Sunday, September 30

Surprise visitors

Last week Tuesday we had 4 surprise visitors.  Nicks aunt Debra, her boyfriend, and 2 of her friends were all on a vacation throughout Europe for 2 weeks.  The night before they all flew back home I get a phone call at 5:30 saying they were on base.  Um, what?   Many thoughts scatter my head...who's this?, you're where?, what are they doing here?, how'd you get my number?, does Nick know and not tell me? house is a disaster!, I'm a mess! my hair, my clothes...oh well, I'm in the middle of cooking dinner, do I keep cooking or do a quick clean up?  I kept cooking.  I decided that Xander needed to be fed and that was more important than a clean house.  I'll say, the house looked liked we lived in it, ha!  But it still wasn't terribly bad, still presentable.  It was a quick visit, about a half hour, they were off to grab some dinner and then off to the hotel so they can get some rest before the long flight back home.  But, I think just them coming and taking time out of their trip was special.  Yes, I didn't know any of them at all, but Debra's family and was kind enough to pay us a visit.  Her friend Sharon kept the visit very warm. She was a very friendly person and had nice conversation.  Her and her husband were actually stationed here 5 years ago, so they were excited to see all the changes to this place.

Debra's boyfriend (i'm bad and didn't get his name), Debra, Sharon, and Alessandro (the last guy was not here, he's a mayor of something

Sterling still checking Debra out, Xander loved Debra and wanted to leave with her

Now, my daughter does not like black women.  How embarrassing!!  She's only 6 months old and already can notice color?  She screamed. screamed! once the door opened and they walked in.  Debra wanted to hold her so bad, but Sterling just kept screaming.  So, Sharon's husband asked to take her, and she went right to him, he's white.  Seriously kid?  I was SO embarrassed!  I still am!

These visitors made a surprise visit, but one that will never be forgotten.

Have a great day!

New recipe success

Lately I've been adventurous and trying Arabic foods.  I LOVE them!  They seem so light and healthy, but FULL of flavor.  My most recent success was another batch of the famous pita bread with topping.  Although, my topping was not as thick as most I've seen.  I still have to work on that part, but the bread itself, turned out amazing.  My other success last night was a meat pie.  You see, my neighbor made these last week during our play date and I loved them.  So, I thought to create my own.  Of course, they weren't nearly as good as hers, but they were still pretty dang good!  I made a homemade Greek yogurt and cucumber sauce to go with the meat pies and oh. my. gosh!   You all should have seen my face eating these things.  They were amazing!  You could eat them as a meal or simply a snack.  I'm in love.  I'm in love.  I'm in love!!!

I have to say that I've had them every day for 3 days now.  They are amazing reheated, maybe even better than freshly made.  It's like all the ingredients marry together as they sit in the refrigerator.  Whatever the reason, I LOVE them!

Have a great day!

Monday, September 24

odd hours

Tomorrow we had planned to go to Yabadoo, which is an indoor playground and we (Pam and I) were going to let the littles (mostly Xander and Lily) run free and do what they want.  I was looking forward to this as it would have been our first time and Pam's 2nd.  We had planned to leave around 10 and get there around 1030.  Well I looked it up today and they don't open until 2pm!  What?!?  Seriously, what are mom's supposed to do with their little ones all day?  I guess it's because we're in Germany and they create the most odd opening and closing hours ever around here.  Something we have mostly gotten accustomed to, but an indoor playground for kids opening so late in the day?  Odd!  As I was looking on the site, I noticed that adults can play too!  I would have an absolute blast so I'm hoping we will be able to work with the hours and go have fun.  I think for Pam and I, we wanted to go with just the babies.  But with her older girls getting out of school around 3, we'd have to probably go on a Monday after school.
So, because the opening hours are so odd, the kids and I are going to go over to her house and hang out and play.  We'll create our own little indoor playground...ha!

Speaking of odd hours...since when do maintenance men come to your home unannounced so early in the morning?  I hadn't had my shower, my cup of coffee, the kids just got fed and we were all in our pj's when the doorbell rang!  Um...sure you can come in and do a dryer check! if you don't mind us in our pj's and my bed not made yet.  How rude!

Sterling has been sleeping through the night for the past 2 nights.  I'm probably jinxing myself by putting it on here, but i'm so proud of her!  She wakes up every morning around 5:25, so these past 2 mornings not having the waking before has been awesome!  This morning when she woke up, I was so out of it and didn't know it was already 5:20!  

It's a stormy day here today.  I need to make a run to the store and get milk, but this rain is tempting me to stay home and forget about the milk.  I HATE rain!  It's supposed to be rainy all week...yuck!

Good thing for good friends to keep me sane!

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 23

Weekend recap

We started Friday as bums, all in sweats, lounging around the house.  After lunch we received a phone call from our friend and wanted us to go to gelato with them in a nearby village.  We were quick to jump on that offer.  The kids took naps, got changed and we headed out around 3:15.  Xander is still a bit unsure of cold things such as gelato, but he had fun playing and dipping his spoon in it.  After we enjoyed gelato, we went to the park where our friends middle child had a soccer game.  She scored a goal!  Way to go Mikaylah!!  We didn't watch all of the game, only like 10 minutes.  We played at the park...

going down the slide with Alexa

wouldn't let go of Alexa's soccer ball

watching brother swing

another slide with Alexa

LOVES the swing!

I love her big smile

Xander and his girlfriend, Lily

After the game we all headed to BK.  Xander ate a burger and a half!  I think he was hungry.  When we got home, he had a bath because he was a filthy little boy from all that hard work playing and eating.

On Saturday we woke up, ate breakfast and headed out.  We went to Alexa's soccer.  Poor girl got injured, but was a trooper and got back in the game towards the end.  After the game we headed to the grocery store, someone needed more formula.  After the store, it was playtime at home.

Xander wanted Sterling to play with his piano, so he sat and watched

and then took it away and gave her 'love'

The rest of our day was spent doing chores and playing with an evening walk then baths.  I have fallen in love with taking walks in the evening and letting Xander walk the last 1/2 mile home.  He sleeps so well after all the walking.

Today...well we were absolute bums all day long.  I finished laundry, mainly the blankets and bedding sets.

Started our day with eating (and looking oh. so. cute!)

ate our version of the taco bell cheese roll up.  I had some tortilla shells that expire next week and some cheese in the freezer, so I made a meal out of it instead of my famous...throw it away attitude.

being a cheeser

ate 2 roll ups and still had a smile at the end

After lunch, I started painting my little choir people.  I have the lady on the right, her coat and hat rim done.  The vision in my head of the completed result is awesome, so I'm hoping with all the breaks, it will still be awesome in the end.  It will take a few days I think to get this project done, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  The distraction of the kiddos is much welcomed.

We ate spaghetti for dinner.  I made it with Rotini noddles because I'm trying to get rid of our perishable foods that we have on hand.  With our move in the next 10 months, it's time to start diminishing our stock pile.  What better time to do this, when Nick is gone!  He's a picky eater and wouldn't go for the hodge podge mix of meals.  Me, I could care less.  Xander, as long as it's hot and fresh and not reheated...he's fine with it.  So I figure we have 2 weeks to dwindle our supply.

14 days until Nick comes home!!!

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 20


This post is going to be random...

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what it's like to be a military spouse (male or female) with kids.  It takes a lot of dedication, support and commitment on both spouses.  There are many spouses in the military that think they either wear their husbands rank or can make decisions for the military spouse.  Me, I could never do that.  I've been on both sides now and know how the military operates for the most part.  Although, it's a fast pace changing workforce, so I'm sure it's changed a lot since I've been in.  I want what's best for my spouse, I want what's best for his career, and I want what's best for our family.  It's that simple.  We can have all three anywhere we go.  I may not agree with every decision the Air Force makes for him, but someway, somehow, they know what will advance him during his career.  I may not see it right away.  I may be depressed and upset for awhile.  I will overcome all obstacles and put my family first.  With living in Germany, it is difficult at best, but I know our time is short here and we will move on.  There are days I miss my family dearly and I want to go to my families homes.  I want the connection of family.  I miss it.  But being in the military, you create new "family".  It's mostly your neighbors you become family with, but there are those few random families you come across that will be hard to part ways with.  There's always hope that you will be stationed with those families again, and sometimes it's a huge possibility.  We won't find out where we will be moving next until next spring, but wherever the Air Force takes us, we will rebuilt our home and make it comfortable.  My husband always asks for my input on where we should go next, and my response is always the same..."whatever's best for your career, as long as it's in the states", ha!  Now, I do have my hopes and I do state them, but really, what's best for him and our future, I can be happy.  It may take awhile, but with time, it can be done.


Schools starts on Monday.  I took a sneak peak at the class last night and am pretty excited about it.  It does not look too difficult, but the instructor does not have the assignments listed, so I'm not sure how in depth they are.  There are only 3! major assignments, a mid-term, an individual project, and a final exam.  All the rest will be reading the textbook and discussion questions and responses that relate to the reading material.  Seems simple, we will see!


I wanted to take some pictures of the kids today.  Have them dressed cute, but they are having an off day.  Making my day off.  Pictures would be a disaster.   I strive for patience every day.  Some days I'm calm and collective, but there are some days where I have to step away and take a breather.  Sterling is teething (I think) or maybe growing?  She wants to eat or gnaw on everything.  This whole week she has not been sleeping well at night.  She's up every hour screaming, goes back to sleep, then starts all over in another hour.  It's making for long days and she woke Xander up at 4:30 this morning.  I'm not sure what I should be doing, but I can't feed the kid every time she screams out. She hates being rocked or cuddled, there's really no way to soothe her.
We've gotten off our schedule this week so maybe that has something to do with her not being able to rest easily.  Xander is also off this week.  His naps have been less and less.  He did take a very good one yesterday, but every other day they are max 35 minutes!  I think we will have to start staying around the house more to get them back to normal.


I bought Xander a box of Trix last week, thinking "Trix are for kids", well not so much for him.  He does not like them.  Every morning this week I've given him the option of Trix and Mini Wheats and he always chooses mini wheats.  I love that my little man chooses the healthier option. They're my favorite also, so I don't blame him.


17 more days until hubby gets home!  I think about this a million times a day, I swear!

I think that's everything on my mind, thanks for stopping by...have a great day!

Wednesday, September 19

Neighbor play/lunch date

So today we went up to our neighbors for lunch and play.  Xander has a great time playing with her kids, Amena and Bantu, and I enjoy the adult conversation and food by Inam.  Her foods are full of flavor, but she says she only uses salt and pepper, no spices.  If I only used salt and pepper, I know my foods would not turn out as yummy as hers.  Today, she made the traditional Arabic bread with oregano/olive oil topping and also meat wrapped in bread to serve with homemade yogurt and cucumber sauce.
Both kids took nice naps today.  It's an odd day when Xander will take longer than 45 minutes, so the 70 minutes today was much welcomed!
We are going to play tonight with our friends Pam and her girls.  We're going to walk and meet them at the park.  It's nice weather, not hot, not cold, just perfect.  I love the crisp feeling of fall weather!  Makes me happy.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 18

kids playing

I love this video because Sterling is always laughing at her brother, but then when Xander starts acting crazy, she gets the serious look...LOVE it!

This is what Xander usually does to get her laughing

Now look at the sweet innocence of a little bow that sees his sister wearing headbands and wants to check it out too (and gets mad when I took it off) ya bubs!

I love watching these two play together.  It's sweet, loud, and sometimes trouble is had.  But they love each other and that's all that matters.


The story I forgot to tell you all!  It wasn't funny at first, but now I just laugh it off.  While Nick is at school in Alabama, he received an email from our base stating that his driving privileges (on the bases in our community) are suspended for 90 days after receipt of the notice.  He's appealing the decision because he doesn't think it's fair.  Now, the story.  
Well, my husband, is a man that thinks he can do what he wants; "everyone else does it" was his favorite saying in this situation.  What was the tickets for?  Well he received 3 parking tickets in a year for parking in front of (once) or too close (twice) to a dumpster.  This particular dumpster that he would park near has no markings or signs instructing it's not allowed, like ALL other dumpster areas on this base, so he thought it was fine and the tickets were nothing.  I guess there's a rule on the base that you can't have more than 3 in a years time.  It's funny because every time he'd park there, I'd tell him he better move his car.  We'd argue over it and he'd always leave the car.  Well I guess this was a time when he should have listened to the wife...ha!!  Sometimes we just do know!!!  So now, the kids and I will be inconvenienced for 90 days (if the appeal is thrown out).  We'll have to be up early, out the door by 7, pick up up if he has to go anywhere during the day, pick him up after work.  The morning one, I'm not too upset about, it's more having to get him during dinner time.  I'm going to either need dinner done before getting him, or have late dinners.  I can't leave dinner cooking while I'm out.  With that, we'll just plan our days around him i guess.  Fun?...NOT so!
There is a good side.  He acknowledged the receipt today, so the days start counting down tomorrow.  That means, he'll only have 60 days after he gets back, if the appeal is thrown out.  He's appealing it for the time to be reduced to 30 days, which would then put the no driving to 10 days...that would be ideal!

There you have it, maybe you should listen to your spouse?!...hahaha!!!

Have a great day!

Monday, September 17

1/2 way to ONE

Oh my gosh!  Where has time gone.  I can't believe my sweet baby girl is 6 months old today.  In order to celebrate her 1/2 birthday, she decided she wanted to go all out with a bang and not sleep last night.  She was up every hour, but fell back asleep until the next hour.  It may have been because I forgot to give her her baby "crack".  I swear this stuff is a babies favorite.  The hyland's baby teething tablets!  I usually give her 3 tablets at bedtime.  By the time the second tablet hits her tongue, she's giggling and laughing.  So cute!  Xander also enjoyed the teething tablets.

Oh Sterling, since the last monthly update (at 4 months) you've grown a lot:

~took your first plane ride

~you started rolling over from back to stomach consistently

~you love to sleep on your side

~wearing size 3 diaper

~wears size 9-12 months clothes, with 12-18 month t-shirts, size 2 shoe (but we don't put any on because she curls her toes and the shoes don't stay on properly)

~loves music...I think if you could stand you'd bounce your booty

~you take 2 naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon

~you finally put yourself on a schedule.  I'm loving it!

~you started eating rice cereal and veggies last month at grandma's, and now are eating "meals" 3 times a day.  You are down to five 5 oz bottles a day with a teaser 3 ounce bottle in the middle of the night if you wake up before 5...which you usually do.  you also eat baby puffs and you are a good self feeder

~you're very strong.  you pick things up one handed and wave it around like it's nothing.

~you've been holding your own bottle since before you were 5 months

~you drink out of your brothers camelbak bottle, that's pretty advanced in my opinion

~you wiggle and bounce your way out of your bouncy seat

~you love tummy time and your jumperoo

~you've been sitting up by yourself since 5 months, assisted since 3.5 months

~you're a little behind on pulling yourself up.  you'd rather not put any pressure on your legs and sit on your hiney.  I'll be asking your doctor if there should be any concern.

~you are talk, you screech, you talk and talk, but do it so loudly.  You showed daddy last night on webcam just how loud and excited you get.  You had daddy laughing.

~you started sleeping in your crib this month.  this makes for one happy mommy :) (except for nights like last night)

~lately you've been snuggling into mommy's chest when you get sweet coming from a girl that hates to be cuddled...i'm eating it up!

~you LOVE to laugh at your brother

~it looks like your 2 bottom teeth are coming in, we'll have to wait and see

Your 'typical' schedule:

7:15 - wake up
8:00 - eat morning "meal", playtime
9:00 - bottle, nap
11:00 - 11:30 wake up
12:00 - lunch, sippy cup with water
1:00 - bottle, play
3:00 - snack, nap
5:00 - bottle
7:00 - bath
7:30 - bottle, dinner
8:00 - bed

Have a great day!

Sunday, September 16

video chat with Nick

All day we were bums.  I got 4 loads of laundry done, all bedding changed, my closet uncluttered, and a figurine painted with a base white so I can get started painting it the colors I want.  It felt great. We then went to meet our friends at the bazaar to grab a late lunch.  After the kids and I got there, we couldn't find them and my phone was dead, so we walked 3 laps around the entire food area.  We didn't see any of them on our last lap so we decided to come back home.  After we got home, I noticed Nick was online, so i called him to see if he wanted to webcam.  So we did.  He's at his mom's visiting, so we were able to chat with her also.  We didn't actually talk that long and much about anything, but it was very nice to see him finally.  Only 3 more weekends and he'll be home!  I can't wait.  I think I'm going to run off the day he gets home and be gone all day...yeah right, but maybe a few hours solo!

Today was a better day in our house.  I've been noticing that Xander is jealous of Sterling.  Ever since we've been back home, he's just been an attention getter, unruly, defiant, and sweet and loving all at the same time.  I think because it's just me with both kids, Xander has noticed that he's not getting as much attention that he does when daddy is home and while we were on vacation.  So, he becomes loud and louder when Sterling is getting a bottle, a diaper change, being held, being tickled, or just being looked at.  He does not like it!  He's started this loud screech sound to get attention.  Obviously I can't ignore Sterling just because she don't know better, so while she is napping, I've created Xander time.  We read books, play, do art, anything where it's just him and I.  If I'm doing chores, I have him help me.  He's a great helper and feels so proud when he's put something in the trash or the laundry in the hamper.  But I try to leave the chores until he's napping, but sometimes I just can't.

Hope you are having a great day!

Saturday, September 15

Sep 1-15 in pictures

a little unsure

loves her giggle animal

also discovered she enjoys the swing finally

Happy 17 months!

a man of many faces...'oh please mom'

trying out their new chairs from Ikea

while I was cleaning up breakfast one morning I heard Xander and Sterling playing.  looks like he's trying to pick her her head...had to stop that one

after I chopped up some pickles for potato salad, Xander had to "test" them

staying warm on a chilly day

'yup, that's right'


a day of rompers and big hair

today's art project, painting the Christmas tree (I painted it green so he could "decorate" it)

Just some of our projects this week (found by google images)

Have a great day!

Friday, September 14


...and so it begins.  17.5 months old and a mind of his own.  Today we had to do a typical errand run, the BX and grocery store.  We haven't done both at the same time in quit a while, but I was thinking to get them done so we don't have to go this weekend.  OY!  UGH!  Big mistake.  In the BX, I take the stroller because I typically never buy much in there.  Both kids were good, then we make a stop at the food court to grab some lunch.  He eats at the table, is good.  Walks out to the car, is good.  The grocery store...I really think this kid despises the market.  I entertain him with snacks and the iPod.  He's alright walking through the store, but we didn't need much so weren't long inside.  As soon as we pay and begin to walk to the car, he decides he does not want to walk.  He wants to sit his hiney on the ground and play with rocks.  I wouldn't mind I don't think if i didn't have the bagger girl walking our groceries out.  It is SO difficult picking up Xander as I have Sterling in the other arm.  I had to, I hate to, but it was the only way to get to the car in a timely manner, with bagger chick by our side.  By the time we got to the car, poor Sterling was falling down by my knee..ugh!  What a sight I was this morning with both kids in arms and one hanging off me.  I wish i could take the stroller in and push a buggy, but I've tried that and it's impossible.  I think Sterling is going to get worn in from now on so I can deal with Xander and not put Sterling in uncomfortable circumstances.  It's so hard to get Sterling in and out of the carrier by myself, that's why I haven't used it.  We have 2 hiking backpacks with the braces in them, should i use that?  Would that be silly walking through a market with a hiking bag on?  I just don't know what to do anymore.  Just 4 more weekends and hubby will be home and I can go solo!  Trust me, I will!  It will get better, I know this is a phase and he's testing his limits.  After we got home, I set him on the rug to have a quiet time for a few minutes.  After he did that I got down on his little level and had a friendly reminder chat with him, he hugged me and now he's napping.  I think when he starts acting out and not listening, he needs a break in what he's doing to refocus.  It worked this time, lets hope it continues to work for him.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 12

1st Babysitter

So tonight it was my first time leaving the kids with a babysitter other than our friends.  This girl is 16 and lives in our complex so her mom offered his sitting services...ha!  Poor girl.  I really hope the kids weren't horrible.  I asked her of course, but received the typical response...they were good, no problems.  Xander is at the age of fussing when things don't get his way and it can get pretty annoying quickly.  We'll see.  She watched them for 3 hours and earned $35!  I have no idea what the going rate is, but I figure that since they are young and require a little extra TLC, that would be good?
Where did I go?  The Ramstein Bazaar!  The best place here, I swear.  It has a zillion different vendors from throughout Europe with their authentic treasures.  It's rather pricey, but if you know you won't make it to their country, why not pay the extra price?  I didn't get a bunch, we only had 3 hours to shop, so I'll be going again tomorrow (with kids in tow).  And tomorrow, I will enjoy some Pancit.  The best place to grab a bite to eat when attending the bazaar, the pancit tent (I don't know what it's really called).  But each tent raises money for their squadron events/parties.
The best part...when I walked in the door and Xander heard me, he ran up to me and hugged my legs and talked a mile a minute!  He had so much to talk about, I just wish I could understand all of it.  So sweet!!

Sterling has also been sleeping great at night.  She seems a little constipated today, so hopefully that won't affect her sleeping tonight.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 11

Sterling eating

She gets so excited and loves to eat...chomp chomp chomp

Pictures from the last week of our vacation

Our last week on vacation was spent back at Nana and Papa Jim's

1st time with piggies

1st feeding

blew Papa a kiss, saying goodbye the night before Papa left for a work trip

with nana and papa

just because he's so handsome

and because she's such a ham

(not sure why this is sideways) with nana before going to the airport

running around waiting for our plane

Next photo dump will be random from the iPod

Have a great day!

Pictures from vacation part 2

Part 2 of our vacation was in North Carolina visiting Opa, Grandma, and cousins.  Then up to Virginia to visit Xander's birth family and our old neighbor.

Meeting Opa for the 1st time for Sterling and 1st time since Xander was 6 weeks old

Trying to figure Opa out

Opa trying to put some overtired, freshly bathed (by him) kids to sleep

it worked!

playing with Opa before he leaves

Sterling not liking her grandma too much

playing with cousin Jayla and Alicia

Nana Shelly (birth family) and Xander having a good time

Xander giving big brother Jayden a hug

Xander's birth mom, Liz, and her boys

giving high 5s

loving the splash park

SO happy

our neighbors kids in VA