Friday, November 30

Sterling update

She's looking much better.  The wound area is nearly gone and there's a small lump.  All the redness/warmth has been gone since yesterday.  It's so amazing what the right medicine can do and how fast it can heal a person.  I called today to get the culture results, but they weren't available yet.  She has an appointment (the one I set up before taking her to the ER) for Monday morning.  I'll call the peds office to get the results, if all is good and Sterling is still doing well, I can cancel that appointment.  That's what I'm hoping for :)  It's stressful taking both kids to the doctors at the same time...oh the stress :(.


Today the kids and I spent working on canvas...well, mainly me, but the kids did have 1 project to complete.  It was fun, relaxing, and just what I needed.  The kids even cooperated so I could complete my projects. 
Both kids put their hand prints all over this tree...hence why it's so wide, but Xander did the "decorations" (this is hanging in the dining room)

I've been wanting to start this one for about 2 weeks now and today was the day to start and FINISH it!  I had to have it hanging on our front door by tomorrow, only 25 days till Christmas

This one, I started it about 3 weeks ago with my friend and finally put the finishing touches and ribbon on it today.  I have this one hanging in the dining room (if that's what you'd call it)
Are you working on any crafts?  I'm hoping my stabilizer will come in very soon so I can start doing lots of applique on the kids' clothes.  I also am hoping to finish my carolers (ceramic with 3 carolers) before Christmas.

Elf on the 5

This morning we woke up and found a mess...Blitz was playing with the legos!  Oh, what a mess!  Xander said "mess, mess, mess" and started picking up the
Have a great day!

Thursday, November 29

Elf on the 4

Blitz didn't make an appearance yesterday.  I guess he realized how busy things were and didn't have time to come around.  Xander though, he found Blitz first thing sitting in front of the TV (where we sit him to keep a watchful eye on the kids), picked him up and brought him over to me.  He didn't lose his magical powers though because this morning he appeared where Xander eats at the table.  He left him a little nice!  ha!  I explained to Xander that Blitz saw how naughty he was yesterday and that he wanted to remind him to be nice.  Pushing over your sister is not very nice!  So far, he's been very good today...but it's only been 4 hours into our day.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 28

What a day...

yesterday turned into.  It started out calm and casual, a typical day around here.  After the kids woke up from their naps, I gave them an afternoon snack.  That led into Xander pooping all over himself and Sterling gagging herself so much that she had a huge puddle of vomit in her chair.  Off to a bath for them (together), something they love.  As I put Sterling in the tub, I noticed her leg was really red and was spreading.  I'm still thinking it's from the diapers, so after her bath I put her in the new diapers I bought for her.  I start doing some research on impetigo because my mom mentioned that my brother had that when he was younger.  I didn't think it looked much like that so I start searching other stuff.  I came across a staph infection and immediately knew it was.  She had all the symptoms.  The pictures looked the same as her site.  I emailed Nick, asking him to come home so I could take Sterling to the ER without Xander in tow.  He did, which surprised me.  When he got home, he wanted to see it and said it was probably a bug bite of some sort.  Sure, it could be, but why is it swelling, so red, and hard?  I was still concerned so Sterling and I went off to the ER.  We were seen rather quickly, which really surprised me!  We were there for a bit because they did a culture, had me do warm compress on the site, and then came in and scrapped the site to get more ooze out.  Sterling did amazing!  She didn't scream out once, not even when the needle was poking her!  Super girl right here!
This morning I called the ped's office to get a time for our follow-up.  It was set for 11.  We got home at 12:45.  The doc said it was MRSA, gave her an antibiotic and an ointment.  We're not sure how she got this.  My friend mentioned that it could be from the hotel?  Maybe I guess, but why Sterling and nobody else?  I have to keep a close eye on her for any reactions to the antibotic, praying for none!  Praying she heals quickly and fully.
For the rest of the afternoon, I'm trying to make Gingerbread men.  I'm not too sure they are going to turn out, this is my first attempt and all.  The kids are watching Santa Paws and Blitz is keeping a close eye on Xander, who's not been so good today.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 27

ER visit

So Sterling and I went to the emergency room tonight. After the kids woke up from naps, they had a snack, made a huge mess of themselves, and ended in the bath. As I put Sterling in the tub I noticed the area was larger, more red, hard, hot and oozing. Mommy instants kicked in. I got a hold of Nick to come watch Xander so I wouldn't have to worry about him running all over the place. I'm glad he came home early and I took her in. She has a staph infection. As of now, the doc thinks its MRSA and not cellulitis. We go to the ped's office sometime tomorrow then again on Thursday for the culture results. I'll go into more detail tomorrow, as for now, I'm tired and going to bed! Just wanted to let family know.

Casual day

Today I decided to put Sterling in some holiday attire. Simple, yet cute. Then I decide, maybe i should take some I haven't taken many pictures this month and there's only a few days left.
Sterling is always attacking Xander

I told Xander he had to open his he touches it :)

hopping to get where she wants..always a facial expression to go along with the move

hopped forward to get moving...she always has one leg back and the other bent...weird-o!  She's quick to get to where she wants though
Sterling is working on her 4th, 5th, and 6th tooth this week...let's just say she's in a lot of pain and uncomfortable.  I mean, who wouldn't be?
yesterday's photo

today's photo.  notice how red it is (it's also warm to the touch) and today it was popped and oozing.
We've also been dealing with the above 2 pictures.  We're not quit sure what it is or whatever, but these blister looking things keep showing up on Sterling's bottom and now outside the diaper area.  Each time the start small, get bigger, pop, and the last one was bloody after it popped.  I called the ped's office today, but can't get her seen until Monday morning.  Should I be more concerned and take her to urgent care?  Is it nothing?  Is it from the diaper.  We're using size 4 pamper's cruisers.  While we were out today, I picked up a pack of Huggies little movers size 4 to see if things clear up quicker.  Nothing helps.  I use creams and neosporan.  Nothing works.  What would you do?
When the kids wake up from their naps, we're going to run out again because I noticed a store on the economy has some kid friendly sleds.  If we get snow this year, it would be fun to take them out so I want to have them on hand...just in case :)
Have a great day!

Elf on the 2

Today while we were out shopping, Blitz made a surprise visit and ended up coloring Xander's milk red and drinking it...silly elf!  I guess when Xander's good, even outside the house, Blitz knows and will make it known :). 
Xander thought it was funny.  He kept laughing and pointing to it saying...uh oh.  Cute! 
Oh Blitz

you crack me up

and I just have to keep talking about your silliness

Monday, November 26

Santa's helper

Santa's helper, Blitz, has arrived in our home.  He flew in last night, hopped in Xander's truck and waited for Xander at the front door.  Xander saw his truck at the door this morning and went right for it.  Then poor Blitz fell out the back as Xander went to grab the candy cane Blitz brought from the North Pole.
Welcome Blitz, we're excited to have your surprise visits each morning!
Have a great day!


Thanksgiving morning we woke up and headed up to Berlin.  It was a 6.5 hour drive, but turned into a 10 hour trip...yikes!  The drive up went smooth until we reached the outskirts of Berlin.  We were stuck in a Stau (a German traffic jam).  In Germany, when a Stau is mentioned, it's usually pretty bad.  This was no exception, we were in it for 2 hours to go 15 minutes!  It took 1 hour just to go the first joke!  The kids woke up when we hit the Stau because the car came to a stand still and of course they think it's time to get out.  The screamed, fussed, and screamed some more.  They were done being strapped in.  I don't blame them, I wanted to be done too.  Because we got there much later than we expected, we decided to change our plans to just go to the hotel, eat dinner, and lets the kids play/run instead of strapping them in the stroller.  It was needed!  Friday morning we woke up bright and early, got ready for the day, ate breakfast, and headed out for 4 hours of walking around the city to see the sights.  We went back to the hotel for an hour and a half to let the kids release some of their crappy attitudes.  We went back out because I really wanted to see the city at night along the river walk.  I love night views.  It was beautiful.  It was much colder, but we knew to dress warm so we were okay.  The kids actually napped in the stroller for the 1st 1.5 hours...nice!  I didn't get very many pictures with us together out in front of sights, but someone has to be behind the camera. 
It was a fun trip and I'm glad we finally went somewhere!  The kids did not do too well sleeping.  It's expected.  They were somewhere new and not in their own beds.  We got up early Saturday morning (5am) so we would miss any Stau's on the way home.  It took 7 hours exactly to get home.  Not bad, but we were tired!

This was along the autobahn during our Stau

playing in the hotel releasing some energy after the long drive

hotel sink bath

how cool was our floor!?!

double riding and crying...ha!

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Bradenburg Gate (in the day)

walking through a park so Xander can run around

parts of the Berlin wall

Xander was having an "off" day


family photo on the way out

night walk along the river

Not too sure what this was but thought it was cool looking

They were setting up the Christmas market along our walk and I loved how this building was lite up

Brandenburg Gate (at night)

Friday, November 16


This week has been a fun week to receive packages.  

I finally received my sewing/embroidery machine.  Now I get to have fun trying it out.

My second favorite gift this season is the elf on the shelf.  I've been debating about starting the tradition this year or next and have decided to dive right in this year.  It will be fun!  I'm so excited to get started next week.

HUGS playgroup

Today I finally braved a new scene by myself with both kiddos.  I took them to this playgroup to interact, play, and learn with other babies/toddlers.  I think we had a fun time and will definitely be planning to go back in January when after it's break.  I was a bit sad that they are taking off next month, but also learned that they are holding the Special Olympics so the playgroup had to be put on hold.  That's neat.   I love hearing about communities doing special things to get everyone involved in fun.
I learned that this playgroup will be a good place to learn sharing.  Xander is horrible at sharing, as to be expected.  Sterling loves to "attack" other kids and tries to eat them.  We played with balls, the parachute, story time, and arts and crafts.  Now i wish I would have been brave a lot sooner.  Oh well, we live and learn.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 14

This and that...catch up

This post will be another "all over the place post".  I haven't written in such a while that everything just builds up.  I think about writing a quick post, but there's so much, and I just don't know where to start.  Then I think, well maybe i'll just skip it all and start with today?  Then I put it off some more...and on and on!
So last weekend we made reservations in Brussels, our second attempt at Belgium.  We planned to leave Saturday morning and come back Sunday night.  As we loaded everything in, buckled the kids in the car, we get ready to leave and I think "where is our green card".  It's our insurance card for traveling to other countries with our vehicle.  We looked in the car, in Nick's car, I came back up to the house...looked every where it might be.  Needless to say, I couldn't find it anywhere!  Do we take the change and hope we don't get asked for it?  Nope, not us.  We're not big risk takers in other countries.  The laws are so different and we couldn't put us and the kids in that sort of risk.  So, we drove off base thinking we'll just go somewhere else for the day, in Germany.  It was raining, hard.  We turn around and come home.  Belgium is just not meant to be seen by us!  There must be reason?  So now, what do we do all weekend since our plans were ruined?  First up, Sterling and I went to a flea market.  I have to say, I'm not a fan of them, but I went once and they had a hairbow/tutu stand and I was hoping it would be there this time around.  Nope.  But I did eye a high chair that sits on a table chair.  It was $15 so I grabbed it and back home we headed.  The rest of the day we didn't do anything.  Boring.
Sunday, Nick has a hair up his butt to do some rearranging.  In the living room, he wanted the TV/stand flat against the wall instead of in the corner.  That was a task!  The German power cords are short and having to rearrange electronics to fit to get plugged oh my!  I think I cursed a few too many times.  It took about an hour to move the TV/stand about 2 joke!  Next, he wanted to move the kids in the same room and make one room a playroom.  We decided that since Xander's room was larger and had 2 large closets, his room would be the sleeping room.  Sterling's room is now the playroom.  Everything is still in caos, but slowly it's getting better.  Because of all this room rearranging, I fell behind on laundry, so today is a day to try and catch up on household chores.  Fun!?! 
I did try a new recipe on Sunday evening.  It was Garlic Chicken Pasta with Spinach. Oh. My. Goodness.  This recipe was fast, easy, and very tasty!  I swear it took less than 30 minutes to make it.  My kind of meal!  This will defintely be added to our recipe box.  We even ate the leftovers Monday night, but I made some fresh bread to go along with it.  Yummy! 
The rest of this week are meals we've had.  Some easy, some that require a lot of time and labor.  Chicken Gyros, Chili, Country Fried Chicken, Pot Roast, Black Pepper steak & beans (last night), and a frozen pizza :).
So now, how are the kids adjusting to sharing a room?  NOT well!  At all!  Sterling has been my halo (sleeping above my head) at night.  Naps are fine so far because they don't sleep at the same time.  But I think i'm going to try my sister's suggestion (for naptime) and have Xander sleep in the pack n play in the playroom, Sterling in her bed, and then they can both have an afternoon nap at the same time.  Might take some getting used to, but I think that can work.  Nighttime...there's no hope.  Well, maybe if I wear earplugs they will get over it?  Just kidding.  Xander has started this thing where he screams to get his sister upset. It works, she screams.  She calms down...he starts again...and over and over. 
Last night Sterling did not sleep well at all.  I told Nick this morning that I was dragging her crib to our room and she can sleep in the hallway in our room...ha!  I just might do it.  I've got to figure something out.
Sterling is still working on that top front tooth.  It's almost out.  I like to joke (I'm hoping it's a joke anyways, ha!) that she's going to have big front teeth like her daddy.  It's a big one coming through, but she's a trooper...for the most part.
Xander and I got haircuts this weekend.  I love the way this lady did his hair.  I'll have to get a picture and post, she did a great job!  Mine also turned out pretty nice, I must say.  For me not knowing how to explain what I want to a German, is not an easy task.  I actually called Nick and told him I might look silly when I get home because the lady didn't understand what I wanted.  She did a fantastic job and I'm very pleased that she and another worker figured out what I wanted.
Well I think that's everything.  Now onto laundry and closet moving.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 7

Kids update

It amazes me how much a kid can grow and learn in their little bodies.  Every day is something new, either done or said.  They pick up on things so fast.  Sometimes not always the best of things either.  Making me stay on my toes on what I say and my actions.  

Xander, as you may have seen from my previous post is gearing up to be a big boy.  He's interested in the potty.  That's a good thing.  So far today he's said "pee-pee" while grabbing his jewels and runs to the bathroom, but hasn't successfully went in his big boy potty.  He's already gone in his diaper.  That's okay.  It's a step in the right direction.  
Last night as Nick and I were talking before bed he asked me if I was proud of our Smushy.  I said of course, I was super proud!  
His new favorite thing to do is go limp if I try to hold his hand.  This has become a struggle for me going into stores because I don't want him to run across the road without holding my hand.  We stand in the middle of the road with him sitting on the ground and me holding one arm up telling him to get up and use his feet.  I would pick him up, but I always have Sterling in my arm.  He needs to use his feet!  I think I'm going to start using the kid backpack harness leash that Nick bought for him.  I'm against using it because there are so many views and strong judgments of parents using them, but I really think for his safety (not only from getting hit by a car), it might be a wise choice to start using it.
I switched him to whole milk.  He's been drinking 1% since 12 months.  I just decided that he could use the extra fat and nutrients (if there are any?).  Sterling will be starting in 3 months so I'll just have them on the same milk.
He has finally started giving hugs with his arms instead of his head.  I mean, it was sweet and cute with his head, but having a one year old reach their arms around your neck...pure love!
This little guy absolutely HATES messes!  He will repeatedly say "mess-mess" over and over until you clean the mess...even if it's not on him.

Sterling, well she's our teething monster baby.  This girl can cut teeth like nothing else.  They bother the heck out of her, mostly at night, and she loses sleep over them.  Her 3rd tooth is almost popped out.  She's been working this one (on top front) for a week and a half.  
She's been standing a lot.  Does the splits.  Goes from sitting to crawling position in no time.  Almost crawling.  If it weren't for the hardwood floors, I think she'd be moving.  For now, she leaps forward and pushes backwards.  She scoots on her butt all across the floors.  
Falls backwards (literally just did as i typed) and bangs her head on the hard floors at least 3 times a day.  Its usually when her and Xander are playing with a blanket, she grabs it, and he walks away behind her with another side of it.  We often like to joke with her that she's going to put a dent in the floor and make us pay for the damaged floors, ha!  She don't find it too funny.

Xander was having a rough time sleeping through the night for about a week and a half.  I started thinking that maybe it was from waking them up at 445.  Although they woke up fine, not cranky, and seemed fine, I think his nighttime sleep was beginning to be affected from the transition.  We decided that we would stop waking them up and we would workout separately on our time.  So, Nick works out in the mornings and I do it at home now.  This week is our first week not waking up at 430/445 and Xander has been sleeping through the night again!  Now, if only I could get him to take a good nap during the day.  In time, in time!  I have to say that I've also been enjoying not getting up so early and going to bed a bit later.  I was beginning to feel like a 90 year old woman that went to bed at 730 on a Friday night!  I guess 3 1/2 weeks of early wake-ups were getting to all of

And now I'll leave you with two of the cutest animals in the African Safari...

Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 6


I'm SO excited that Xander is officially in the big boy club.  He used the potty twice tonight!!  Both times him telling us he had to go potty.  For the past 3 weeks or so he's been telling us when he poops, but the past few days he's been letting us know when he pees.  When he tells us, we sit him on the potty and sign our ABC's.  Usually nothing happens.  Tonight, he went twice!  
Hopefully tomorrow he won't forget all the excitement he gets from using the potty.  Hoping it's not just a fluke and he won't use the potty for another few months or even years.  I haven't been pushing him, just reading books and setting him on it a few times throughout the day.  I wonder if i should go full on potty training now though?  
I want to get a picture of him using the potty, but I have to hold his little peter down or he pees  The joys of raising boys :).

Great job big boy!  We're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of this big milestone!

What's for dinner?

First up...let's talk about this spaghetti pie that I made last week.  In all honesty, I was nervous to make it because since when does spaghetti have cream cheese and cottage cheese in it?  Because my nerves were getting the best of me I didn't add all of the meat mixture in the tomato mixture.  I reserved some in case it didn't turn out (so i could make regular spaghetti).  I also didn't make it in a pie pan, just a square pan.  I didn't have a deep dish pie pan so I just used what I had.  Another change i did was used diced tomatoes instead of crushed.  The only reason was because our store didn't have any crushed.  
Oh. My. Word!  This "pie" was amazing!  It worked!  It is definitely being added to our favorites.  You should really try it.  Oh, and the breadsticks I made to go with it.  In heaven!  Seriously, really good.  I even did some garlic butter to dip them in...yummy!!!

up this week:

Sunday:  Chicken Gyros with homemade soft bread wraps (from last week).
Last night: pan fried egg on a bagel...yes, boring, not much, but the meal I planned I couldn't make because the website was down. And I didn't want to go out and grab fast food, so an egg sandwich it was!
Tuesday: Taco Pizza (this is what was planned for last night).  I'm also going to add taco chips, tomatoes, and lettuce to the pizza.
Wednesday:  Zuppa Toscana (from last weeks menu) with salad/breadsticks
Thursday:  Chicken Milanese (America's Test Kitchen recipe)
Sat/Sun: Out (In Belgium or Netherlands)

Have a great day!