Tuesday, August 28

Our 1st day of homeschool

Yesterday was fantastic!  Better than I ever imagined it would go.  It was fun.  I was called "Yes, Miss Hannigan."  Ha ha!  We had math struggles, but science was a hit.  Our schedule didn't go as I thought, but we still got through everything.  We just enjoyed our time and didn't stress over how long things took.  Some things went longer and some things were much shorter.

Enjoying a little cartoons before school started.

Our first agenda was to make our first day signs.  I wanted them to make them this year.  I normally print some out, but thought it would be more enjoyable if they created them.

Our fierce and sleepy "mascot" was at our sides.  She made a good reading buddy.

After making signs we got started on calendar work.

On to language arts.  Because both kids are at different levels, I had Xander work on his reading while I worked with Sterling.  Then when it was Xander's turn, Sterling working on her writing.  This wasn't in my "plan," but being flexible is what worked for us yesterday.

After finishing her writing she worked on building things until it was spelling review time.  She was confused at why she had to do spelling on her first day.  ha!  She's still wired for her Kindergarten schedule.

While I made lunch, they did PE.

After lunch, we did Math.  Xander complained a bit when it was subtraction time, but he made his way through. We did workbooks, apps, and white board.  I ended up telling him that if his Math wasn't done by 2, he would have to finish it after our science lesson and not have Ozmo time.  It motivated him and he finished it without further complaints.

They loved the science lesson.  We learned about the Earth and the Sun.  At last minute I decided to pull up the Internet and find some fun videos.  Xander actually watched this one in first grade he said.  

Little Lulu made it through her first day of school.  She was a pretty chill mascot.

After dinner, it was time for Lu to go to her real school.  Good thing she had lots of practice.  She was a wild one, ha!

I don't expect every day to be this easy or fun, but we'll get through it.  The "honeymoon" phase is pretty awesome 😉

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great day!

Monday, August 27

Last days of summer break

Good morning!  What a fun and busy weekend we enjoyed.  We spent a majority of our time finishing last minute school prep.  Because...we're starting school today!  Some people think I am crazy for homeschooling my kids.  But, it's what's best for our family.  We are without a doubt, ready and excited for it!

Look how this girl thinks she's a human.

We spent some time at the pool so Sterling could try out her one piece swim suit.  She has been begging for a one piece for over a month.  I've never bought them because they are a pain if she needs to use the bathroom.  She pretended to be a mermaid the entire two hours.

It was only in the high 70s and cloudy, so he was covered up a lot.

After a quick break, the kids had Brazilian jiu-jitsu try outs.  Xander didn't like it because he kept getting hurt.

Sterling hated it!  She was hilarious with all her eye rolls she was giving me.  During water breaks she'd come over and tell me there was "no way I'm doing this!" ha ha!  She hated other people's sweat on her.  I don't blame her, I would too.  But, she finished practice just for her daddy.

Lulu is still the sweetest pup ever.  Can you find her?  She's so darn smart for only 2 months old.  For the past three days, she's been going to the back door to let us know she has to go out.  I'm just in shock at how quick she's picked up the routine.  She's had a few accidents of course, but we're keeping her off the carpet so it's easy cleanup.  I use YL Thieves cleaner and it's working great.  And leaving the best scent behind.

This week, Nick and I will be celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary.  How in the world has it been 17 years already?!  Nick is actually coming home that afternoon, so the kids and I are planning something really special that we hope he likes and will enjoy the time together.
We ran to the party store and Michael's to get a few supplies and when we came home, Xander decided on what he was going to wear.  His suit that is a size 4, but he's determined that it fits him.  Even though his belly shows, as he said.

But says he can just cover it up like this...

He had me cracking up this weekend.  First with the suit.  Then as we were grocery shopping, we walked down the pasta aisle and he saw a box of lasagna noodles.  He says "hey mom, I've had a noodle sandwich like this before"  In all seriousness too.  I'm cracking up as I type this.  A man was walking by just when he said it and we both laughed out loud.  It was the cutest.  Now I want a "noodle sandwich" 🤣😂🤣

I finished lesson planning for the first week.  I tabbed their workbooks and put supplemental supplies in bins ready to use.  I'm not sure I like my planner though.  I may have to buy another one.

I made a welcome sign with our homeschool name.  After the kids eat breakfast and get dressed, I'll set up the school room for them to enter their first day.  

The fear is gone and the excitement is overflowing as we embark on this amazing homeschooling adventure.  

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 22

Life Lately

Good morning!  We had a great weekend with Nick home.  He loved Lulu as much as we do.  We hung pictures.  It's so nice to have things hanging on walls.  We're not done, but I still have to figure out what I want to put in the kids' room.  We have things, but I'm not sure I want to put them up.  I sort of want to go for bigger kid prints.  So, for now, their walls are empty.

Lulu has been adjusting so well.  She loves all of us, but only lets Sterling hold her like a baby.

Maybe it's because she treats her like a real baby?

I made homemade salsa.

Lulu started puppy classes

This is what she thought of them 😂

We bought a cardboard market shop.  It was a two day project and already worth the $15.

I mean, look at the cute puppy in the window!

I received my most anticipated order from Young Living.  I love the oils, but on this order I have some fun diffuser blends I want to try 😊

We took Lulu on her first walk last night.  She did pretty good.  We didn't go far, but for now we're just wanting to get her used to walking on a leash and staying by us.  Not running.  It's also a training lessons for the kids on how to walk a dog 😉

Lulu had her first bath.  Our vet recommended using baby bath.  So we did.

She smells so clean now

This week we're trying to get into our routine with school starting up.  This involves me going to the gym.  I wish I loved working out like I used to.  But, I don't.  I blame age.  Maybe this year will be my year to enjoy it again.  I know I'll never be as thin as I'd like, but, I can still be happy.  Our routine will also involve a daily chore area.  Monday was bathrooms.  Yesterday was bedrooms.  Today will be main living areas.  I'm also going to start paying the kids at the end of the week, if they do their work every day.  They are always wanting money to buy things, so I'm going to pay them half of their age. Sterling will get $3.  But, she won't get to keep the full $3.  She has to put some aside for her savings account.  My goal is to teach them that money doesn't grow on trees, ha!

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 17

Meet Lulu

Good morning!  I'm so excited for today's post.  We have our beloved puppy home with us and we are loving her!  She's doing great and is the sweetest puppy ever.


On our way to go get her

She's all ours.  When we arrived at the house to get her, she walked right up to Xander and was checking him out.  It was the sweetest.  He was so worried that he wouldn't bond with her because they didn't really bond on our first meeting.  So it was extra nice to see that.

We took her to meet our very best friends

Lulu follows me the most.  I secretly love it.

But, Sterling is pretty obsessed with her and doesn't like when she naps.

Now we get to start training her.  She's taking puppy classes starting next week so hopefully she'll be trained before too long.  She's doing great so far in the house though.  We take her out every 3-4 hours and she's been using the bathroom outside 🙌.  

Yesterday the AC man was here and when he was done fixing our unit we left to pick her up.  However, when we returned home, the AC man didn't fix the AC.  What in the world?!  It was so hot and miserable in the house.  We were hoping it'd been cooled off by the time we got home.  So we're waiting on the man to come back today.  Let's hope he can get it fixed today.   We have 5 fans + 2 ceiling fans going in the living room.  It'll be our area for the day to stay as cool as possible.  Hurry up AC man and get this unit fixed!

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 16

Keeping cool

Good morning.  It's been a hot one here.  Our AC furnace was getting a new drain pan on Tuesday and while the man was changing it out, the unit started hissing.  Come to find out, somehow a crack on one of the pipes caused freon to leak.  What was supposed to be a quick fix, turned into a two day hot fiasco.  The technician worked for two hours trying to solder the pipe closed.  But, it didn't work.  So, he gave many apologies and left us with no air for two nights.  He's coming this morning to fix it.  All the praise hands!

The first night wasn't so bad, because the air had only been off for 4 hours by the time we went to bed.  But, yesterday?!  Miserable!  

No worries, we carried a fan around the house and tried to stay downstairs most of the day.

We ate ice cream

And Popsicles

Today we also get to pick up some precious cargo.  We are so excited!  I can't wait to share more tomorrow 😉

Have a great day!