Tuesday, September 18


The story I forgot to tell you all!  It wasn't funny at first, but now I just laugh it off.  While Nick is at school in Alabama, he received an email from our base stating that his driving privileges (on the bases in our community) are suspended for 90 days after receipt of the notice.  He's appealing the decision because he doesn't think it's fair.  Now, the story.  
Well, my husband, is a man that thinks he can do what he wants; "everyone else does it" was his favorite saying in this situation.  What was the tickets for?  Well he received 3 parking tickets in a year for parking in front of (once) or too close (twice) to a dumpster.  This particular dumpster that he would park near has no markings or signs instructing it's not allowed, like ALL other dumpster areas on this base, so he thought it was fine and the tickets were nothing.  I guess there's a rule on the base that you can't have more than 3 in a years time.  It's funny because every time he'd park there, I'd tell him he better move his car.  We'd argue over it and he'd always leave the car.  Well I guess this was a time when he should have listened to the wife...ha!!  Sometimes we just do know best...lol!!!  So now, the kids and I will be inconvenienced for 90 days (if the appeal is thrown out).  We'll have to be up early, out the door by 7, pick up up if he has to go anywhere during the day, pick him up after work.  The morning one, I'm not too upset about, it's more having to get him during dinner time.  I'm going to either need dinner done before getting him, or have late dinners.  I can't leave dinner cooking while I'm out.  With that, we'll just plan our days around him i guess.  Fun?...NOT so!
There is a good side.  He acknowledged the receipt today, so the days start counting down tomorrow.  That means, he'll only have 60 days after he gets back, if the appeal is thrown out.  He's appealing it for the time to be reduced to 30 days, which would then put the no driving to 10 days...that would be ideal!

There you have it, maybe you should listen to your spouse?!...hahaha!!!

Have a great day!

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