  She gave me a sneak peak the other day and I LOVE it!

I'm not even close to being finished with organizing the basement storage.  I don't know what I was thinking thinking that I could have it done in a week.  I think I'm going to put everything that needs to be sorted through and organized more in depth, in containers and label them to be sorted/organized.  That way I'll know what still needs to be done.  Tisk Task Tisk Task!

Xander hasn't been having a great week at PDO.  He hit his teacher on Tuesday.  He was playing with binoculars and the teacher looked in the other end to show him that if he looks through them he will see her.  Well he didn't like that and said NO, I do it, then hit her.  And so it starts!

We received the most welcomed email yesterday...from Xander's birthmom!  After 3 attempts last January and February of keeping in touch with her, she never responded.  All year.  I was so happy to see an email from her!  We even talked on the phone last night and had plans to skype.  I logged in and waited for her to log on, but nothing.  Since I was in the process of dinner, I had to quit waiting (20 minutes) and get back to making dinner.  I'm hoping this year will be the year that we keep in touch and maybe even a visit can be scheduled.

We're still deciding on our future.  We're strongly leaning on the scarier option, but we're both ready.  I'll fill everyone in next week with the details.  We are making our final decision no later than Monday.

Thursday, January 9

Potty training

For the past 2 weeks we have been serious on the potty training wagon with Xander.  I didn't get my Christmas wish of "all I want for Christmas is a potty trained boy," but we've had some serious progress in this house!  Because we've had so much time together, we've worked on mornings and nights on using the toilet and getting familiar with recognizing when he needs to go.  Today after school we decided to work on afternoon potty training.  It's gone great!  He's had undies on for 4 hours and only 1 accident.  He's even told us "uh-oh, it's coming," and we make a mad dash to the bathroom.  I made the mistake earlier today while we were upstairs of telling him to use "his" toilet in his bathroom.  Well now that's the only bathroom he wants to use.  Not any fun while you're in the middle of making dinner!

During the last 2 weeks his training was quite hilarious.  He'd go, get off, get a sticker, then have to go again.  And he'd go again (not just dribbles either!).  And he'd repeat this process at least 4 times!!  In the very beginning he was concentrating on going number 2.  I think it helped because every time he was working on that, he'd pee too.  Now we're working on going all at once and not up and down.  So far today (which is nearly over), he's not been up and down at all.  He's recognizing.  I may ask him every second while he's in undies if he needs to go potty, but he knows when he does.  I just don't want him to forgot that he needs to stop what he's doing and go potty on the toilet.
Sterling...we'll she sits on the toilet A LOT.  Has yet to go pee, but for the first time tonight she went number 2!  YAH Sterling!  Way to go!!!  We have a long way to go with her but I'm hoping that her wanting to sit on the toilet so much and seeing brother go, will get her going :) 
On Sunday and Monday we will go all day in undies and hopefully he'll go to school on Tuesday in undies!  That's our goal :)

Way to go kiddos!

Monday, January 6


It's more like a bitter, brutal cold out there.  This past fall we reached record breaking temps (107) and our air went out...boy was that a hot one!  Yesterday our temps were -32 and our heat goes out!  BRRRRRRR!  What's with the record breaking weather and the furnace/ac going out?!  Good thing yesterdays was just the pilot light needing to be reset, but man was it some trouble figuring out how to do that.  We've never had to do it before so we didn't know where to begin.  Good thing for Dr. Google :)  An hour later our heat was blazing again.

Schools in the area are closed today.  Kids and I will be staying in and staying warm today and then the rest of the week, they'll be at PDO.

I started working on organizing all of our stuff that was sent to long term storage while we were living in Germany.  I feel like throwing it all out the door!  We didn't use it for the 3 years we lived in Germany.  Obviously didn't need it.  If we did, we bought new in Germany.  Why keep it?  My lovely husband has a hard time letting go of stuff.  He can just imagine himself reusing an item 20 years from now, so why get rid of it?  So while he's at work this week, I will finish this task and he won't even know what's missing because it's been so long since he's seen it :)  For me, I have a hard time letting clothes go.  The clothes I outgrew.  2 sizes too small.  Work clothes.  Shoes.  Purses.  Those are my weaknesses.  I'll be purging those as well.  Nothing will be left out.  Ok, maybe I'll leave all his military crap alone (for now).  A huge box of cords?  Not looking forward to going through that, but we seriously do not need that many of one item!  Desktop style computers, you'll be taken to best buy to be recycled!  Things that someone could benefit from, they'll be donated.  Other things will just be tossed to the curb!

This shall be a fun week :)

Friday, January 3

Five on Friday

Linking up again with Darci from the good life blog this week.  


I've been so excited all week for Thursday to come.  The kids started back with PDO and it was their first Thursday.  I was also a bit nervous since there would be different kids and their favorite teacher was not teaching Thursdays.  They did awesome and talk non stop when they get home about what they did at school.
Xander wanted to get himself dressed for school that day.  Top shirt on backwards and bottom shirt is a tank top down around his waist.

On Tuesday Nick went to work and an hour later he called me on his way back home.  He didn't know it was a down day.  After he got home, we took the kids to the zoo and we celebrated New Years Eve with the animals wearing fun character masks, disco ball necklaces and lollipops.  What could be better?

New Year, new possibilities!

Gymboree.  My absolute favorite store and I found a steal this week.  They had 4 racks of $5.99. I found Xander 2 summer outfits and Sterling a top and leggings, plus headbands for .99 :) I just love getting a good deal!  I now have $125 in Gymbucks to use at the end of the month on the new line that will be coming out.  Beyond excited!

We have been presented with an option that will impact our future a great deal.  Right now we are weighing the pros and cons and hope to have our decision made in the next two weeks.  We're both really excited about new possibilities.  My excitement was a bit of a shocking surprise for Nick, I'm usually a bit more reserved and cautious when dealing with our future.

Back up

I apologize to all our dedicated readers for our blog being down.  I did continue to blog with it being down, but I really wanted to update it and I had the most difficult time ever.  I think its to my liking now and I really hope I don't find the need to make any more changes.

Thursday, January 2


A new year usually means a new start.  We're going to have a big year this year and I'm hoping to accomplish some major goals that will remain life changing and not just a one time deal.

1.  Start paying large chunks at bills to pay off short term non essential debt

2.  Get healthy.  Get fit.  This is probably on every list anyone ever makes, but still important

3.  Spend more time as a family by playing games, creative play, dance parties, get out and get involved.  Turn off TVs.  Put electronics down.

4.  Get organized and stay organized.  There are so many areas that need this attention.  We have too much stuff and with moving to a much smaller home this summer, we need to clutter every nook and cranny.  Less clutter equals less stress equals happy mama!

5.  Personal one for me:  Stop getting so upset and taking things so personally.  Take it easy, not everything is so important or an "emergency."  No more Chucky eyes :)

6.  Potty train both kids :)  Get kids involved in the community.

7.  Work on paintings/crafts (create a mural for the kids new rooms this summer).  It relaxes me and relieves stress.  Something I have way too much of!

8.  Go on dates with my handsome husband

9.  Keep on track with taking 3 classes in my master's classes and maintain As in all of them

10.  Find a church home

Here's to a Happy & Healthy New Year

Wednesday, January 1

2013 reviewed

January:  I took a trip to Bernkastel-Kues in the Mosel Valley in Germany with my best friend.  
We tried moving the kids to share a room.  Yeah, that didn't work!  We have one great sleeper and one horrible sleeper.  We tired.

February:  We took a family trip to Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in Germany, and had a fantastic time even with the bitter cold temps!  
We found out we were moving back stateside!  The most exciting day of my life other than the birth stories of my babies.

March:  We celebrated Sterling's 1st Birthday!  What a beautiful day it was.
Sterling moved to whole milk, but didn't last long and eventually stopped drinking milk altogether (she's just now drinking 1-2 glasses a day, all in the past month!)

April:  Xander turned 2!  What an amazing 2 years it has been!
Sterling began her journey to walking, holding on of course.
We celebrated Easter with our closest friends in Germany.
Parenting is hard work!

May:  I turned 33!
We celebrated mother's day with a trip to the Netherlands.  We stayed in Leiden, spent a day in Katjwik and went to the tulip garden in Keukenhof.  Sterling got really car sick and threw up all over Nicks new car!
Prepared our stuff to move back to the states
Shipped my car...the US is in sight!

June:  Our households were packed and shipped across the ocean
Xander had his 1st movie experience in the theater with his girlfriend :)
Sterling's an official walker...big news!

July:  We passed inspections and we moved!
We love our new house.
We visited my family to welcome us back to the US with a nice BBQ.

August:  My debit card information was stolen.  The joys of being back in the states?!
My siblings come to visit
We get all of our belongings from Germany this month
We made many trips to splash pads

September:  Kids started PDO
I started my new master's program
The kids and I traveled to visit my dad in MN
We took a trip to Kansas City

October:  A month of trips.  We first went to visit my sister and her family in Vegas.  A day after that trip, the kids and I headed up to ND to visit my other sister.  A week after that trip, the kids and I headed to MD to visit my parents.
Went to 2 pumpkin patches
Enjoyed Halloween with Nana and Papa

November:  We're still at Nana and Papas for most of the month.  We went to Hershey Park in PA.  Such fun!
Opa from Florida came to visit us for Thanksgiving.  It was a great time and the kids love their Opa!

December:  Nick turned 33
Enjoyed another year of Elf on the Shelf
Had our first real snow fall
Took some fun and cute pictures of the kids
Celebrated Christmas and enjoyed a relaxing 11 days with Nick off!

Good bye 2013.  Hello 2014!  We're excited to see what plans are laid out for our family this new year.

Happy New Year everyone!  May all your dreams and desires become a reality this year.