Thursday, August 30

11 years today

11 years ago today I married the man of my dreams!

We were together for 3 months prior and have been through A LOT in these 11 years together.  We've been seperated during deployments and TDYs (equaling 4 years 3 months apart), dealt with years of infertility and the outrageous amounts of treatments, had hormonal ups and downs, moved 4 times, but through all these trials and tribulations, we've had plenty of awesome times.  We've vacationed, traveled, camped, hiked, welcomed our 2 precious kids, had some pretty amazing lazy days, and loved spending time with each other.  No marriage is perfect, and ours is no different.  But you get through it, because after you've been married this long, you've learned how to let things go that aren't important.  You choose which battles to battle.  Being able to rely on my husband and trust that he is making the right decision(s) for our family is important.  I love that he's responsible and someone I can count on.

I love you babe!

Tuesday, August 28

ST...night 1

It was a big joke!  She's definitely not ready to give up a bottle...she just screams louder and louder until it's placed in her mouth.  I swear my neighbors probably think i'm trying to harm her as loud as she screams.  She did sleep for 2.5 hours, but when she wants something, she wants it.  No going back.  I think I'm doomed!  Why are 2 babies so different?  Xander was the perfect my eyes.  Sterling, well, she's a work in progress.  She's much like her mother though, demanding and loud, ha!  She does what she needs to, to get what she wants.
Maybe I need to feed her more?  More rice and/or oatmeal?  Up her formula ounces?  I make her 6 ounce bottles.  She has 5 during the day.  Sometimes she finishes them, sometimes she'll leave an ounce or two.  She only takes about 3 naps during the day.  One of them being about 2-3 hours, the others only about 1/2 to 45 minutes. 
I feel I was more relaxed and calm with Xander...maybe that's why he was such a good baby?  Sterling, I'm so overwhelmed and often find myself frazzled.  I hate this feeling.  I hate the screaming...from both kids..., I hate the disorganization that my life has become.  I know this is all for a short time, but I can't help but hope the end is near.  I think I also feel like a cluster of nuts lately is because we just returned home from a month being away.  The house is still not put back together.  As soon as I get a room done, some little boy comes behind me and finds something to take out.  The story of a 1 year old, ha!  Maybe in another week, life will get easier, things will be in their places, and we can start to enjoy the beginning of fall.  I love fall, and it's coming, and I can't wait.
To add to my chaotic life, I elected to continue in school.  This time, just one class.  It starts in 3 weeks.  Wish me luck!  Hubby will be home 3 weeks after it starts, so if I can tuff it out for 3 weeks, I'm golden.  The first 3 weeks are typically the easiest and least busy.  When he gets back, I'll be gearing up to study for my midterm.  I think.  This school the classes are longer (12 weeks) than my last college (8 weeks), so with this being my 3rd class, I'm not sure of the schedule yet. 

Now it's time to gather all Xander's stuff that don't fit or is starting to get small and show my sister on webcam.  I'm hoping to mail a box or two of his stuff tomorrow.  I already have a box of Sterling's stuff.  Since Nick and I have decided not to keep baby clothes, she'll take them since they plan to have at least one more child.  I didn't want the nice stuff to go to the thrift shop on base, so she gets it.

Have a great day!

Monday, August 27

Sleep training

Tonight is our first night where Sterling will sleep in her crib.  I don't think it's going to go well, but that's okay.  I hope I can stick to it, not give up and put her back in my room.  She falls asleep great, just has a hard time staying asleep for more than an hour.  She cries out in her sleep, but most of the time will fall back asleep on her own within 2 minutes or so.  I wish I remembered how I got Xander to sleep through the night with maybe only 1 waking.  Sterling and her 3 times a night demanding a bottle is ridiculous.  She's a big girl and can afford to miss at least one of those bottles for now.  I have cut the middle of the night bottles down to four ounces instead of six.  I tried doing the first wake up with a 6 ounce, then the others 4, but she was still getting up 3 times.  I think she's greedy, a big ole drama queen that needs to be drinking all the time.  I've also started her on rice and oatmeal with veggies and fruits.  She eats it up like she wanted it 3 months ago.  She's my little piggy, that's for sure!
I'm hoping this process will take no longer than a week, with a random wake up once a week or so...that would be nice! 

Pray for my sanity ya'll!
Have a great day!

Saturday, August 25

Aug 2-8

After our first full week in the states at my parents home, all 5 of us headed on another plane ride to Minneapolis to be in attendance for my oldest brothers wedding.  After our 2.5 hour plane ride, we had a 5 hour drive up north near Bemidji.  It was so beautiful up there...I think this was my first time seeing the lake side of MN.  I loved it and am looking forward to taking my hubby soon, since he wants to retire and settle in MN and all. I think he will love it just as much, if not more!  I grew up on the MN-IA border, so I've been sheltered...haha.
All but one of my siblings came, so it was great seeing them.  I wish my sister in Texas could have joined us.  She's one to make gatherings a hoot!  She was missed.  We got to the hotel and we went to the pool.  Xander and Sterling weren't too sure of it, but I kept them in.  They can't always get their 
Friday, we hung out.  The people in the wedding party had to decorate the lodge and then rehearsal.  Went poolside again.  This time, the kids didn't go in, we just hung out with everyone who arrived that day.  Which was pretty much everyone that was coming up.  I loved catching up with my cousins, aunt and uncles, and grandpa.  I miss family being away all the time. Sterling hung out with my cousin Amanda ALL night (until I decided to go to our room).  Amanda was great with her and Sterling was comfortable with her.  Xander, well, he had fun playing with a shoe shine buffer in the hotel He's a baby on the go and won't sit still long enough to relax.  He's a one year old, guess you shouldn't expect anything less.
Saturday was the big day.  We arrived way to early.  They said family pictures were at 1, but of course, like every other wedding, they were running behind.  Sterling was stung by a bee or wasp...poor baby!  As the wedding was starting, it started pouring.  Good thing the bride hadn't made it down the aisle yet.  They quickly rushed to shelter, as well as all the guests.  About 3 minutes later, it cleared up and the wedding was back on.  At the very end of the ceremony, it started raining again.  It was beautiful to see how happy my brother is.  He was in a prior marriage, but only for the sake of a child...bad idea!  Everyone deserves to be happy, and I'm glad he found his happiness!  His bride is perfect for him and I'm excited to have her as a sister-in-law and my kids have a new auntie...who is fun too!  The kids and I stayed at the reception until their first dance.  By then, the kids were spent and making life miserable.  I decided it was time to go put them to bed and end the fun.  I'm not much of a dancer anyways, so I was okay with it.  While the kids slept, I went to the lobby and chatted with 2 of my cousins and an aunt.  It was great! 
Sunday, we checked out and headed to Minneapolis to the Mall of America on Monday. 
Monday...Wow...what fun was that.  We pretty much spent a lot of time riding rides and a little bit of shopping.  2 fun things we did was; got pedicures and Sterling got her ears pierced.  Fun fun fun!  We then went to eat at one of my cousin's husbands Thai restaurant.  It was good, but I have to say our Thai Thai place here is WAY better!  I'm going to miss Thai here.  Who whould've thought I'd fall in love with Thai while living in Germany?  Not me!
Tuesday we flew back to Baltimore.
Wednesday I worked on laundry and packed for our last travel adventure.  We headed out on the 9th...more to come, but for now I need to get to bed.

Have a great day!

Adoption cluelessness

At the airport in Philadelphia, a lady in her mid 20s asked if the kids were twins.  I said no, Xander is 16 months and Sterling is 5 months (I didn't say their names).  She said, "oh, did you adopt him?"  I was surprised, no one has ever asked this.  I said yes.  Then she goes on to say "oh, his real mom must not have loved him"  I got offended by that remark and let her know that his birth mom did love him.  She loved him so much that he's here now.  She loved him enough to carry and deliver him, think about his future, and give him the best life possible, even if it wasn't with her. 
The lady just looked at me and didn't know what to say and walked away.  I guess adoption is not known to all and some just don't know what to say or how to say it.  I should probably prepare myself for future encounters.  I don't know if I handled this situation correctly, but I feel I did okay.

Have you had any encounters?  If so, how do you deal with them?

Friday, August 24

Back home

Wow, did the last month fly by or what?!?  We spent it in the states visiting family, which is always fun.  We did A LOT of traveling within the month and I plan to take the next week to reflect on our time. 

We flew in to Germany this morning so I figure the next few days will be rough on the kids and I for sleep, trying to get adjusted back to our normal.  I had plans to have Sterling sleep in her room starting tonight, but with not sleeping through the night, it's just easier having her with me still.  What's another week?  It might not even be long and she'll be on a night schedule and will get transitioned to her room next week...that's what i'm hoping for.

On Wednesday (Aug 22) Sterling officially rolled "fully" over from back to tummy.  She's been doing it for awhile, but her right arm was always stuck under her.  Well now, she's arms out and having a good time.  YAH baby girl!

Xander is talking up a storm and has a full blown conversation with you, but you may not have any clue what he's talking about.  He's so serious when he's talking, his facial expressions tell me he knows what he's talking

Two new words today...thank you and hallo (the german way for hello).  I'm still trying to get him to say please, but no luck. 

Time to get some sleep now that both kids are down and asleep.  Hopefully more tomorrow.

Have a great day!