Friday, November 22

Five on Friday

Linking up again this week with Darci from the good life blog.

Five on Friday

ONE:  Time to start planning our elf on the shelf ideas for next month and I'm excited to start using this adorable free printable to make planning so much easier!  Click on the link and scroll down her page to click on the link.

TWO:  Kids are loving being back home.  Having ALL their toys again, they are in heaven.  Little do they now that this weekend most of those toys will be disappearing!  This girl is tired of seeing so many toys strung about.  Such chaos!

THREE:  The kids and I went to check out a new Outlet Shopping Center near our home.  It was a COLD day, the kids were whiny, but I found some good deals.  Lose?  Win?  

FOUR:  I really need to develop pictures and hang up current pictures.  Right now our current pictures are when Xander was 7 months old and Sterling was 6 weeks!  Sad!  I have to make time for this task!

FIVE:  The best for last this week!  Our home in VA is rented!  No more stressing...for TWO years!  They signed a 2 year lease!  Now we must pray that the military clause won't come into effect during those 2 years.  With the home being rented, we may consider putting the kids back in PDO if their slots are still open.  We also pray that these new renters will come without the headaches some of the others have given.

Have a great day!

Saturday, November 16

5 on Friday

I've been seeing a bunch of 5 on Friday posts and thought it might be fun to give it a try.  I've never linked up with anyone before so I have no idea how to get their button on my blog post, but I'll provide the link to the host blog.  Basically all you have to do is share any five things in your life right now.   So here goes...


ONE...I'm loving spending time with my parents.  Sometimes a girl just needs her mama!  We're going home next week and I'm going to miss watching Hallmark movies with her!  I mean seriously, I'll have to watch them alone at home.  Now that's no fun!  Who am I going to laugh with?

TWO...Sad that we will be taking the kids out of PDO.  As much as they loved it and did so well in it, we just have to take this luxury away right now.  Hopefully next year we will be able to get back into the same one, or another one if our slots get taken.  We loved the teachers!

THREE...I have a love/hate relationship with my daughters hair.  It's a mess.  Sometimes beautiful.  But most times a hot mess!  She HATES getting it brushed through so some days I won't even attempt it to save the headache.  But the next day I regret it because it's even worse to brush through. sister sent this to me yesterday and my, it's so true!

FIVE...looking forward to our day trip to Hershey Park.  They just opened up Christmas Candylane and it looks like a lot of fun!  I'm so glad its not far from my parents so we can take advantage of a beautiful day.  Hopefully Sterling won't get sick in the car ride up and we can enjoy the sights and smells of Christmas in Hershey.

I hope I did this right!

Have a great day!

Friday, November 15

Bravo's Thicker Than Water

Have you seen it?  I have to say I hate it!  The family comes off wrong.  Their values!  Where in the world.  Oh my!  This show is all wrong.  In my opinion.  I could say a whole bunch on this, but I'm going to leave it as it's wrong.

That's all for today, have a great day!

Wednesday, November 13

What a day

Today was an interesting day.  Everyone was calm and in good moods.  I had high hopes that the day would go smoothly and be somewhat normal.  What is normal though?  I guess we really don't have that yet, ha!  We ate breakfast, did baths, had quiet time so I could take a shower, then playtime, lunch, and finally naps.  This is our typical morning routine.  It was going smooth and I was enjoying the happy babies.  During nap time I was creating a budget, looking at my school classes for next semester to determine what books I need to order, making cupcakes for my moms work for tomorrow, making 7 layer bars, and slicing up the vegetables for dinner.  All a while, during nap time, Xander decides that he is not having a nap.  He wasn't fussing, just walking back and forth, playing quietly.  Okay, not a problem.  I kept going up to check on him and telling him to close his eyes and go nigh night.  Sterling woke up 2 hours after laying down.  She comes down to "help" finish the cupcakes.
Then as I'm cleaning up the dishes I turn around and see Sterling carrying my Pepsi.  Which was sitting in the cupholder on the sofa.  I have to tell you I freaked because I was terrified she ruined my parents couch, my computer and the iPad.  To my surprise as she was taking it off the couch, nothing spilled.  Only when she was walking towards me that I saw pop on the floor.  
About an hour after Sterling came to assist me, Xander was still upstairs running around.  I decided to tell him to come down so we could talk.  He's halfway down the stairs.  Bare bottom!  Holding his DIAPER!  Again, I freaked.  Did he pee or poop somewhere?  Nope, he sure didn't.  I asked him if he did anything, like pee or poop on something and he said:  "no mommy, I farted"  LOL!  I couldn't help but laugh.
I can never turn my back on these two.  Not even for a split second!  Just when I thought we'd have a "normal" day, it turned out to be an interesting day. 

Hope you're having a great day!

Tuesday, November 12

All about Christmas

With only 6 weeks left, it's time to start thinking about gifts.  This is always hard because I want to buy stuff the kids (and others) will actually use and we're not wasting our money.  We have already purchased each kid a gift, they both got a Kawasaki KFX with monster traction power wheel.  I'm just not sure those are great Christmas gifts.  They won't be able to use them until Spring and all the snow has melted.
I really have no idea what practical gifts to buy this year.  I can only think of a train table for Xander and some baby doll accessories for Sterling.  Xander loves playing with his train set from Papa and Sterling is in love with playing and dancing with babydolls.  Other than those 2 gifts, I really don't know.  I just want the day to be memorable.  
What do you buy for Christmas?  I asked Xander what he wanted for Christmas and he just said "toys mommy."  I'm just not seeing many toys on the market that I feel we need to have.  I was thinking of some board games maybe?  He's getting to that age where he catches on to the tasks of games and can play correctly when an adult is playing with him.  
I think it was last year that on the blog What What You Have she mentioned 4 categories.  I only remember 3 and can't find the post now.  Something they want, something they need, something to wear...?  I loved her list and thought it would be perfect and practical to use.  Do you use a criteria method when buying gifts?
With Christmas it also means its time to clear out all the "old" toys to make room for the new toys.  I was thinking this year maybe I could find a woman's and child's center to donate them to.  It's so easy to take them to a consignment store, but I think they'd be more appreciated at a center where kids don't have much.
I have 2 weeks to think of 25 Elf on the Shelf ideas to use this year.  I'll be hitting up Pinterest for most of those ideas.  I want to have it all planned out this year so there's no forgetting.  Yes, me, making a plan, ha! No flying on a whime this year...i hope!  It's going to be a fun year with the kids older and noticing more.
We still don't have any traditions set so maybe this year will be the year to start one or two?

Have a great day!

Monday, November 11

Our visit continues

We're still here at Nana and Papa's and enjoying every minute!  It's so nice not to worry about the hustle and bustle back home.  We just need to make sure we have a daily outing to play in the leaves or an adventure to the park to keep everyone's levels of restlessness down.  
Xander has become a pro at playing a few games on the iPad.  He loves to play BeBop Blox, LookFindElmo, and Endless ABC.  He's really a pro!  He's concurred them all and I find him playing on the iPad by himself.  I really don't mind because they are all learning games, so they're good for his mind.
Sterling likes to build with Lego's and I'll sit down with her to show her how to play Xander's games.  She loves it, but her attention span is rather short still, so it's brief.  She'll get it when I'm least expecting it.
We set up some of my parents Christmas decorations.  The kids love the trees and are not keeping their hands off the animated decorations.  I don't have anything animated at home, so I guess we won't have this headache at home.  That's a good thing!
Sterling was sick with who knows what.  She had a fever of 102 for 5 days, a nasty cough for 10 days and is now finally on the mend.  I woke up yesterday thinking I was coming down with the flu, but mine was just a 24 hour bug or something.  Not fun though!  
We're planning to go up to Hershey Park this weekend and I'm beyond excited to share the experience with the kids.  They get so excited over stuff right now and I think they'd just love the fun day.

Have a great day!

Monday, November 4

Fun with leaves and surviving the sniffles

The kids have loved playing outside at Nana's house.  This time of year is beautiful with the changing colors of leaves.  I only wish I could find a kid rake...or they could have even more fun.  We've been making good use of of feet to swipe the leaves together.

I worked on laundry today and I was upstairs putting our clean clothes away.  When I came downstairs, Sterling was walking around in the lego buckets.  Ha!  This girl can be sick and still enjoy herself...well sometimes.  She cracks me up!

 For the past 4 days Sterling has had a really bad congested cough, runny nose and high fever.  I decided to take her in since Tylenol and Advil were not working and the fever kept coming back.  We went to Patient First, never have before, but they were nice.  They did a chest x-ray because when they did the stethoscope, the nurse thought she heard something and they wanted to rule out pneumonia.  Good thing, no pneumonia. Just an upper respiratory problem.  Nothing serious and should go away with time.   She's just so miserable and wants to lay on me.  That makes for one angry Alexander!  He just don't understand yet.  
We ran to Walmart after her check with the doctor to pick up some ibuprofen.  I hope this stuff works because I feel we are starting a medicine cabinet with this girl.  She's always sick!  And it lasts forever!

Have a great night!

Friday, November 1

Halloween 2013

With our sudden trip to see my parents, our plans were quickly changed.  But, we had a great time!  I was amazed at how quickly the kids picked up the task of ringing door bells and saying "trick or treat."  Sterling says it so cute!  She had a bunch of teenage boys oohing and awing over her.  Hilarious!  They'd run back up to the house and ask for us to tell her to say it.  I have to cutest video of her and some of the trick or treaters loving her!
We headed out about 6:45 and went to about 20 houses.  It was a good thing we came back when we did because it started raining as soon as we stepped on the doorstep.  Can you say perfect timing?!

The kids love to sit on each other.  Although Xander would much rather sissy not sit on him.

But sissy lets him for a hot second.  She even pats his belly.

They spent a lot of time at the park.

We had dinner then got our costumes on.  Xander was excited to put on his tiger costume this year.  These are their same costumes as last year!


Let's compare:  so adorable!


And head to the neighbors doors

Sterling was very curious about the candy and didn't want to move on from the first house.  Who likes candy?  When the few neighbors told the kids to pick what they wanted, Xander chose 1 piece and Sterling grabbed a handful, lol.  Love this girl!

After we were done, the kids were playing in the leaves in front of the the rain of course.  After we came in from the rain, the kids passed out candy.  They did a great job and told everyone trick or treat and roared at them.

Hope your Halloween was spook-tacular!

Have a great day!

Nana and Papa visit

Another trip!  This time, this one was not planned, but so glad we were able to come visit.  Xander has been asking non stop for papa and to ride on papa's tractor.  Back in August (I think that's when we saw him last), my dad was helping his mom on the farm and the kids and I went up to visit him where dad took Xander on the lawn tractor.  Xander loved it and still talks about it.  With that, and another reason, we took a mini vacation to Nana and Papa's!
This trip we flew.  There was no way I was driving 22 hours!

Sissy brought her babydoll and had her sit next to her.  So sweet.

Checking the outdoors

Fun times with Papa!  The kids LOVE Nana and Papa!

We have plans to stay here for a few weeks.

Have a great day!

Cousin visit in ND

The kids and I headed to my sisters in North Dakota the day after we returned from Las Vegas.  We arrived on a Tuesday night just after 9 pm!  We had a great time.  The kids loved playing with their cousins.  On this trip, Kinley was the favorite.  Bode was the bully so the kids steered clear of him.  Towards the end of the trip, the warmed up to each other.  We spent 7 days (including the travel days).  The drive sucked!  It was a 9 hour drive and I don't think I'll be doing it as often as i'd love to.  The kids did great for such a long drive.
This post is going to be picture overloaded.  Wasn't sure how I could break it down, so here they are all on one post!

First up was Wednesday.  The older girls were beyond excited to have the kids and I tag along to drop them off at school.  So early in the morning to be out and moving.  Thanks girls!  After picking up Kinlers from preschool, we headed to Target so I could get some gifts.  After Talyn arrived home, we let them play outside.  Xander saw the backyard from the window and told Auntie Stacy that he liked her playground.  They do have a lot of fun stuff to play with!

They also played doctor.  Xander loved it and talks about it all the time still.

On Thursday we hired their babysitter to come and watch all 5 kids.  What a task, but man did the kids have a great time.  And us moms too!  We enjoyed a nice lunch at Olive Garden, then we headed to the mall where I was on a mission to buy winter coats and gear.  
The awesome babysitter styled up Xander.  How adorable!

Friday was a very special day!  It was Bode's second birthday!  My sister and I made this cupcake cake.  It was a lot of fun and took 4 hours to complete, including the baking/cooling time of course too.  We celebrated his birthday at Buffalo Wild Wings.  My, what fun that was!  I love that place and so did the kids.  I love that it's such a laid back place and it's okay if the kids are acting wild.  Makes for a fun time!  My oldest brother and his wife also drove to town to come celebrate.  It was awesome to see them too!

Saturday us ladies, along with the kids, headed to the pumpkin patch.  My oh my, what fun!  It was a nice crisp day.  Perfect.  It was during nap time so not all kids cooperated.  Although, we did have one smart kid who took a nap.  Thanks Bode for being the most well behaved kid in the patch :)

Sterling didn't want a picture because she didn't want to sit on the pumpkin, but I made Kinley hold her

After everyone left, she decided it was fun

Auntie Katie helping Xander up to go down one of the many slides

Love these two!

Bode was still sleeping, so the other 4 happily obliged for a photo opt.  I love Kinley's pose.  A future model?

Who can lift the pumpkin?

After Bode woke up we thought it would be fun for all the kids to sit with Auntie in the giant chair.  Sterling was not having it!  There's always that one kid that makes the photo special.  Thanks girl!

Sterling didn't want in on this one either

Mommy and the kids

Auntie Katie went and bought tickets so the kids could go on some rides.  They loved it!  They love her!

Of course.  We can't leave home without it...

After the pumpkin patch, we headed home to gather our suits so we could go swim at the hotel my brother was staying at.  Our last experience at a pool did NOT go well.  This time, I'm happy to say they loved it!  Xander was unsure for quit a while, but he came around and now loves it.  He actually asks if he can swimming again.  Good thing we have a membership to the Y!  The pool comes in handy!

They all loved Uncle Jeremy!

Sterling loved him instantly!

Sunday my brother and his wife left so they came to the house before heading out.  Sterling was still smitten over him and found his leg to be her chair.

Tuesday morning.  The kids and I headed home.  On our way up, I noticed a sign for an exit to Sterling.  I never knew there was a Sterling ND, so I had to take a picture to show Nick.  So, no, Sterling did not get her name from Sterling, ND.

We stopped at rest areas to get out and run around.  Literally, the ran away from me.  Little shits!  We made our lunch we packed so we wouldn't have to stop twice for fast food.  The kids didn't have intentions of eating it though.  They found it neat sitting in the front seat so they had to check out all the features of the car.

It was a great time and it's always special when you get to spend time with family!  Hopefully we'll be able to get together often, even with the long drives.  Maybe half way weekend visits will be in our future?

Have a great day!