Monday, June 18

It's Moving Week!

Good morning!  Last week after I signed for our new house, the kids found the hose and sprayer and had a blast spraying each other while my mom and I were cleaning and putting things away.  After they were done playing outside, they came in and made the dining room their spot.

Xander put together his new Lego set.  With some help of course.  I found a bunch of random pictures on my phone of his figures.  He must be proud 😂

On Wednesday, the kids went home with Nana so I could get cleaning done at the new house.  Then when I came back up to VA, I could finish the packing.  She's been a huge saving grace during this move!

I also had the locks re-keyed.

On Thursday, I had the security system installed and the refrigerator delivered.  

When I bought the appliances (fridge, washer, and dryer), I had them scheduled to be delivered on Monday night (11th) between 4 and 8.  Monday morning I received a call that the fridge, dryer, pedestals, and connectors would be delivered in the next two hours.  Well, that wouldn't work.  I didn't even have the keys to the house yet.  So I set up delivery for the next day.  Tuesday morning I receive an email stating they were rescheduled for the 14th.  When Thursday came, everything except the dryer was delivered.  Even though it was on the email and order that stated it would be delivered with the fridge.  
I ended up calling customer service because I was tired of being a bouncy ball.  I now have the washer and dryer scheduled for delivery on the 22nd.  All I have to say is I better have them on that day!  So annoying!

But, I do love my fridge.  Xander picked it out 😊

As soon as the security system was installed, I loaded up the van, set the alarm, and headed back to VA.  It was so good getting back.  It was also so weird just Nick and I.  No kids interrupting our conversations needing to show us everything.

On the drive home, I had a service light come on.  I just had service three weeks ago, so I ended up taking the van back to the dealership.  They checked all the levels, made sure there wasn't a leak, and reset the maintenance light.

I came home and took down the trampoline.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.  I watched a YouTube video to see the best way to go about it.

We've been FaceTiming the kids almost nightly.  They are having the best time and I know they are in good hands.

They made cute notes for Nick for Father's Day and were so excited to show him.  He's a great dad!

I'll be back next week with another update.  This week is crazy busy.  I really haven't been taking many pictures.  Packing is not something fun or fun to photograph.  But, everything that I need to pack is done!  Finally.  The movers will finish the kitchen, pictures, TVs, and breakables.  On Wednesday they will load the truck.  I'll drive down to NC, they'll unload the truck.  Nick will come help me unpack the kids' rooms and put up TVs.  Then he'll head back up to VA to continue with school.  It'll be his first time in the house since it's been ours.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, June 12

Weekend Whatnots

Good morning!  Friday was the last day of school and Sterling was feeling all the vibes.

After school, we unloaded backpacks and had a huge mess.  I'm so glad I won't see this for a few months.

We then loaded up in the car and went to the park to have one last shindig with some of the friends.  Sterling is a determined soul and loves the monkey bars.  But not the blisters that come with the fun she has.  We didn't stay long because of the blisters, and also there were a million flying ants bothering everyone.

Backpacks were even washed

Saturday morning we had our donation haul picked up

Sterling's funny image of Xander

Spraying the kids with the hose has proven to be the best entertainment right now.

On Sunday morning, the kids and I loaded up the van and headed to NC.  This picture accurately describes how each feels about the move.

This never happens anymore, so I had to document it

We stopped at our new clubhouse first to sign paperwork, and then went to our hotel to swim and wait for Nana.

Unfortunately our pool's water heater broke the night before, so the water was freezing cold.

Luckily, the sister hotel is right next door so we walked over to swim twice a day.  It was perfect!

She was {not so} patient waiting on Nana to arrive.

I was also deemed the "best mom ever" because I told them they didn't need a shower (every child's I right?!!) and I also gave them a cold chicken tender from my lunch I didn't eat when we got it.  It's the small things people.  Keep the standards low and reap the reward of being crowned queen for the day 😉

Have a great day!

Friday, June 8

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Andrea and her girls for this weeks favorites.

{One}  Well, we finally made it to the last day of school!  It's a half day, so after lunch we are heading to the park with friends for one last hoorah.

{Two}  Seeing Sterling's positive message in the midst of a crazy week was something I really needed

{Three}  This crazy boy has been so fun and goofy lately

{Four}  As I do Sterling's hair in the mornings, she stays busy being creative.  I love seeing them using their noggins.

{Five}  These two playing outside after school and getting along is the best.  It doesn't always last long, but being mad at one another also doesn't last long.  So, it's okay.  They'll figure things out.

{Six}  Last night we were busy making teacher cards.  I had a great plan to do something different, but time just got away from me.  I like this idea just a bit better because it's more personal.  It's not just a printable off Pinterest (nothing is wrong with them, I've done plenty 😉), but I've really enjoyed watching the kids write what's on their hearts this year.  We added a Target gift card and called it a win.

Sterling's card to her teachers aide cracked me up.  She wanted to write "thank you for putting stuff in my binder."  That's just what she did, but I just hope the aide knows she's done a lot more than stuffing binders 🙈

She has her teacher reading a book to the class on their rug.  So accurate of what her teacher does.

Two more days and the kids and I are headed south.  TWO.  AH!  I'm so excited, yet so nervous.  My mom is so kind and will be meeting up with us later that night.  I'm really thankful she is able to do that and we will be that much closer to her and my dad now.  We'll also be a bit closer to Nick's family, so that's nice!

Follow our adventures on Instagram to see what we're up to.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 7


Good morning!  There has been a lot of packing, cleaning, and having fun.  I haven't taken many pictures this week, because I've been on a roll.  I packed/cleaned the garage, packed the patio toys, cleaned the grill, bleached the patio, washed windows, removed/washed curtains, mowed the yard, and pulled weeds.  Now let's hope we don't get record breaking amounts of rain this month!

But with all of that, it makes for a mess.  I told Nick that he just needs to put blinders on for the next two weeks because it won't get much better until the movers load, ha!  

I'm slightly okay with the mess because I know I'm going through every little thing we own before it's going in a box.  Our new house will only have what we want and need.
I've finally made my way to our bedroom yesterday.  It's the last room that needs packed and I'm dreading it!  I have 8 totes left and I'm hoping our clothes, towels, and sheets will fit in those.  Wish me luck, because I don't think it'll happen.

I have to admit, seeing the kids' room with nothing but the basics is really nice.  I love how empty everything is.
Look at Sterling's bed after she woke up yesterday.  I say she slept well, but Nick says it's an indication of how poorly she slept.  What would you say?

"I'm not saying goodbye to them...I'm wanting to keep them!"  Xander had a hard time letting his loves get packed.  

In the mist of all the packing and cleaning, these two are still having fun.

Tomorrow is our LAST day of school!  Today is our last FULL day of school.  YAH!!

That's it, friends.  Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 6

Water fun

 Good morning!  Yesterday Sterling was super excited for school.  It was water day!  AKA the best day ever.  After breakfast, she made this sign and I laughed out loud.  She's jumping for joy and her big pony tail is blowing in the wind.

Her class has been doing the ABC countdown.  Today is X-change books with friends, tomorrow will be You're going to love the surprise, and Friday will be Zoom out of school.  We're almost done and we can't wait!  Are your kids still in school?

I left her message on the board all day.  As I was packing, I needed her reminder to love this day 😂

 I hope you love this day too!

Monday, June 4

Packing and Purple list

Good morning.  I'm so happy for today.  It's our last week of school and then we start our journey to get moved to NC.  It's going to be a busy month, but will be so worth it!

I didn't take but ONE picture all weekend.  Friday after school, Sterling informed me she passed the blue sight word list and made it to the purple list.  I couldn't believe it.  She had the blue list for less than two weeks and she passed it.  
These lists are called the rainbow list and start at red and go up to purple.  The purple list has 100 words.  She obviously won't retest in two weeks, but she would pass because she already told me every word on that list.  This girl was determined to pass her brother.  And she did!

Our home is becoming empty.  That's a good thing because this week is going to be busy and then next week I'll be in NC.  I'm hoping to have 95% of everything packed away by Saturday.  I don't think it'll be hard, I basically have the master bedroom, garage, patio toys, trampoline, and a few things here and there.  Time to go pack some more.

Have a great day!

Friday, June 1

Friday Favorites: Celebrations

Good morning!  I'm linking up with Andrea and her girls for another week of my favorites.

Yesterday Sterling had her Kindergarten celebration program and she rocked it.  They went on stage and performed a few songs.  We then went to their classrooms and watched a cute video of the students throughout the year.  It was the sweetest.  Teachers really are the best!

Seeing her up on stage is always a favorite (second row from bottom, in the middle)

Sweet Frog is her favorite 😊

She was award the Fabulous Friend award.  She's always a favorite friend to everyone.  Such a sweet and kind girl!

Watching his celebration was also a favorite.  He's such a shy little guy and it's fun to see him come out of his shell and smile a little.

Have you tried Dunkin' Donuts' Frozen lemonade yet?  You need it in your life.  So good!

We went to NC over the weekend and we found our appliances for the new house.  I found them in Home Depot, but bought them online at Lowe's.  Such a better discount, ha!  I can't wait to get them in the house and use them.

Summer is almost here.  Only 4 1/2 days until schools out and we're ready for all the swimming.  Our new clubhouse will be the favorite summer hangout.  Has your summer started already?

Have a great weekend!