Friday, July 29

My mind is eased

I had my first doctor nurse visit yesterday, where I just filled out paperwork and answered questions.  Xander did great at the office, it was his nap time so he got fussy a bit, but a nurse saved the day and he was giggling in no time.  He is such a happy and content little boy.  So in the paperwork I put in there that I wanted to know what my HCG level was, so I had my blood drawn also.  Much to everyone's surprise my levels were over the top!  I was 7 weeks 4 days and my level was at 114, 627!  Holy bananas!  The nurse said whatever is in me is growing good and more than likely its multiples...oh no!  Just as my mind was put at ease, I start freaking out about the possibility of twins.  I'm not going to totally freak until the ultrasound on the 15th, so until then, I will keep doing what I've been doing.  This pregnancy is so different compared to an IVF cycle.  During my IVF cycle I didn't have any symptoms that I was pregnant, so if it weren't for all the doctor visits I wouldn't have known I was pregnant.  This time is totally different, all natural and every symptom possible...well minus the throwing up...just extreme nausea.  I do find it funny that when I tell people I'm pregnant now, they automatically assume we used infertility meds...nope...nothing...all natural the "old fashion" way!  My mom and friends were asking me if maybe my fertility meds were still in me from back in 08!  Are you serious?  Um no!  They leave your body like 2-3 weeks after ending them.  People are funny!
I've been taking Xander swimming a lot this week.  He LOVES it!  He's such a water baby and I love it.  Now we just have to work on his daddy to enjoy the water with us.  He's making all kinds of noises, all welcomed as i love hearing him develop his personality and love hearing his voice.  He spits, drools, blows bubbles, squeals, giggles, and smiles all the time.  He's seriously the happiest baby I've ever been around.
Today I had my friend and her kids come and play with Xander while I went to take my final exam for my last class and he slept all but 30 minutes so they didn't get play time with him, but he was an angel for them.  They can't believe how happy and content he is.  While we were swimming all week, he was the same at the pool, no fussing, just happy, content, looking around and sucking on his hands.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, July 25

Exciting week

This is my LAST week of school for my Bachelors degree in Health Care Management.  I'm so excited to be done and have a little break before starting with my Masters.  I want to start painting again so I'm hoping this extra time will allow me to get doing it soon.
I also have my first OB appointment.  It's only with a nurse, so it still makes me nervous not knowing the status of the baby.  I went last week to get my blood work done and will get the results at the appointment, so I guess if everything is looking good with the blood work, I won't worry. 
Tomorrow I'm taking Xander swimming for the first time in the aquatics center.  I hope he likes it.  I'm a bit nervous to get in a suit, but will so I can have a little fish baby.

Tuesday, July 19

What a great end to a day

We video chatted with our birth mom tonight.  It was so nice to see her get on after 2 failed scheduled attempts.  I was getting worried that she wasn't interested anymore.  I'd send her emails and it takes her nearly a month to reply, then we scheduled 2 different video chat sessions and she didn't show up to either.  But today I left the video service open all afternoon hoping she would decide to open hers as well.  I'm so glad I did, we didn't talk long, but she was able to see how big and grown little man is getting.  She's doing good, still without a job, but has possibilities opening up to her soon, if everything works out.

I'm just so happy now.  I hope everyone is able to have a great day!

Sunday, July 17


15 weeks

Yesterday was Xander's 15th week with us!  He's growing so much and is such a joy to have in our lives.  I don't know how I was able to enjoy life without him in it.  I can't imagine life without him.  We had some pretty exciting news back on July 7th.  I've been holding out on putting it on here, but have since decided that's it's okay.  I'd actually wrote a post on the 8th, but kept it in draft format...below.

Written on July 8, 2011:  Have you ever heard the saying that if you adopt you will get pregnant?  Well, that's exactly what happened to us!  I say it's because Alexander has brought so much love and joy into our lives that we were so at ease, no stress, and just really didn't think about it...OK that's not so true...i told hubby that I didn't want to get pregnant so was resistant many days.  I was supposed to get my cycle on Sunday, well Thursday came and still nothing.  I thought it was just from being stressed, I chopped the peeing all the time to my all of a sudden urge to drink 2 liters of water, I had an excuse for it all...all except I was pregnant.  Sure it crossed my mind, but I feared the thought of it honestly.  The babies will only be 11 months apart!  How am I supposed to be pregnant and teach Xander how to walk and everything else he needs to know with a growing belly?  I'll figure it out.  I'm scared.  I'm nervous.  I'm thrilled.  I'm shocked.  I feel totally blessed.  But because we are so early, only 5 weeks, it's still too early to get too excited.  We're cautiously optimistic, just like through our adoption process.  It will work out.
When I decided to take the test, it was a last minute thing and I had to pee bad.  As I was peeing on the stick, it immediately turned positive.  I for sure thought it was going to be negative, just like all the other pregnancy tests in the past, but not this one!  I was shaking and nervous...yet very excited to see it.  I called my sister immediately and told her to get on webcam and I held up the test to show her...she busted out laughing, saying I told you so.  Everyone was telling us that we'd get pregnant after we adopted, but I never imagined it would happen to us.  I wanted to focus on our son and give him all my attention, not have to worry about every little cramp and growing belly over the next 9 months.
How did I tell Nick?  Well, he came home as I was feeding Xander, so my plan already was off.  But, good think little man decided to take a poop.  I went in to change him and put on a bib that I made for him...on it, it said, I'm Going 2 B A Big Brother.  While I was changing him, Nick decides to come keep me company before I put the bib on and asked if it showed up.  I said yes.  He said, darn, maybe next time...LOL.  So after i get the bib on, I take Xander to our room and hand him off to daddy to play with him.  He didn't notice right away...but he did notice a smell.  He said, boy, you smell a dogs flea collar...LOL.  I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.  He held him in the air like he always does talking to him..still didn't notice the message.  Then he laid him on the bed and saw it, but read it wrong.  He thought it said I'm too young to be a big brother...because i told him I'd gotten my cycle.  So he keep talking to Xander and I finally said, baby, I'm pregnant.  He was blown away.  Me, I was shaking and crying.
So now took about 8 days for me to get really excited and accept this little blessing.  I've now been looking at it as a positive thing because yes, they will only be 11 months apart, but at least they will be close in age and always have a little sidekick to play with.  Xander's going to be a great big brother.  I'm still in shock and worry about every little cramp that I have, but I just tell myself it's the baby growing and making itself at home for the next 8 months.  I have my first appointment on the 29th.  I'm excited, but I'm not sure it will be much of anything more than just paperwork.  I'm hoping to see an ultrasound or at least the heartbeat since I will almost be 8 weeks then.  I've had a lot of nasuea, but not actually throwing up.  I've also been having hot flashes, which I find odd and will ask about at the doctor.  I'm not sure if those are normal during pregnancy.
loves his new ride in the Bumbleride Indie
(I love that it takes up less room in my trunk!)

Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 6

Picture post

I've recently purchased elements 9 so I've been trying to figure it out so I can start stamping my pictures...well I finally figured it out.
Here are some pictures from the past week...

Letting mom take some candids

He LOVES baseball...whenever it's on, he's calm as can be

Mr. Pouty

Cooling off from our walk


Sleepy boy

3 months/13 weeks...he really is mommy's little monster!

more candid shots

1st Independence Day

Have a great day!