Saturday, January 30

Major selectee

Nick did it! His hard work and dedication has paid off.  He was among 2068 selected to promote to the rank of Major.  He was also selected for school, of which only 15% were selected.  We found out on Tuesday.  We've had a pretty crazy week.  He's also a candidate on the deputy commander list, so we're waiting to here if he gets picked up for that or a regular assignment.  We should find out where
we're moving by the end of February.  We're anxiously waiting to hear.  I'm hoping to go back to Europe.  Nick's hoping to go on his deployment or Virginia.  They'd all be good, but I hope my wish comes true, ha!

Saturday, January 23

Life Lately

Where has time gone?!  For the two weeks I haven't blogged, these are the only pictures I have.  Same daily/weekly routines.  School. Ice lessons. Work. Play. School. Learn. Have fun.  Let's also put go crazy in the mix.

We had Sterling's tent (from her Opa) up for a few weeks and she had fun playing in it.  As did Xander.

We also made time to skype with my sister and her little guy.  Xander loved it.  Sterling missed out because she fell asleep.  We had a great time catching up.

Weekly ice lessons (almost over! and I'm not sure I'm going to sign them back up until we move, we have too much going on right now)

After school one day I took Xander to the park.  He deserved it.  Sterling's been  a pill lately and I needed to give him some one on one attention.  It was nice to get out with just him.

Xander's been working on sounding out words and writing things out.  Here he wrote "Do you like carrots?"  "Yes"  We've been working a lot with him because he's been asking and is eager.  He's one smart boy!

  Weekly ballet. We're getting so excited because this week they began practicing for their recital in May.  It's going to be adorable!

On non-picture updates.  Work has been crazy lately.  Working in childcare is awesome, however, we get all the sick kids.  One thing that drives me crazy is when kids come in obviously sick and the parents doped them up on medicine in hopes they will act normal.  In the past two weeks, we have been dealing with hand foot and mouth disease.  All because doctors are diagnosing over the phones, and giving doctors notes saying "please allow so and so to return to daycare," our director accepts them.  On the 12th a little one came with blisters not scabbed over and was at school all week.  That weekend, another little one got it (but his mom is awesome and kept him home!).  Then this week another little one came in with blisters that started the day prior.  This little one was with us on Tuesday, no signs of it, then on Thursday covered in blisters. But the mom still brought him! What is up with parents?! Do they not care about the safety of the other little ones and/or the teachers?!  Keep your kids home until their blisters are scabbed (at least).  On the 12th was our first case in the whole school, so this little one obviously came in contagious (although the doctor (I'll use doctor loosely!) cleared little one to come back saying 'not contagious') because others are now all of a sudden getting it.  Sure these kids don't have fevers and are acting normal, but they have the blisters, so they shouldn't be coming into the school.  
As a hopeful future director of an academy, I am learning a lot about how I would do so much differently.  As a director, you should be able to override a doctors note for the health and safety of the other kids.

We're anxiously awaiting the results to see if Nick made Major.  We're 99.99 percent positive he did.  He applied for a captain's position for something, and they wrote back saying they couldn't fill him in that position because they are working on filling him for a major position.  Thanks personnel center for the heads up :).  We'll find out this coming week.  We're also anxiously awaiting to hear where we will be moving this summer.  Nick was selected as a candidate on the deputy commanders list.  Basically it means if chosen, he'll be working with a commander and at times acting as commander.  Big shoes to fill, but the Air Force must think he's ready.  I do too. He's pretty amazing at his job.  So now we wait to hear if he's selected for this job and where it is or if he's selected for a regular assignment.  He's hoping for a regular in hopes that we'll get one of the selected bases he put on his wish list, and I'm hoping he'll get the deputy commander position :)  Something new.  Something unsure.  Right now the unsure sounds like an adventure and I like the thought of it.  We typically find out our assignments in February, but this year it might be all the way in April.  Being patient is hard.

I registered Xander for kindergarten here last week.  I figured I may as well in the event that we got stuck here, that way, he can also go to kindergarten round up in March.  I'm pretty excited that he'll get to experience it for a day before he actually goes.  He's an eager learner.  Always wanting to know how/why things do what they do.  Always wanting to create something.  Always ready to do new things.  He's ready for school and he's going to excel.  A few things he needs to work on is his anger and communicating with other kids.  It's a challenge, but I'm confident it'll get better with time.

This month has been miserable for Sterling.  She's been a mess!  She's always screaming about hating something or someone.  Getting out the door in the mornings takes at least 15 minutes because she does not like her coats because they touch her chin.  Or her shoes feel funny.  Or her pants are crooked.   Or she wants to wear sandals when it's snowing.  She's something else and it's really frustrating when she's having her tantrums.  

Let's talk about our day yesterday. 

Momment of the week (the honest hard times):
The kids woke up from 3-5 am because Xander didn't want to sleep in his bed.  I put him back in his room and he's wakes up Sterling because of his crying.  They go back and forth between our rooms for an hour.  Sterling wants to sleep in her bed, but only if bubba sleeps in his bed.  Bubba wants to sleep in our bed.  I got fed up and told Xander to just get in our bed (at 430) because I wanted to sleep.  Nick promtly boots him out.  He goes back to his room crying.  I put on a cartoon, close his door, and pretty sure he finally fell back asleep shortly before 5.  It was a miserable two hours of back and forth.  My alarm goes off at 545 and my head was hurting!  I was grumpy and didn't want to be bothered.  It was nice the kids didn't wake up until 7 so I was able to wake up without their annoyances.  We got them dressed and ready so I could get to work and Xander to school.  After work/school, Sterling has dance so we concured that without a fuss.  Made a run to Sam's, without a fuss.  Sam's didn't have the one thing I really wanted, snack size baggies, so we made a quick run over to Target for those.  This is where things went haywire.  As we're getting out of the car, Xander says he needs to use the bathroom, so the bathroom will be our first stop.  We get in the doors of Target and Sterling stops in her tracks and says she's not going anymore.  I try the walk ahead of her and she'll come method.  Didn't work.  So I walk back and get her because Bubs is doing the potty dance.  She's screaming, snatching her hands out of my hands and not wanting to walk.  We finally make it to the bathroom.  As we're leaving the bathroom, she stops and freaks out that her pants are crooked.  She pulls her pants down!  I get her back in the bathroom and try to straighten out her pants.  She's fine with the reposition and we go back out, grab a cart, and I immediately put her in the bucket.  She started screaming.  Get me out.  I don't want to be in here.  Get me out.  I hate you.  You're the meanest mommy ever.  I'm going to tell all my friends your the meanest mommy ever.  Get me out.  I don't like you.  Over and over.  When she'd say she hated me, I'd just say, I still love you!  She hated that even more and would scream louder, lol!  We saw one of her teachers in there (how embarrasing when you see someone you actaully know), but I didn't let her frazzle me.  My mission was to get Xander his cookie and get my snack size bags.  The entire store heard her, I promise.  It was loud and ridicoulous!  I wouldn't let her out of the cart because she's a run away.  She always promises to stay by me.  But never does.  So she stays in the carts.  And she hates it and lets everyone knows it.  We finally make our way out of the store, screams and all, get her home and put her in her room.  Thinking she was just tired and would fall asleep.  Ha!  Didn't happen.  She was just a monster for who knows what reason.  She was fine after her break

I don't know what to do with her.  Maybe I should try a behavior chart for her?  She has me at a loss!

On a fun note about Sterling.  She's learning so much!  She's writing her name, although not together yet, all the letters are on the paper as she's writing it.  She even wrote a W on the back door one day.  She was so proud!  And it was so perfect.  Her brother has a hard time remembering how to make a W and here she is whipping one out without anyone guiding her.  I love her amibitions to learn her letters and write them.  Everything may be an H or and I when I ask her, but if she writes it, she knows it.  Soo weird, but we'll roll with it.

That's life lately.  We have a few exciting times coming up and we're ready!

Sunday, January 10


We've been trying to get into the swing of things again since break.  School, work, activities + every day stuff around the house.  We were all exhausted once Friday showed up.  

Monday night the kids headed back to ice lessons.  I love that they love their time on the ice.  We're hoping where ever we move this summer they will be able to continue with lessons.  Lessons run into their nighttime routine, but I felt it was worth not rushing out the door so early on a Saturday morning, so we switched to Monday nights.  They're a tad grouchy Tuesday afternoon, but we head to bed a half hour early Tuesday nights to make up for the missed sleep on Mondays.  It seems to have worked this week so we'll try it again.

On Tuesday after school, the kids headed out to play because it wasn't miserably cold.

We also received our new jogging stroller.  Which hasn't made it outside yet because it's been so cold.  Hopefully soon because that 5k is coming fast, ha!

On Wednesday someone was looking so cute in her dress and boots from Grandma.  I had a pot roast in the crock pot for dinner so I didn't have to cook.  I was tired.  I knew I'd need at least one crock pot meal this week, just trying to get back into the swing of things.

On Thursday is when the vacation slump kicked in.  It was hard to wake up.  It was hard to stay awake after getting home from work.

Friday came and we were ready for our last day of work/school!  We woke up to snow so we decided that we were going to skip ballet because we didn't figure the roads would be clear by noon.  But they were and we totally could have taken her. Oh well.  Next week.  I ran to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Dollar Tree, and Hy-Vee while the kids were taking their breaks.  I leisurely walked around.  Kid free.  And enjoyed every second.
The kids received a Mickey and Minnie puppet from their teachers, Ms. Kelly and Ms. Ashely so that night they gave us a puppet show.  It was the sweetest thing ever.  Those puppets did not leave their side all weekend.  When it was time to eat, Xander would casually slide Mickey over the vitamins container so Mickey could watch him eat.  The puppets were involved all weekend.

Let's admit I was most excited for Saturday morning.  I was making monkey bread!  Oh. my. yumminess!  It was so good!

The rest of Saturday and Sunday consisted of working out and cleaning/organizing parts of the house.  I'm ready to move just to get rid of stuff.  We have way too much that it's overwhelming.  It was also the coldest days we've had here, 7 degrees.  -20 with wind-chill.  It was cold, so it made for the perfect organize the house days!

Tomorrow I start back with college life.  Only 3 classes left in my master's program (including the one I start tomorrow).  Too bad each class is 4 months long and I can't take them together.  They all have prerequisites of each other.  But, I really do enjoy just one class at a time. I just wish I could be done already.  No win-win situation here.

I have goals this week of waking up at 430 and working out by 5 .  It's really hard for me to get up in the mornings because I'm not a morning person.  But, it's even harder to workout after the kids go to bed because it's the end of the day and I'm ready to put my feet up.  I tried this week, but it didn't work so well.  Not one night.  So, I'm hoping the beginning of the day will be my new niche.
I also want to find an organizational challenge to do over time.  I think it will help with clearing things up in preparation for the big move and also making life less stressful.
What are your organizational methods that work?

Monday, January 4

Vacation is over

How was your weekend?!  Ours was nice and relaxing.  Didn't get anything done that we wanted, but it was the perfect weekend being together.  Just how it should be coming off break.  Christmas break is over (on Tuesday for us), but it may as well be tomorrow with the errands and rigmarole we need to get done.

Sterling was finally able to wear her dress from Grandma and she was so excited!  It's a bit long in length and the sleeves, but she kept it on ALL day (which never happens!).
She's munching on carrots, her favorite.

She also likes to dress herself.  She has for the past few months, but she's finally choosing outfits that look decent enough to go out without making her change.

Xander's been bugging me to play the "games on the TV," (the Wii) so he spent a long time on Friday figuring them out.  He's good at bowling and tennis.  He never won at tennis, but he had skill.

We also finally hung pictures on the wall!  Only 7 months before the movers take them right back down, but hey, our house finally feels like home.  Although this would never be our forever home.

Since Jan 1st, we've been bundling the kids up and taking nightly walks around the block.  They love and they sleep awesome afterwards.  Win win for us!

Today I decided to go with Nick to the trail and start training for a 5K.  He signed us up for on in February, so I need to figure this out.  On the way to the trail, this girl fell asleep.  Always.  Never fails.  (And yes, I put the shoulder belt over her because it's pointless to buckle using the 5-point when it's so loose from the bulky coat and snow pants and probably safer using the shoulder strap)

I finished week 1 day 1 of C25K.  I don't know how I'm planning to do this, really I don't.  I'm not being strict about it, and I'm just hoping I can enjoy running.  I probably won't be anywhere ready to run a 5K, but I'll keep trying.  It will take time because I always have some pain stopping me.  Like tonight, my hip started having spasms, but I mustered through pain and finished proud.  It was only week 1 day 1, but I'm still moving faster than all those sitting on couches still.  Sticking to it!

Happy Monday!

Friday, January 1

Welcome, 2016

****Happy New Year!****

(google images)

  2016 brings new beginnings, new adventures, new people to meet, and new memories to create.

May all your dreams and desires come true this new year.  Here's to a happy and healthy New Year!