Monday, September 24

odd hours

Tomorrow we had planned to go to Yabadoo, which is an indoor playground and we (Pam and I) were going to let the littles (mostly Xander and Lily) run free and do what they want.  I was looking forward to this as it would have been our first time and Pam's 2nd.  We had planned to leave around 10 and get there around 1030.  Well I looked it up today and they don't open until 2pm!  What?!?  Seriously, what are mom's supposed to do with their little ones all day?  I guess it's because we're in Germany and they create the most odd opening and closing hours ever around here.  Something we have mostly gotten accustomed to, but an indoor playground for kids opening so late in the day?  Odd!  As I was looking on the site, I noticed that adults can play too!  I would have an absolute blast so I'm hoping we will be able to work with the hours and go have fun.  I think for Pam and I, we wanted to go with just the babies.  But with her older girls getting out of school around 3, we'd have to probably go on a Monday after school.
So, because the opening hours are so odd, the kids and I are going to go over to her house and hang out and play.  We'll create our own little indoor playground...ha!

Speaking of odd hours...since when do maintenance men come to your home unannounced so early in the morning?  I hadn't had my shower, my cup of coffee, the kids just got fed and we were all in our pj's when the doorbell rang!  Um...sure you can come in and do a dryer check! if you don't mind us in our pj's and my bed not made yet.  How rude!

Sterling has been sleeping through the night for the past 2 nights.  I'm probably jinxing myself by putting it on here, but i'm so proud of her!  She wakes up every morning around 5:25, so these past 2 mornings not having the waking before has been awesome!  This morning when she woke up, I was so out of it and didn't know it was already 5:20!  

It's a stormy day here today.  I need to make a run to the store and get milk, but this rain is tempting me to stay home and forget about the milk.  I HATE rain!  It's supposed to be rainy all week...yuck!

Good thing for good friends to keep me sane!

Have a great week!

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