Friday, April 24

Friday Favorites

Good morning!  I hope you’ve had a great week.  I have been busy finishing up my last two major assignments for this semester.  So ready to be done until June 26th.  It will be a nice break.

Linking up with the lovely ladies from Friday from Friday Favorites with Andrea, Narci, and Erika.

Onto a few of my favorites from the past week

I’ve been filling in my new favorite family planner from Plum Paper.  I love it so far!  I officially get to start using it on Monday.  I’ve become sticker obsessed for it since my sister sent me that huge stack I talked about in my last post.  I’ve since ordered more from Station Stickers on Esty, got them yesterday and love them too.  Then I was in Hobby Lobby and found more.  I’m in trouble!


My cousin had a Facebook Jamberry party and these nails have become my new favorite.  I received my order this week and now I’m ready to take off my seven day challenge nail and put my pretty ones on. I’ve never been a fan of dark painted fingernails (toes are okay), but I think I can get used to them looking beautiful Smile


My new favorite picture of the little’s.  They’re not even looking but I love it!  We went to the pond to feed the ducks, but the ducks weren’t around this day so we decided to go to the bridge and look at the fish.  On the way, I snapped this beauty.


For one of my last projects I’m working on for school, I had to do a project with 1-4 kids so I chose my kiddos since the kids at school are so busy with the end of the year stuff.  It’s working out well.  First we did the white carnation test (talked more about it on the last post on how it wasn’t supposed to turn out).  Well they turned into Xander’s favorite project.  He’d get so excited every morning as they got darker and darker.  He now understands the importance of watering plants and flowers.  Goal success!  What are some experiments that have been successful for your little ones?


Our favorite pup celebrated his eleventh birthday!  He’s old and he acts like it!  I took the kids up to the pet store and they picked out two favorite toys they thought Hawkeye had to have.  Sterling picked out a Hello Kitty and Elmo toy, while Xander picked out Oscar the Grouch and Panda bear toy.  I picked him out some bones and I think they were his favorite!


The little’s have been playing so nice most of the time.  It’s my favorite time of the day when I’m not hearing whining!  Of course we still have the “Sterling, I don’t want you to play that way” and the “Xander hit me,” but most of our days they are pretty sweet with each other.  I say way too often “keep your hands to yourself.”  Then I see moments where Xander’s helping Sterling and Sterling’s pushing Xander on the swing.   Sweet sibling moments I want to savor forever because I know that it’s just a season of their little life’s.

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I bought the kids ABCmouse this week and they are slightly obsessed!  I have to put a time limit on it for Xander because I think he’d play it until the iPad died.  Maybe I shouldn’t care because it’s learning activities, but it would be too much screen time…if you know what I mean.  This would be a kids favorite!  Do you have a favorite app your kiddos play?


Have a wonderful weekend! It’s going to be a stormy one around here, but hopefully you’ll have a beautiful one!

Thursday, April 16

Life Lately

I’ve been MIA lately.  Sorry to those that still read here.  Schools been tougher this semester and I’m in my last 2 weeks!  So it’s demanding right now, as expected.  I probably won’t make another post until after the 1st of May when I’m done.

I didn’t plan on taking summer classes this year, but I’m now enrolled for one class.  Shouldn’t be too bad (although it’s only 6 weeks compared to the normal 12!).

Since leaving off with Xander’s birthday, Easter came and it was a great day.  That will be a separate post, just a month late.  Better late than never!  After Easter, we headed up to Minneapolis to see Frozen on Ice.  We went up the day before the show and spent some time at the Mall of America.  We had dinner and let the kids ride the rides.  They had so much fun!  The first ride they went on was the Wonder Pets jumper. When the ride reached the top and started bouncing, Sterling screamed her head off and the sweet lady stopped the ride so she could get off.  Xander continued on the ride, then they moved to the fire trucks, school bus, Blues Clues and back to the Wonder Pets.  Such a fun time getting out of the car and letting them having fun.

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Kids loved Frozen on Ice!  Sterling got upset because Elsa didn’t do something with her feet, but other than that, they had a great time.  They sat so well for the entire two hours!  When we left the show, it was snowing.  Huge snow flakes!  This was not in our travel forecast so we were a bit shocked.  We started driving back home and the roads were getting worse and worse.  We drove 133 miles and it took 4 hours before we called it quits.  It just was not safe on the roads.  Cars were in the ditches left and right! 

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On the 11th, we got a box of goodies from my sister.  Inside was the best beef jerky ever and some stickers and washi tape for my new planner, and a bunch of books for the kids.  It was such a nice and thoughtful surprise!  Thank you, sis!


On the 12th, Sterling and I ran around town running errands and grocery shopping.  Going to our fourth store she gets car sick and throws up.  We were only a block away from that said store.  Good thing bubs wasn’t with us cause she had to use his seat, half naked.  Cleaning car seats is not any fun.


On Wednesday I took the kids to Target to use their gift cards from their Auntie Renee.  Xander picked out a BatBot and Sterling picked out Sophia and Walking Minimus remote control and also a Barbie set with a horse.  Xander is totally obsessed with his BatBot and I have to say that it’s pretty awesome!  They had so much fun going through the aisles and finding those perfect gifts.

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This week, I’ve been taking my book and intentionally leaving early to pick up the kids so I can get back to reading non-school books.  I started The Antelope in the Living Room back in January but not got past the first chapter because I got busy and put it in my drawer.  I forgot all about it.  So this week I picked it back up and now I’m on chapter 7.  It’s so good. I swear I’m laughing so much as I read it.  Melanie is a great author and sure knows how to draw her audience in.  I’m excited to read her newest book too (Nobody’s Cuter Than You), which I don’t have yet, but will.  While I was at the pond today, an older gentleman was out there fishing.  He just moved to this new spot and within a minute, he had a bite!  After a few minutes of trying to get the lure out of the fish’s mouth, he said that he’d been sitting in his original spot for over 3 hours!  That’s some patience right there! 

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For one of my school projects I have to create a project for a child to do and it needs to be a project that lasts over a week.  So, with Xander’s curiosity with plants and flowers lately, we’re going to do a science experiment on what flowers/seeds need to grow.  I bought four packages of seeds.  We’ll give them all different environments to try to grow and see what happens.  I also bought 5 white carnations so we could color water with food coloring and this would show that the flower uses water to grow…because the food coloring goes to the tips of the carnations and turned them the color they were sitting in.  It was SO cool! I didn’t have high hopes for that project.  The florist told me it wouldn’t work…proved her wrong!  within 45 minutes of putting the flower in the water, the yellow dye turned the carnation yellow.  Everything I was reading said to wait 24 hours.  This was working fast!  I’m excited to do the seed project tomorrow and throughout the weekend.


Just because…she’s a stinker!  This girl has been having such a hard time wanting to go to school.  There are three reasons that has turned her attitude sour about school.  1.  Well, she don’t get away with everything.  I’m not saying she does at home, but she has no other option at home but to do what I say.  I think she thinks school she can just do what she wants.  2.  The boys push and hit her (she’s told me plenty of times about this one) 3.  Ever since I started observing and then staying on Mondays with them, this sour attitude at school started.  She has a hard time parting with me and thinks I need to be at school with her every day.

I like that her teacher tells her when she’s doing something wrong or breaking rules.  She may not understand it now, but she will be a better person when she grows up because of the rules and structure. Sterling will run off in a fit and hide when she’s being told something she don’t want to hear.  Such a stinker! 

I decided Monday was my last day of going in to help in their class because she needs to get used to it without me.  I have them signed up for 2 full days this summer and also need her to like going to school again because in the fall she is signed up for 3 year old preschool.  Maybe I should just homeschool them?  Have you ever thought about it?  I’m tempted, but I just think they will learn better if it’s someone else teaching them.


Have a great day!

Friday, April 3

Friday Favorites

My first favorite this week is my little buddy.  He turned 4 yesterday and is the best kid ever.  Okay, maybe not when he’s whining 534255 times a day, ha!  Seriously though, he’s my buddy and I love him.  He’s such a mama’s boy and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Another favorite this week is having caring people in this world still.  My little buddy started the week with strep throat, scarlet fever, a trip to urgent care, and the pharmacy.  While at the pharmacy two teenagers (boy and girl) saw how sick and miserable Xander was and was trying to be sweet to him.  It’s not every day you see teenagers with big and caring hearts.  Xander had no interest and just wanted to go home.  He was miserable!  As we were walking out, the teenage girl ran up to us and handed him a bag of lollipops.  I was not expecting that!  She said that she knows how he feels because when she was younger she always had strep throat until she had her adenoids taken out.  Thank you sweet girl for making his night!
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My new planner arrived on the 1st.  It came about 3 weeks before I was expecting it because I’ve heard different stories about the companies shipping time so I had the planner started for May.  Now I wish I had it started for April.  I love it though!  It’s going to be an everyday favorite.  Maybe it’s good that it came a month early.  It gives me time to order all the fun stickers you find for planners and to get all the important dates input.  I’m excited and already input our first appointments in it…all the way in October!  I placed the order from Plum Paper on Etsy on Mar 22nd, added 6 extra months and to-do lists for each month.  It shipped quick, on the 27th!
The kids had dental checkups on Monday and did great.  Healthy teeth and gums are always a priority.  Next week they both have their yearly well baby visit.
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Spending time with the little’s without having to rush out of the house in the mornings is always fun.  Today is their last day of spring break and we’ve had lot of lazy mornings, which is obviously the most favorite for the week.  They’ve actually been sleeping until around 7:30 most days (they usually naturally wake around 6), and we stay in pajamas until lunch!  It’s been nice and I’m going to miss it.  Although next week will be short for them as well since we’re heading up to Minneapolis for a few days.
For our last day on break, we will paint their yearly handprint for their canvas’ and then dye Easter eggs.  Fun, right?!  Let’s hope so.

image via Google images
Linking up with Darci, April, Christina and Natasha from Five on Friday from Friday Favorites with Andrea, Narci, and Erika.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 2

Happy 4th Birthday, Xander

Today is a very special day in our house.  The little one that made us parents is now 4!  It’s so crazy how fast these past 4 years have flown.  Hubs and I waited 10 LONG years for a precious child to call our own.  Xander was an answer to our prayers and is the most perfect addition to our family.


Xander, you had such a great 4th birthday.  You woke up at 1 am and had a big stuffed Ninja Turtle in your bed, so you were excited and had to come tell mama that you thought maybe he flew in your bed.  Your thoughts are cute buddy.


Before breakfast you requested to open your presents.  Sissy was so cute and excited for all your presents.  She sat in front of you and giggled the entire time.  She gave you a train and it moves on it’s own.  You gave her a big hug.  You love it!

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Your cousins were supposed to come today to help celebrate, but Talyn came down with the flu so they had to stay home.  It would have been a miserable ride for her otherwise.  And…mommy didn’t want all of us to get sick especially since your still getting over having strep throat and scarlet fever.  You kept telling me that you just wanted Talyn to come because you were excited for her to sleep in your bed with you.  You’re so sweet!  We miss them but we will see them real soon!


Your favorite teacher, Ms. Kelly and her daughter Emily stopped by today to wish you a  happy birthday.  You had fun playing with Emily and showing them all your toys again.

We headed to the trail today, but you, Sterling, and mommy hit the trail before the main trail so you guys could practice riding your new bikes.  You are a pro on yours buddy!  You’re fast!


We then headed to the park to play.  You loved being “fireman Xander” today and looking for treasures.


You helped mommy decorate your Ninja Turtle cupcakes that you picked out from pictures off Google (search engine).  You loved the way they turned out!  Mommy thought they turned out funny looking and more like Oscar the Grouch with a mask!

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We video chatted with your cousins and you said you had so much fun talking to them. You and Bode were laughing so hard!


You requested Spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner and loved every bite!  It’s your favorite meal and you want to take it to your friends at school.  You’re so thoughtful, but we’re not going to take your friends a meal.


We sang happy birthday to you and you showed us your ‘embarrassed yet excited’ face.  I love seeing it! 


After getting ready for bed, we played a game of toss the ring on the cupcake.  You loved it! 


You were so cute today.  Anytime I’d ask you what your favorite part of your birthday was, you’d always say whatever we just did.  So everything ended up being a favorite.

You are Mr. Funny Face lately.  You love trying to get people to laugh with your “funny face.” 


I’m so excited to see what the future holds for you little man!