Sunday, February 26

38 weeks

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain: 25 maybe (find out tomorrow)
Gender: Girl

Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks?  I’m pretty sure now, it’s about a half an inch on the left side of my belly button

Sleep: Its rough.  I’m tired of sleeping on my sides, they’re painful.  I’m so ready to sleep on my stomach!
Best moment this week? Taking time to paint.  Receiving a BUNCH a baby girl clothes, getting it all washed and organized in her room.
Miss Anything?  Bending over!  Rocking Xander…oh how uncomfortable this task is!
Movement:  a lot of activity at night.  Twice daily kick counts, much easier at night to do.  The morning ones take some quiet concentration to feel them.  By mid afternoon I can feel them often.  She’s moved down so the movement is getting lower and lower each day.  I wonder if maybe she turned and is breech.  That’s how low the kicks feel. 
Food cravings: Starburst crazy jelly beans
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor Signs: oh I don’t know.  I’ll just say no because nothing serious enough to take me to labor and delivery…lol
Symptoms: heartburn every 2-3 hours now, both feet swelling now, miserable pain on the right side of my uterus, stabbing pains a few times throughout the day in my va-jay-jay…ouch! They stop me in my tracks! Last night was miserable with those pains, took my breath away and I wanted to cry.  What the heck is going on in there that I’d get pains like that?  Definitely will be asking tomorrow at my appointment!
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
What I’m looking forward to:  (still) deciding on a middle name!  Meeting this baby!

I’m now officially 2 weeks away.  It’s like I’m in the two week wait.  The dreaded two week wait people going through infertility hate!  I really hope I don’t go past March 11th.  I don’t think I could handle it.  I’m tired.  My body aches.  I want to get down and play with Xander.  I want my life back.  I want to start working out again.  You don’t realize the things you miss until they’re taken away for quite some time. 

Friday, February 24

This and that

I was finally able to purchase a stroller that would work for us and that would ship over here!  You can not imagine how excited this makes me.  The stroller is the City Mini GT.  It's placed on backorder so we won't receive it until late April (hopefully not much later than that), but that's ok.  We still have our single stroller, so when we go on walks, one can push Xander and one can carry the baby in the front carrier.  I'm hoping it's everything that we need in a stroller that we won't need to purchase a second one. 
Yesterday we had a play date.  While the kids played, I was showered with gifts for baby girl.  The day before I received a box from our neighbor back in VA for baby girl.  A BUNCH of stuff from her too!  I feel so blessed to have friends that care so much.  Everything is in the wash now and i'm excited to hang/fold it all.  It's so weird seeing all these girly colors.  I'm glad I didn't buy much because I think we are set for the first 6 months!

Xander is SO clingy.  It started last night after we arrived home from our play date and today has not gone any better.  Not sure what the issue is, but i'm hoping it will pass soon.  I finally was able to get him to nap (after he hangs on for dear life as i'm trying to lay him in his crib), but he's sleeping and i'm hoping it will be a good nap and he wakes up refreshed. 

I should get off here so I can finish painting at least one of the canvases.  I started the name canvas, and sketched the other 2, so progress is being made.  Slowly.  Maybe I'll stay up this weekend after Xander is down for the nights and get them finished.  Hubby wants to get everything hung up this weekend. 

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 21

How much longer? (edited)

(warning...venting here)

We've been working on finalizing our adoption since November 4th.  Yes, there were 3 holidays thrown in, but seriously, why so long?  First, I understand that we couldn't finalize for 6 months after he was "placed" with us.  He was placed with us the day he was born, but it was considered a foster care placement for the first month after leaving the hospital (Apr 4th).  Meaning, May 4th is the start of our 6 months.  Meaning November 4th is when we could file our petition and final order to adopt.  Ok, so now why would our agency send us an email on the Jan 23rd asking for information to put together his report for the adoption????  Um...shouldn't of you been working on that already??  I'm the type of person that if I know someone is going to need something, I have it to them before they need it.  Yes, we knew the adoption wouldn't be finalized by the end of 2011 with having to wait that extra month, but come on!  Would of it been nice to be finalized by Dec 31st?  Of course!!  Maybe it's our case worker that drops the ball?  Puts things on hold?  Is a procrastinator?  Then again, I don't really know how long this process is supposed to take? 
Some may ask (like my, why is it so important that it be done?  Well for me, it's final, it's closure, it's forever!  Xander has been our forever since the day he was placed in my arms, but I just want this chapter of our lives to be complete.  It's hard to explain. 
I think we are nearing the end however.  Our attorney emailed us the birth certificate form to fill out, which they will be sending in with the final order.  I didn't ask when that would be.  I'm trying to be patient and not bothersome.  I'm not the one in charge here.  I don't know the process.  I need to let the people working on this, work on it.  It's out of my hands completely. 
I will say that working with our agency case worker before the adoption was great.  But, once Xander was born and all the logistics came into play, not so great!  We would NOT use this agency again if we decided to adopt again.  If we'd adopt again, it most likely would be an international adoption so we'd switch agency's anyways. 
Even with all the hiccups, confusions, and frustrations...bringing baby boy home was worth it all!!!

(edited to add...)
I sent in the birth certificate form on Friday, received an email last night that I put my current last name rather than my maiden name.  I fixed it and sent it in first thing today.  With that, I received an email back stating that they (the attorney) will get everything in the mail tomorrow for the final order.  Me, not knowing what that means or where it goes, I asked.  This is the response I received...
We submit the Final Order to Circuit Court. We have to wait until the Judge signs off on the Final Order. Sometimes it’s done quickly, at other times it may take a few weeks depending on caseloads. Once the Order has been signed they will mail us an original certified Order (which we then send to you). The court then forwards the appropriate paperwork to Vital Records for amending the birth certificate. The birth certificate amendment can take anywhere from 1 month to 4 months depending on their caseload. They will mail us (2) original birth certificates which we then mail to you. Hope that helps.

Oh yes, this helped tremendously!  I can finally understand it and know that hopefully in the next few months we will be completed.  His passport will more than likely expire before we receive the new birth certificate.  His was only a one year passport due to the adoption not being finalized.  I'll make a trip to the passport office here and ask what will happen if it expires before being able to apply for his official one.  Gotta love the logistics of everything...maybe that's why logistics is my speciality in the career world?  I just love it all too much...LOL.

Xander boy

You have discovered 2 new favorite things for the past week. love to crawl like a crazy zombie drunk man.  You make mommy laugh so hard that I typically get tears rolling.  It's the cutest thing ever.  I tried to get a video of you doing it, but once you saw the camera come out, you calmed down and went back normal.  Silly boy. are learning to balance on your own.  Mommy started doing this to try to help you learn that you have to stand free to begin to walk on your own.  You get so excited when you stand without help.  Then when mommy tries to help you after you broke your stance, you push my hands away.  I just hope you don't decide to take your free standing steps with mommy in the hospital with your baby sister.  You can do this either before she arrives or after we all get back home.  But no first time stuff at Ms. Pam's house!! 

This week we are going to visit our friends because I have a feeling I'm not going to want to go anywhere next week.  The weather is getting nice here.  Mid 40's low 50s.  My kind of weather!  We're going to go on a walk today after lunch.  Now of course, it won't be long, but we'll be outside getting some much needed fresh air :).  Maybe I'll put a pair of "house" jeans on you and let you crawl around in the grass.

Have a great day!

Sunday, February 19

37 weeks

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain: 21
Gender: Girl

Maternity clothes? Maternity
Stretch marks?  There might be a small, I mean small mark.  I do twice daily inspections and I think I saw one

Sleep: Well my hips have started hurting from sleeping only on them, which wakes me up to turn to the other side more often.  But I’d say the sleep is good because it’s not keeping me up.  2 nights ago all I could think about was Xander’s birthday party, so that kept me up most the night.    
Best moment this week? Xander is finally realizing that mommy has a baby in her tummy.  He rubs my belly when I say “where’s baby sister? Or where’s baby Sterling?”.  It’s so cute.  And most recently, he’s started laying his head on my stomach.  I like to say that he’s listening to her because he’ll start talking.  Last night was so sweet!
Miss Anything?  Sleeping on my stomach!!
Movement:  still movement, just doesn’t seem as move or maybe just as noticeable.  I guess with the space being limited now, she’s tight in there and is harder for her to move? 
Food cravings: still oranges…also oreos, and Nilla Wafers
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor Signs: oh I don’t know.  I’ll just say no because nothing serious enough to take me to labor and delivery…lol
Symptoms: heartburn every 2-3 hours now, both feet swelling now, miserable pain at the top of the uterus (more on the top right now), ribs feel bruised, stabbing pains a few times throughout the day in my va-jay-jay…ouch! They stop me in my tracks!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still HAPPY!
What I’m looking forward to:  deciding on a middle name!  We keep changing it and it’s hindering my getting 2 of her paintings done.

21 days left!!!  Oh my gosh!  This seems like nothing and will be here before I know it.  I’m so amazed at how fast these last 9 months have gone.  I’m excited to meet baby, bring her home and get our lives adjusted to a family of 4.
There are 3 middle names we are wavering back and forth with:
Sterling Gianna?
Sterling Marissa?
Sterling Marishka?

Today we’re going to clean the house like we’ve never cleaned before…lol.  We want to have everything in its place, cleaned and orderly before we bring baby home.  Because I could go any time now, we’ll make today our “everything” gets done day. 

Thursday, February 16


Although I'm a nervous Nelly about if this baby is truly a girl or not, I still came online yesterday and bought a bunch a cute new spring outfits for her.  But before I placed my order, I made sure they had a good return policy so if the baby comes out a boy, I can send it all back.  I often find things online and at good prices and leave them in a shopping cart for a few days/weeks.  I decided to place the order yesterday because I didn't want one of the outfits to disappear from my shopping cart.  I also will be receiving $100 gymbucks!  That's awesome, I just love this benefit.  When it's time to use the gymbucks, we'll know the gender and can also shop for both kids for spring/summer outfits.

Hubby went online over the weekend and purchased us all new tennis shoes, some cinch bags, and him and Xander bat bags.  I'm not sure what his plans are for the bat bags, but maybe in a few years Xander can actually use his.  He wanted to buy baby girl a pair of Jordan's, but I told him with it being summer, she most likely will not be in shoes, at least not tennis shoes.  I also decided NOT to buy baby shoes to go with her outfits that I placed from Gymboree.  I know, shocker, but I figured she most likely won't wear them but once or twice so I decided to get a few extra outfits in place of the sandals.  Much better of a deal!

We have shopping carts full at Macy's, Carter's, and Babies R Us.  Once the baby is born, hopefully some or all of it will still be there and we can place the orders.

I went to our BX (the main place I shop here, it's just a large department store) and picked up a new camera, an outfit for Xander, two outfits for Sterling, breast pump, and a large giant cupcake pan to make Xander for his 1st birthday.

Speaking of 1st birthday...I still haven't decided what we're doing.  But I know I'll at least make his day special even if it's just us and his giant cupcake :).  Maybe I'll shape the cupcake into a party hat instead?  That would be fun and I'd get to do some piping.

I've been feeling crappy lately.  I think I'm having contractions, but not real sure.  Sometimes they go away after I rest, but mostly the pain I'm feeling sticks around.  I'm so excited for my appointment on the 27th to get checked and know if anything is happening, and have the doc strip my membranes.  I told hubby last night that I wouldn't be surprised if we end in labor and delivery before the 27th, just to see what all the pains about.  This morning as we were talking, he made a good point.  He mentioned that we'd know when it's time because I don't like pain and I'd probably be  Right now, the pain is a lot of discomfort, not pain where I can't move or handle it.  I did have to call him home from work 2 nights ago.  I was miserable, swollen, and Xander just wanted me to play with him and I wanted to put my feet up and rest.  He came home within 10 minutes!  I was shocked.  I guess he could tell by my voice how miserable I was.  I think that day was the day I was having major braxton hicks because my stomach was constantly hard.  When I walk around or carry Xander is the time when the BH comes on.  On a positive note, the baby dropped Monday night and ever since I've been able to wear regular bras again!  On a negative note, ever since she dropped, that's when the pain started and I've also started getting a pretty consistent shooting/stabbing pain in my va-ja-jay!  Sorry...tmi!  I'm thinking another perk to pregnancy?

Tonight and tomorrow night it's just Xander and I for dinner.  Hubby has a work function to attend both nights.  Nothing special to be made or ate.  Well, I guess the cupcake is special...haha!

Our weather has turned nice finally.  We're back in the 40s for the next few days!  I love it!!!  I think I'm going to take Xander around the block tomorrow.  He has such a blast outside, even in the stroller.  Now, I hope it stays this nice at least until after baby is born.  I don't want to worry about going up the mountain to get to the hospital in a snow storm or ice storm. 

Hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, February 13

36 week appointment

This morning we went to the appointment and were surprised with an ultrasound. How exciting! This was hubbies first time seeing the baby on ultrasound, and he thought it was the coolest thing ever! The baby is head down. While the tech was checking position of the baby she decided to try to verify if the baby was a girl or boy. We still have a shy one. Although we were told at 25 weeks it's a girl because no "boy parts" we're obvious, we still don't know for sure. I'm actually excited to think we'll find out after the birth. Something to push a little harder for. I was very surprised baby is head down because I've been feeling movement on both sides at the same time. The babywas also doing breathing exercises. It was so neat seeing her on the scream and so big already. They didnt give an extimate of weight, but thats ok, she looks big. After the exam, we went in another room and spoke with the doctor about what's next. The thing I'm most nervous about is knowing when it's time. I've heard a million times, you'll just know, but I'm still worried. At my next appointment in 2 weeks they will do the cervical check and strip my membranes, if I elect. I'll be doing research on that now! Thanks doc!
We're still preparing for baby girl and I'll still do the canvases for her. And if the baby turns out to be a boy, that would just be great. We haven't spent a lot on girl items as its not been 100% and I don't want to waste money.

Tonight I'm going to make an attempt at making a chicken burrito like Qdoba. Im excited and hope that it has the taste to satisfy my picky taste buds!

Oh, I also gained 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks!! Yikes!

Because my appointment was right before Xander would normally take his nap, he was a monster when we finally made it home. He's such a clutz when he's tired that he fell and bonked his nose on the chair rail. He now has a nice bruiser in the middle of his eyes. Poor kid. He wouldn't let me keep ice on the area, so I'm hoping the swelling and bruising won't last long. He's sleeping now, so I hope he's getting some good rest. He needs it.

I think that's it for now. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 12

36 weeks

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: 18++ (find out Monday)
Gender: Girl

Maternity clothes? Maternity
Stretch marks?  Still nothing

Sleep: So so much better.  I do have about one or two nights a week that are rough, but that’s only because I start thinking of everything that needs to get done. 
Best moment this week: receiving the baby bedding!  Only took 6 weeks!!!  I also decided to wash the few outfits we have, a total of 6, plus all of Xander’s unisex onesies…which was 10.  So, we should be good for the first week or two.  Her bedding is washed and made, her clothes are washed, and now I need to start thinking of packing a bag for us
Miss Anything?  Sleeping on my stomach
Movement: All day 
Food cravings: oranges, fruit loops
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing
Labor Signs: possibly, but not sure.  I get the crampy feeling and lower back ache.  I’ve had three in one hour, then sporadic the rest of the days. 
Symptoms: Still heart burn, right foot/ankle swelling, miserable pain at the top of the uterus, ribs feel bruised, started getting dizzy and lightheaded, my arms feel weak, and my breasts started leaking

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still HAPPY!
What I’m looking forward to:  appointment on Monday morning and sketching and painting the last 2 canvases to get hung up hopefully next weekend.

28 days left!!!

Thursday, February 9

And it's hit me

Real bad! Swelling that is. This must be the one joyful symptom of pregnancy one can receive. Not so likely! For me I noticed it in my right foot pretty bad. I called the nurse this morning to see if it's normal to have swelling I'm one foot and not the other. She said unfortunately it is. But I have to watch for swelling in the face and hands, that's when there could be a problem of preeclampsia. Let's hope I don't develop that. She also said to try to keep my legs and feet elevated most of the day. Yeah right, like that's going to happen with a 10 month old getting into everything. I'll try as much as I can though. I'm looking forward to my 36 week appt on Monday morning!

It's so cold here. I want to take Xander out, but it's only in the teens and even though I'd bundle him up and he'd thoroughly enjoy the time out, it's cold for me! Maybe we'll go on the patio for a minute or two this afternoon if the sun warms things up a bit more. Hubby likes to remind me of where I'm from...MN...when I'm complaining about the cold.

I'm supposed to go to my friends house to catch up, but lately I haven't felt like leaving the house. It's getting uncomfortable carrying Xander up and down all our apartment stairs. I haven't even gone to the post office. I beg hubby to go, and he'll usually go once a week. That's fine, it allows me to stay comfortable. I do manage to make my way to the store, but I go on the weekends so I don't have to carry Xander. Which leaves me to feeling bad for Xander not getting out and getting the fresh air he so desperately loves. How I can't wait for the temperature to reach the 50s! Soon.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 7


And the stroller research is back on!  So about an hour after I placed the order for the stroller yesterday, my mind started wondering what the DOM was.  So I emailed the company.  They replied saying April 2007!  Yikes!  I'm not comfortable purchasing baby gear with such a past DOM.  I cancelled the order and now on the search again. 
I think we will still be going with the same brand, just the 2011 model.  But buying online, not all sites say the year of the strollers.  I'm now nervous to buy online as I don't know what I'll be getting.  I emailed Bumble.ride to see when their Indie.Twin's will be available for purchase again.  Maybe we'll just have to go without a twin stroller for awhile?  I'm so lost in this venture to buy a stroller.

Monday, February 6

35 weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks (34 days left…YAH!!!)
Total weight gain: 18
Gender: Girl
Maternity clothes? Maternity
Stretch marks?  Thankfully not yet
Sleep: a lot better since I created a cocoon with my pregnancy pillow 
Best moment this week:  I finally have the feeling of loving my expanding belly!  It’s simply perfect.  I’ve been extremely blessed during this time and finally have realized it.  I also love feeling my belly button because it's sticking out and has a weird's so soft.
Miss Anything?  So much!  The biggest is getting down and playing with Xander.  When we found out we were pregnant, he was only 3 months old, so he wasn’t down and playing yet.  Now, he’s all over the place and I wish I could enjoy these learning days with him.  He’s learning something every day and although I can get excited because I get to see it, I don’t get to be on his level.  Sorry, I don’t know how to explain it.  I just feel like i'm missing out.
Movement: thinking baby girl has dropped because I’m feeling movement everywhere 
Food cravings: Doner Kebab!!!  OH MY GOODNESS…whoever invented these are simply amazing!  So darn good!  Also this week has been oranges and grapes
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor Signs: maybe contractions, but false ones?  I’ve been having cramping and back pain along with tightening of the belly.  Only a few a day, not all in the same hour, and usually goes away when I relax when I start feeling it.
Symptoms:  Still heartburn.  I’ve also been feeling pain on my left side this weekend.  Maybe my pelvis or hips are spreading now to make room?
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!!!
What I’m looking forward to:  sketching the canvases.  We finally decided on a design!
I also ordered the double stroller today.  We decided to go with Baby. Jogger. City. Elite. Double as the Bumble.ride has been recalled/safety concern on the front tires.  I’ve heard great reviews from the one we decided on, however, I haven’t personally seen any in action.  I really hope it’s what we want/need.  After months of reviewing strollers, I’m glad this task is done!
The one we bought

Still waiting on the baby bedding to arrive.  This is the sucky thing about having to order everything online…having to wait and not knowing how the company ships things out.  Although we ALWAYS choose priority mail, sometimes companies ship parcel post or space available.  Not right, since we pay the more expensive one to get our items faster!

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 2

10 months

Sweet baby boy, your first year is flying by.  In 1 more month you will be a big brother.  In 2 short months you will turn one.
Some things you're up to:

~you sleep for 12-13 hours a night
~you are cruising along everything
~you walk with the help of your cars or the high chair, but love holding mommy's fingers to walk
~you love food!  Your face lights up when you hear, see or smell food
~you love to make noises with your hands...loud noises!
~you just started waving and saying "ello" (hello) at the same time
~you also wave your cute slow wave when you are told no
~you dislike naps, but mommy still puts you down twice a day even if it's only a half hour nap...somethings better than nothing
~you love to shoot hoops with your sports center toy
~you love balls
~you love spaghetti, but not left-overs
~you love playing with Hawkeye and will even say his name "awkey"
~you need a daily dose of the outdoors
~you take massive poops after you wake up in the mornings, last night we put a size 4 diaper on to hold all the poop in...and to find out you decided to take a little poopy
~you get so excited when daddy walks in the door
~you currently have 4 teeth coming in on top!!!  Poor kid, but you're a trooper
~you share your toys with mommy and daddy
~you'd rather play with Hawkeye's toys than your own
~you give the sweetest deep down belly laughs, you crack this momma up!

Happy 10 months Smushy!
We love you!

Wednesday, February 1

Oh how I've missed you...

SLEEP!  I finally was able to get some well rested sleep last night.  I decided to try configuring the pregnancy body pillow hubby bought me into my own little caccoon.  It worked!  I slept for 2-3 hour stretches.  I was so comfortable.  I didn't want to wake up this morning.  Good thing Xander plays in his bed when he wakes up.  I always here him talking to himself, but rarely will he fuss.
Now onto other randomness!

Lately Xander has been pooping out the back of his diaper, up half way his back when he wakes up.  Nasty!  So, I've been thinking I will put size 4 on him at night?  Size 3's fit him so well otherwise, but it's an almost every morning event that he has poop up his back.  Oh, his big poops are too much for 

Today is my little brother's 30th birthday.

And now some pictures...

We woke up yesterday to SNOW on the ground...finally!  It's already melting today, but it was a fun 2 minutes out in it.  Once he started moving around in it, snow got on his arms and he wasn't too happy about that.  Mom had to get the first snow picture though.

 My belly feels like it's on fire

It feels like there's a ton of bricks on it

I feel like I'm carrying around an elephant

I find it weird that some days it's more difficult to feel the baby move at this point.  I'd think I'd feel everything as big as she's getting in the cramped apartment she's rented.

I'm ready for this little one to arrive, but extremely nervous at the same time.

I'm obsessed with reading the What. to. Expect forum.

Xander's excited to wear his new shirt...ok, maybe mom is!

We received the pack and play, I put it up yesterday and Xander's been taking his naps in it.  He's doing far.

(I wanted to upload a video of him walking, but it's not working...I'll keep trying)

Xander's finally taken to walking.  After 2 weeks or so of him hating it, terrified, and wanting to sit on his bumper...he's finally going.  He's still really unstable, so not anywhere close to going on his own, but this is a huge start.

Now I show him his car and he'll pop right up and get going.  He even uses his highchair as his walker lately.

So proud of him!

We can finally month...when people ask when we're due!

 We still haven't decided what to do with the baby room.  Oh my!

I feel like I'm so unprepared for this baby because her room is not perpared for her.  When Xander came home he had a room ready for him...and we didn't even know if we would have a boy or girl when i did his room.  So why is this baby's room so difficult?

I have 10 outfits for her...that's it so far

Honestly, I'm scared to buy anything for her or do anything to prepare because I'm terrified of a still-birth.  My cousin just went through this last year and it has me freaking out that this could happen.
Without further ado...our baby girl's name will be...