Thursday, May 26

Alexander's last day of Pre-K

Friday, May 20th, Xander walked into his last day of preschool.  Ever.  Dropping him off, we were in our typical Friday fashion.  Late.  It never failed. We were always at least 5 minutes late, but typically 10, on Fridays.  This Friday though, I was staying to help fill folders for his teacher.  She'd printed off a Kindergarten summer workbook for each student, so I stayed to punch holes and fill the folder.  Quick and easy.

There's a bunch of pictures below.  Be warned.  Pictures overload!

I'd printed off a last day of school sign and he rocked his photo session (after school because we're rushing in the mornings).

I'm in LOVE with this photo!

I also asked him the same questionnaire as Sterling. I love how he's excited to meet new friends.  Because, that's just what he's going to be doing.  He helps knowing that he's ready.

A bunch of fun pictures from his teacher throughout the year.  When they first get to class each day, they work with fine motor skills.  His teacher calls it "fine motor mornings."  It was one of his favorite parts of the day.

Journal time.  Xander's going to be an artist.  I can feel it.

Making his own "Mat Man"

Finding things in a magazine that start with a Bb.

Love him!

This is his BEST friend.  He was always talking about him.  Here they are doing some math practice.  With candy.  How fun!

Another one of Xander's favorite friends.  Here they are checking how to melt ice.

Gross motor skills practice

Washing feet just like Jesus

They took a field trip to The Home Depot.  He loved it!

Taking a nature walk

First day of school group photo

Fun outside on the playground

Donuts with Dad.  Working on a craft together.

The class was treated to the Dairy Queen because they've been working hard on their sight words and a few kids got all 50 words.

All the boys

Last day...FUN day!  We took his bike and helmet to school and they rode bikes in the parking lot before it started raining.

Xander had an awesome year at Pre-K.  I accredit it to his amazing teacher.  I'm so happy with how much he's learned and how confident he has become.  He loves school and he's going to do great in kindergarten.

Kindergarten, here he comes!
*Class of 2029*

Monday, May 23

Sterling's last day of Preschool 3/4s

Thursday, May 19th, Sterling finished her last day of Preschool 3s.

Her last day with all of her school friends

Here are some pictures throughout the year that her teachers took.  Fun memories to look back on.

Here, her class went on a bear hunt (on pajama day) and they were making crafts to go along with it

"We're going on a bear hunt"

Her class Valentine's Party

Making monsters


Practice working on her name.  Spelling her name was one of her favorite things to learn.

We did a questionnaire.  I was upset with how she spelled her name because she does so much better.  It's the mom in me, but, I still told her good job.

She's excited to be done!

I'm still planning to homeschool her a pre-k curriculum and work on her speech to get her ready for kindergarten.  So, her being excited to go to big kid school will be shot down.  Hopefully she'll be excited that mommy gets to be her teacher, ha!

Friday, May 20

Pre-K Graduation

Alexander has completed his final year of preschool.  I'm not one to be all emotional and sad about this sort of thing, but I was teary eyed as his teacher was comparing the kids to caterpillars.  You see, he had an AH MAZING teacher this year and we will truly miss her.  Good thing for us, she's moving about 3 hours from us.  YAH!

Before heading out to graduation, we had pictures.  Of course.

This sweet girl thinks she's so funny

Man, am I blessed!

The ceremony was in the church and they kicked it off with a bunch of songs. Xander's in the front-middle (with the heart on him.  because he has my heart in a puddle)

After the ceremony, the graduates received cupcakes while the rest of us received cookies.  I'd say they won on the tasty treat.

Saying thank you to his teacher.

We will miss her so much.  Her passion to teacher young kids to grow in education is astonishing.  Lots of long hours and preparation to give the kids all the help she knows to love to learn.  Coming up with new ideas to get the kids excited to learn.  Her motto was play, play, play.  Learn through play.  That's just what they did.  Plus some serious learning too.  But, it was all fun.  Xander has learned so much from her.

But, at the end of the night and after 2 LONG days, he was done.  I was too, buddy.

He was so excited about his diploma that he wanted a picture with it

The video.  It's a treasure forever.

We officially have a Kindergartner!  He's ready.  I'm ready.  Going to kindergarten is a big step in being a big kid.  Right?!  He'll be in school all day.  Learning.  Playing.  Having fun.  I'll be at home with Sissy working on preschool and speech with her.  It's going to be a great new school year.  I hope anyways.

Thursday, May 19

Ballet Concert: Gone Sailin'

We've had a busy few days.  Friday we had ballet practice as normal.  This was our last Friday in the studio.  Such a sad day.  We've spent every Friday there since the beginning of September. We're going to miss it and the friends we made while dancing.

Look at her back in September

On Sunday morning we had to be out of the house at 9 so we could make it into the city in time for her practice.  Before heading out, we I thought we should take a picture outside. But the sun was bright, lol!  Shine bright like a diamond was singing through my head as she was squinting away.

Sterling's teachers mom was at practice and gave me some insight to take a video during practice because recital night you'll have heads in your way.  I'm so glad I got this one.  You'll see why at the end of this post.

Sterling is fourth on the left side.  They did amazing and was so fun to watch.

Tuesday evening was the BIG day.  The day Sterling has been looking forward to for months.  She was so excited and beamed all night.  Obligatory outside pic...

Waiting for the show to start.  We had to drop her off 30 minutes before the show.  So, we had lots of time to waste.

The video.  The big head in front of me made me thankful I already had a good video.  Big head and all, I'm still glad I shot this the night of the big day.

She's fourth from the left again

So, we dropped her off at 630 and didn't get her back until 9!  This girl was so out of it and tired at the end.  She's a trooper and did great though.

We gave her flowers and a balloon that she'd been eyeing in the market each time we'd stop in.  She was so excited to receive her very own flowers.

Excited and all, she must sleep. It was late. Like 2 hours past her normal bed time.

But when we gave her the balloon, she woke right up and wanted to sleep with it.  Don't worry, we didn't let her.

So 2015-2016 ballet season has come to an end, but I think she's going to continue.  Her instructor offers a 6 week program here that we might check out.  What a fun season we had!

Tuesday, May 10

Muffins for Moms and Mother's Day

How lucky am I that I was able to spend two special mornings with two of my very favorite people?!  They spoil me.  They give me a headache.  They love me.  I'll always love them.

On Thursday morning Sterling's class had something special prepared for the moms.  We had muffins, grapes, and water.  They sang songs to us, standing right in front of us. How cute!  We made a fun craft together, a bookmark.  And we chatted.

She wrote 'MOM'

As I was leaving to get back to work, she handed me this adorable coffee mug.  Her classroom theme was 'You Are My Sunshine.'

and her hand print on the other side.  So cute!  I still need to bake it before using it since it wasn't 'set' beforehand.  I don't want her hand print to wash away.

After school Thursday, both kids have the same PDO teacher (just on different days), and she brought these cute bookmarks in from the kids.  LOVE them!  They must be trying to tell me something this year.  Read more!

Sterling also did a questionnaire.  I think most of it is pretty accurate, ha!  I think its funny that she said 'she is special because she makes dinner' Ha!  This girl NEVER eats dinner.  But, yes, I do make dinner at least 5 nights a week, lol!

Friday morning came and Xander was super excited because it was his turn to have a special morning with mom.  Sterling was so upset because it was asked that siblings stay home (if possible, and it was!) so we could spend special time with just our preschooler.  Xander's theme was 'You Are My Sunshine' also.  They did the same songs as Sterling's class, but it was still sweet and special.
Upon entering his classroom, he came to get me and seated me in our spot.  Then we sat and waited for his instructions to serve me.  I mean, how sweet.  My 5 year old, bringing me my muffin and grapes.  Taking my trash to the garbage.  Just serving me.  I felt special.  He LOVED it too!

I love this boy!

The most awesome plate I've ever seen. Him and I outside playing.
"I Love You Mommy"

I also received a necklace
"Thumb body loves you"

We made a fun craft and then headed home to pick up Sissy and Daddy for dance practice.
It was such a fun two mornings enjoying my kiddos.  

On Saturday morning Nick had to work at 6, so it was just the kids and I all day.  We headed out to Bed Bath and Beyond to grab a new vacuum because one of ours decided it didn't want to suck up anything.  I decided on the Dyson Cinetic Animal + Allergy.   Holy awesome!  This vacuum is powerful.  I vacuumed the whole house Saturday.

Sunday morning I woke up to two rays of sunshine shouting "Happy Mother's Day, mommy!"  It was so sweet.  But, oh so early!  (Nick worked from 6-6 again)

Xander really wanted to make me oatmeal for breakfast in bed.  But I told him I had my breakfast planned for two weeks and that he could make that instead.  So he did.  I planned Cinnabon pull aparts.  So, I gave him a muffin tin, wrappers, I opended the tube of dough and told him what to do.  He did all of it!  (Minus in and out of the oven of course)
Sterling helped him, but she also made me my coffee. Two cups actually.  She's that good.  
Breakfast was awesome.  Thanks, kids!

Silly faces to end a fun day

These two.  They make my heart explode with joy and happiness.  They are more than I ever dreamed.  Their captions fit perfectly.  I love them so big!

(I should've separated these into two posts, but by the time I got going, it was too late)

Did you have a good Mother's Day (or week)?