Monday, January 30

34 weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: 18
Gender: Girl

Maternity clothes? Maternity
Stretch marks?  Thankfully not yet
Sleep: Horrible! 

Best moment this week: went to our local “home depot” type of store…Toom and bought the canvases, a flower pillow and wall clock for baby girl’s room
Miss Anything?  Being able to shave without effort
Movement: All day. 
Food cravings: peanut butter m&m’s and salads (not together)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor Signs: just Braxton hicks
Symptoms: Heartburn is A LOT more frequent, I have this pain above my uterus (below my boobs) that is a weird feeling. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly moody again this week L
What I’m looking forward to:  deciding on the nursery theme so I can start painting the canvases and buying other accessories to make her room look like a room

Friday, January 27

1st Birthday thoughts

I'm on the fence about throwing a party.  I want to, but I don't.  If we don't, we thought we'd plan to go to Legoland here in Germany.  But, new baby will only be 2 or 3 weeks old, so is that smart?  I just don't know what to do.  My friends here say that I HAVE to throw him a little something.  If I do, I have to start planning now, ordering everything, and get invitations made.  If I do, I don't want it to be "thrown together", I'd want it to be nice. 
I would love to think of an idea to make the day special without all the hoop-la. 
But it is his special day, so maybe a few friends over won't hurt anything?  I'm trying to find ideas on Pinterest, Google, Etsy...every where I can think of.

Have a great day!

Thursday, January 26


of emotions!!  Oh my!  Yesterday was a day of pouring rain...out of my eyes.  It started because I'm exhausted and tired and can't sleep worth nothing.  It's draining.  For the past two weeks hubby has been getting up at 3:30 am (to go to the gym)!  That's early.  Well for me, when his alarm goes off, I'm up and can't get back to sleep.  It takes at least 2 hours to fall asleep when I first lay down for the night, then him waking up early, me waking up to pee every hour, hips going numb from laying too long on one side, hard time turning over, I just can't sleep.  Period.  It's not that he's loud when he wakes up, because he's not.  He's actually VERY quiet and considerate.  It's just the alarm noises.  I guess my exhaustion has built up for so long and I just couldn't hold it in yesterday.  I feel like I'm not cut out for this next step in our lives.  As hubby and I were talking last night to try to conquer this sleep dilemma I'm having, he asked me what I'm going to do when the baby is here and up every 2 hours.  I told him it's different.  With Xander, it was easy for me to fall back asleep after a feeding and I didn't have pure exhaustion.  Maybe I was running on a high of being a new mom?  However I did it, I didn't feel over run.  It felt natural.  I'm praying this sleep problem is just from the growing baby and expanding belly and it will go away after I deliver.  I'm also praying that I won't feel so exhausted when the baby is home that I'm on constant meltdown.  During our talk last night, we came up with a new plan that we will try out.  Hubby will go to the gym after Xander goes to sleep at night...since i can't sleep right then anyways.  Then he will get up at 5:45 to get ready for his day.  I think this is better, I hope he can stick it out for the next 5 1/2 weeks.  I suggested him just not going to the  Yeah right.  That's not even a possibility.  Well he said it could be if I didn't buy snacks.  Yeah right with that one!  We all need our snacks. 
Last night I actually sleep decent.  I still got up to pee every hour, still had trouble turning over, and still had numb sides.  But it was a different sleep.  I feel rested this morning.  Hubby didn't wake up at 3:30, but at 5:45.  It was nice.  Since I slept decent, tonight will be the night of no rest.  It's an every other night event for me.  One night semi okay, the next is horrible.  Just 5 1/2 more weeks!!  I will overcome this!
On a lighter note, I LOVE feeling this baby move inside me.  It's a constant reminder that I'm not in control, He is!  There's a reason we have been blessed with this unexpected blessing.  One day we will know.
Thanks for sticking through this long venting. 

Have a great day!

Sunday, January 22

33 weeks

How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 17
Gender: Girl

Maternity clothes? Maternity
Stretch marks?  Thankfully not yet
Sleep: Horrible!  Hot, uncomfortable, can’t turn without waking up completely, up 5 times peeing

Best moment this week: 32 week appointment and everything is looking great
Miss Anything?  Walking up our apartment stairs without huffing and puffing (hubby actually said to me today that I’m going to need to get back on the treadmill to get back to normal…men!)
Movement: All day.  I love watching her right before bed and seeing her little body parts poke out of my belly.  It’s the neatest feeling/sight ever.  I think I will definitely miss the movements.
Food cravings: not so much lately.  I even ate pork chops this week and enjoyed them.  Big step up eating meat!  Tonight I’m making hamburgers; we’ll see how this will go!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Labor Signs: just Braxton hicks
Symptoms: Heartburn is more frequent, I have this pain above my uterus (below my boobs) that is a weird feeling.  It’s like a numbing, tingly feeling and it’s so uncomfortable.  Not sure what it is but it’s getting worse each day.  I may call Labor and Delivery to see if it’s normal.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly moody this week L
What I’m looking forward to:  my 36 week appointment.  I’m amazed at how fast this pregnancy has gone.  I thought it would drag out and be much worse, but it’s flying by and soon we will see this precious face growing inside me.

Saturday, January 21

getting stuff done

Today we spent time in the baby's room.  We set up the air mattress, organized the very very few outfits we have, and took the stuff out that didn't belong.  We decided that I will sleep on the air mattress until the baby is sleeping more than 3 hours during the nights.  This way, hubby can still be rested for work.  I don't mind, because it will most likely only be 2-3 weeks because hubby is going out of town for work the beginning of April.  While he's gone, I'll go to our bed.  We also decided that we're not going to buy any clothes, blankets, bibs, burp clothes until after the birth.  We want to be sure it's really a girl before we buy a butt load of girl stuff.  If the baby will be a boy, we're already all set, nothing needed to buy.  So we're just going to use the 5 outfits we have for "girl", then we also have all the gender neutral stuff from Xander.  We have enough to get us through a week, including changes throughout a day.  We'll get stuff ordered as soon as we get back home, or maybe while in the hospital...if this baby is truly a girl. 
I'm getting pretty anxious.  Today I was also reading the handbook the hospital gave me at my 10 week appointment.  Trying to prepare mentally.  Hubby wants to create a birth plan, but I say no way!  What's the point?  Really?  Does any labor and delivery go as someone plans?  I haven't seen or heard of one yet.  So why set a plan when it will probably make me disappointed.  Who wants to be disappointed the day of the birth of their child?  Not me!  I think the biggest nerves I have is how long labor could take.  I could go fast.  That would be nice, but I won't expect that.  It could take days!  I really don't want that.  I don't want a cesarean, but who am I to say my body will allow me to deliver vaginally or the baby won't be in distress.  I just want to go with the flow of things and let nature take it's course.  This way, I'm not going to be spazzing out because something didn't go according to "my plan". 
I ordered the pack n play finally.  I found a great deal on Target online for the Graco Kinsey.  I'm hoping we get it before the baby comes because I want to get Xander used to sleeping in it.  He's going to be in it at our friends house while I'm in the hospital during labor and delivery. 
That's my day.  I'm tired and ready for bed, but its WAY to early.  Maybe a nap?  We're watching movies tonight.  Always relaxing.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 18

32 week appt

Everything is looking great.  I'd only gained 2.4 pounds from 4 weeks ago, they're not concerned though.  So a total of 17 pounds...yikes!  Hubby stayed home with Xander while I ran to the appt.  That was nice, but I also thought maybe it would be a longer appt.  Nope.  Just a regular.  At my next appt, 36 weeker, I will have the Group B thing done.  Not sure what that is, but I'll do some research beforehand.  I have 3 appointments left before my due date, and they also scheduled me for 2 days after the due date.  Let's hope I don't go past. 
I had a few concerns I brought up.  I've been seeing spots a lot lately...probably due to dehydration, and then feeling less movement.  I still get my 10 movements in 2 hours, but it just takes longer to get those movements.  Doctor's not concerned as I measured fine, blood pressure was fine, and weight is fine.  She says it's just part of pregnancy.  And also my placenta is up front which is probably cushioning the kicks/movements.  I forgot to ask her about the cramping that I've been having.  It's not every day, but it's been more often.  I guess I'll have to start doing the pre-term labor checks when I feel those cramps.  Oh, I also asked if when i go into labor if Xander could be there with us, if our sitter needs to back out for some reason.  He can, so it's a relief just to know he has a place.  Nick would just have to be watching him if he wasn't sleeping.  It would be a pain, but it will definitely be a last resort.  You just can't predict how long you're going to be in labor, what time you will go into labor, or any other factor that goes along with labor. 
I know my pregnancy is normal and everything is fine, but how do they really now without doing blood work or an ultrasound?  I think I stress out more just wondering. 
I need to get the double stroller ordered.  I'm just having a hard time deciding which one(s).  I know I don't want the "train" version.  We want side by side that can be used as jogging.  There are so many side by side ones that are so wide and won't fit through the standard door.  So with that, do I just get one anyway and get a different one for shopping purposes?  I'm leaning towards the Bumbleride Indie Twin, we have the single and love it.  So far it's the only twin stroller that will fit through the standard door that I can find.  But I'm not sure I want to have 2 front wheels when I'm trying to jog.  Oh what to do.  what to do.  If I go with the Bob, it won't fit in my trunk or the standard door so it would only be a home stroller.  Leading us to get a second twin stroller.  I'm having a hard time deciding the best purchase.  We're expecting to spend $700-800 on the jogging stroller alone.  Maybe that's what's holding me back?  Maybe I don't really want to spend that amount.  Oh the joys of decisions!  If I get the Bumbleride, we shouldn't need the extra twin stroller, as this one will fit in the car, through doors, and be used as jogging.  It's just the 2 tire thing that has me hung up.  I could go on and on about strollers as it's pretty much the only thing i've been researching lately, but I will spare you

Have a great day!

Monday, January 16

32 weeks

How far along? 32 Weeks
Total weight gain: 17+
Gender: Girl

Maternity clothes? Maternity, except PJ’s
Stretch marks?  Thankfully not yet
Sleep: Horrible!  Hot, uncomfortable, can’t turn without waking up completely, up 5 times peeing

Best moment this week: I washed the baby carseat
Miss Anything?  Putting socks on without losing my breath, tying my shoes, and zipping up my coat
Whenever I’m resting.  The kicks aren’t as strong, but I can feel and see her moving about.

Food cravings: Jubilee candy
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Labor Signs: just Braxton hicks
Symptoms: Heartburn which seems to be all day long

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
What I’m looking forward to:  32 week appointment on Wednesday

Night 5

Not bad.  I didn't plan to write about a night 5 sleep habits, however, hubby changed up his schedule a bit and I wonder if the change caused his fuss for the 10 minutes?  Nick decided to give Xander his bath at 6:45, after we ate dinner.  I actually started freaking out on him because he's throwing Xander off the schedule we've been doing for the last week.  But, let him do what he wants because bath time is their time.  They were done and dressed by 7:15 so we had 45 minutes before bottle.  Xander just chilled, we read, and he crawled around.  At 8 I gave him his bottle, but he wasn't interested in it.  He wanted to play with it.  After he threw his bottle, he had 2 ounces left of the 7, I figured he was done.  I tried to rock him, but he just wanted down.  I had a feeling bedtime was going to be a nightmare tonight.  At 8:15 I put him in his bed, he fussed, not consistently, but about 10 minutes later he was sleeping.  So, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I wonder if the earlier bath and different times threw him off?

Sunday, January 15

Night 4

Amazing!  Truly the best night yet!  Less than 1 minute after putting him down, he calmed himself and slept peacefully all night.  Our routine last night was bath at 7:30, pajamas/moisturize 7:45, bottle 8.  He didn't fall asleep while eating the bottle or sitting rocking, but at 8:20 I put him in his bed.  He fussed for less than a 20 seconds...and I didn't hear from him until 8:45 this morning!  Truly amazing!  I hope this is our new normal...not necessarily sleeping as late in the morning, but him going to sleep on his own.

Have a great day!

Saturday, January 14

Night 3

Wonderful!  No bath tonight as I was having really bad back pain all day and didn't want to be bent over for that long giving a bath.  I figure hubby would be home today and they can get back to their routine.  Anyways.  We put on pajamas at 7:30, only because he had a poopy diaper...I wanted to wait till about 8.  Oh well.  We then had bottle at 7:50.  He didn't fall asleep eating this time, but we chilled in the rocker and watched TV.  He fell asleep at 8:15.  I put him in his crib at 8:20.  He fussed for about 5 joke!  This sleep training is working.
We'll see how tonight goes since hubby will be back in the mix.  Hopefully Xander will continue to go down like last night. 

Have a great day!

Friday, January 13

Night 2

Much better!  We started bath time at 7:30, done at 7:45.  Give him his lotion massage, pajamas on, hair moisturized, teething tablets, done at 8.  Bottle at 8, sleeping in my arms by 8:07.  I put him in his crib at 8:15...and that's when he goes crazy.  It's expected...for now.  I let him be.  Around 8:40 I hear him making less noise, an occasional fit, high pitch scream, but it ended around 8:45.  It took 30-35 minutes of throwing his fit.  At 9 I went in to check to make sure he was okay and safely sleeping.  He was!  Praise God!  Was last night a fluke?  Will tonight be worse, better, or the same?  We'll find out in about 7 hours.

Have a great day!

Thursday, January 12

Night 1

So last night didn't go so well.  After he woke up from being asleep for 45 minutes, I let him cry for 20 minutes.  I went in because I realized I didn't give him his teething tablets.  Maybe his teeth were bothering him, so i thought?  I soothed him by holding him and he rested his head on my shoulder for about 10 minutes.  I put him back in his bed, sleepy, but of course he's screaming by the time his head touches his pillow.  I let him cry, fuss, throw his fit for 50 minutes,  then my heart couldn't take it and I went back in there.  I picked him back up, but only for about 2 minutes.  Put him back down for another 40 minutes.  I caved in and brought him to my bed.  He was asleep in 5 minutes. 

So I'm trying to figure out the problem, other than him just wanting to be next to mommy.

Is he falling asleep too early?  Usually between 7 and 730.  But that's because he's not taking his naps like he used to.  He rarely takes a morning nap and his afternoon nap is only an hour long, tops!  He's up by 2 in the afternoon and is ready to crash come 7.   So, should I let him take a short evening nap?  But with that, he'll only fall asleep on me. 

Is he overtired and fighting it?  If so, how's one to fix this?

Does he realize daddy's gone this week and he's not getting his night-time routine that daddy took over?

We might make a trip to the library tomorrow to see if there are any good books on recommendations that could help us...or me?

Oh Xander, you are breaking your mama's heart!  I really wish for you to fall asleep on your own, like you used up until you were 6 months old.

Tonight's plan:  He's a fussy one and tired, but I'm going to keep him up a little later tonight.  I'm not going to give his bath until 7:30, usually 7, pushing everything back a half hour.  Is this going to makes things worse because he's so tired now?  It's only 6:40.  We'll see, but this is the plan tonight.  Oh, and I'm going to see if I can not go in his room at all tonight.  It won't get better if I keep going in.

Stay tuned for tomorrows update.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 11

9 month stats

Our doctor visit went well this morning.  As expected.  I asked her about his sleep habits lately and taking 3 hours to get to sleep, waking up when I put him down and wanting to be held and rocked again.  She told me that once I put him in his crib for the night, to leave him be.  Don't go back in there and eventually he will figure out how to get down and fall asleep.  That seems harsh to me.  Hubby, he'll be all over the doctors recommendation.  Maybe I shouldn't tell him this part...LOL.  I told her that he screams loud and she just said that he will for a few nights, but after those few nights he'll get the hang of falling asleep on his own again.  Ouch...this is going to be hard on this mama!  I have a hard time letting him go longer than 10 minutes of being mad. 

His weight was just where we thought it was at 21.5 pounds, leaving in at a 60%
His height was 27 inches, at a lonely 14% amongst his peers
His head circumference is 46.5 cm, a whopping 79%

He's progressing nicely, although he should be "cruising" while standing and he's not.  So we have to start working on that. 

Hubby's going to love his head size because he's always joking about the size of his "dome".

I also asked the pediatrician how I can request her to be the pediatrician of the new baby.  Being military, we are often just seen by who ever.  Although, they do try to keep you with the same doctor, it's not always.  So since she's Xander's doctor, I figure it would be easiest to have her for both kids.  She told me the military will try to keep families together with the same doctor, but if after the baby is born they put new baby with someone else, I then can request the change.  So, we'll have to wait and see. 

Have a great day!

Monday, January 9

31 week picture

I doubt there will be a picture every week...I hate taking pictures and especially now that I have a growing and expanding belly.

Have a great day!


I sent out our monthly photos to our birth mom and birth nana and in response I received a reply from nana stating that her daughter is having some problems right now and is in and out of shelters.  That's so sad!  She mentioned that she's so glad Xander is with us and not being thrown around like his 2 year old brother.  I've wondered why I haven't received a response from LP from the last 4 emails I've sent out.  Now we know. 

Now Xander...we really need to figure out how to get down on your own from a standing position...LOL.  This has been one struggle of his for the past week.  Especially when it's nap time or bedtime and he grows to a standing position in the crib.  How long is this going to go on?  It's exhausting, but maybe a game for you?  Oh the joys of learning new tasks. 

Sunday, January 8

31 Weeks

  • How far along? 31 Weeks
  • Total weight gain: 15+
  • Gender: Girl
  • Maternity clothes? Yes
    Stretch marks? Thankfully not yet
    Sleep: Not the best
  • Best moment this week: just enjoying the first week of 2012!
  • Miss Anything? energy!  I’m so tired and exhausted by late afternoon
  • Movement: All the time
  • Food cravings: suckers
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: not so much
  • Labor Signs: just Braxton hicks
  • Symptoms: Heartburn every night, some serious killer back pain, itchy belly and swelling in the feet
  • Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!
  • What I’m looking forward to: receiving all the stuff I need to decorate the baby room.  Most of it has been placed on order or my personal shopper is in full force, just waiting for it’s arrival.  Thanks Stacy!

I’ll be receiving the diaper cover this week sometime, when I do I’ll post a picture.  It’s adorable and I’m so excited.

Tuesday, January 3

30 weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks (1 January 2012) Total weight gain: 15+
Gender: Girl

Maternity clothes? Maternity, except PJ’s
Stretch marks?  Thankfully not yet
Sleep: Not the best.  Back pain keeps me up, hubby says I have restless leg syndrome lately because I keep moving my legs but am snoring away

Best moment this week: Enjoyed Christmas as a family of 3 for the first time
Miss Anything?  WINE!! Sleeping comfortably
Mostly at night and first thing in the morning

Food cravings: Holiday Mix (hard candies), hotdogs, plain chips and french onion dip or sour cream and onion chips, peppermint, and chocolates
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chinese food
Labor Signs: just Braxton hicks
Symptoms: Heartburn every night, some serious killer back pain, itchy belly, started some swelling in the feet

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but have been emotional
What I’m looking forward to:  decorating baby girl’s room

Little things get to me, like when hubby ordered baby girls bedding without even asking me what I thought of it, if I liked it, nothing!  He just ordered it!  I freaked out.  Good thing it was only $60 so if I decide to change it, I can and won’t feel horrible.  I’m going to try to make it work though, just won’t use the comforter, everything else should be ok.  Now I have the hard task to try to figure out what I’m going to put on canvas as the wall decorations. 

We unofficially decided on the name…only because we ordered her a diaper cover with her name on it, so now there’s no going back.  About an hour after we placed the order, we had a good laugh because we never officially said that was her name.  Oh well, it is now; we must have liked it long enough to not even think about changing it.  It’s a cute name, and we both love it. 

9 months

Xander turned 9 months yesterday!  Where has the time gone?  It goes so fast!  Soon he will be a year.  He's such a big boy now. 

Some of the things that he's doing:

~loves to "talk"
~pulls up
~tries walking, but gets scared and reaches for mama
~says "mum" (for mom), whoa, and hi
~fast crawler, loves to chase the dog
~hates laying still for diaper changes
~loves getting a bath, but hates getting dressed and moisturized
~points grabs the nose, mouth and eyes when asked where they are
~loves to eat
~gnaws on his crib rail...something we are trying to break him of
~HATES the sight of the pacifier, he starts freaking out if you try to give it to him, quite comical
~when told "no", he closes his eyes, opens them back up, and rolls them.  funny! 
~loves to read books
~really clingy and loves to cuddle
~makes "monster" noises

Some stats.  Will get the official ones on the 11th at his well baby appointment

~weighed 21.4 pounds yesterday
~wears 12 months clothes
~drinks 2 7 ounce bottles, a 6 ounce bottle and a 4 ounce bottle.  Gets cereal and a fruit for breakfast/lunch, then dinner is whatever we have.  We had to go crazy with the different ounces of formula because he was getting too much and spitting up all the time.  Since we cut him to a 4 ounce bottle in late afternoon, it's been working better. 
~still a size 3 diaper

9 months
his reaction after daddy walked into the room

And because I forgot to add his 8 month picture, here it is...

Monday, January 2

Christmas 2011

Christmas was magical! We imagined and dreamed of having a child to celebrate holidays with for years and years, but never imagined it would be in 2011 our dream would come true. We hoped, prayed, and had faith that we would be parents in 2011, but it wasn't for us to say when that would happen. We've been blessed this past year in so many ways.

Christmas Eve we decided to make our Christmas dinner, at the very last minute. Luckily for us, we had a 3 pound bird :). It worked out great. After dinner we gave Xander his bath. Then it was time to open his Christmas Eve gifts. One book, and one toy.

We read his story and called it a night.  Because his naps are shorter and sparse, he goes to bed between 630 and 730, sleeps all night usually, and wakes up around 7 am.  Christmas morning came early...

loves the paper and bows!

this was the result if the paper or bows are taken away

he's done!  he was so tired and ready for his morning nap

but before nap, he had to play in mommy's new KitchenAid Artisan stand mixer box.
While he was sleeping daddy cleaned up the mess and mommy put all the toys together, ready for play...

he LOVES chasing this Tonka truck

just learned to stand and was uneasy about doing it by himself.  He now pulls up on everything and will stand for awhile

crawling through his caterpillar tunnel

The week of Christmas, Nick took off work, so we chilled, hung out, played, talked, took drives, and just enjoyed spending time as a family.  We watched lots of movies, 2 seasons of Walking Dead, and slept in.  It was great!  What a blessed year!

Since Nick returned home, he's taken over given Xander his baths, and I must say, they love this time together.  When I'm in there with them, I often gasp, but Xander is just fine, laughing away.  I guess I need to ease up a bit and trust that Nick knows when to much is too much.

Have a great day!