Friday, November 18

Friday Favorites

Hello friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for another week of Friday Favorites.

I'm so glad Friday is here.  How about you?  We're hosting Thanksgiving this year and I need to start prepping.  I haven't done a thing.  Next week is already packed full so there won't be any time if I wait until the last minute.  I need to come up with some sides to go along with the turkey.  Do you have any favorites?

{ONE} I've been wanting to clear out the remaining 30 boxes to create a space to paint my ceramics.  I put together a shelf to put them on and now everything is easy access now.  I only have 6 boxes to go through, but, they are boxes that need to be sorted, so it's going to take a little bit longer.  I hate moving because of unpacking.  No fun!  But, we did finally find the kids' helmets.  It's the little things!


{TWO} Sterling had school pictures and she was beautiful.  We had a last minute outfit change because the outfit we planned on wearing, we didn't have shoes to match.  I just love how photogenic she is.  I hope it never changes!

{THREE} We did our family pictures over the weekend.  It wasn't nearly as bad as we anticipated.  It went quickly and everyone cooperated.  Even Nick.  Thank goodness because he sure knows how to turn things sour.

{FOUR} Xander has been forgetful this week.  He lost his PB lunch bag and bento box.  I'm still hoping it shows up, but it's been 3 days.  It took him 2 weeks to find his snack baggie, so I'll hold onto some hope.  I went online and ordered him this Yumbox and so far it's a new favorite!  Some people don't like the smaller portions, but it's perfect for my kids!  They'd rather have a few different smaller bites than two larger things.

Thanks for stopping by!  
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 11

Friday Favorites

It's been awhile since I linked up with AndreaErika, and Narci, so I thought this week I'd join the party.

{ONE} My sister and I started a blog together and we went live on Monday.  This week we've shared a few fun facts and quirks about us, and a caramel apple snack idea from Pinterest.  My sister and I are 364 days apart, she's older, and we live so far apart now.  We wanted to do something together and we both love blogging, so what better way to connect than through the world wide web?  

{TWO}  We spent the weekend with our friends in NC and had the best time.  Xander and Lily have their first family photo with their kitty.  Lily's mom and I are determined these two will marry each other.  Our families met the day we moved to Germany outside our German hotel.  We've been best friends since 2010!  Xander and Lily are six months apart (Xander's older), and Lily and Sterling are six months apart (Lily's older) and born at the same hospital in Germany.  We have so many fun memories with them.  And this last weekend, we all went to the Wake Forest football game.  It was a great game and Wake Forest won!


{THREE}  I finally found the perfect picture location to take our fall pictures for Christmas cards.  Right in our own back yard.  Love it!  Xander was not too excited because he was scared a snake was going to get him, but Sissy wanted to explore more.


{FOUR} Xander led his conference on Monday and I was so proud of him.  He scored an 85/102 on his PALS testing.  The requirement was only a 29 at the beginning of the year and an 83 for the end of the year.  He's also already at a level 3 in reading.  I'd say he's a pretty smart kid.  

{FIVE} Playing around on my silhouette to make planner stickers was a favorite...until the sheet sticks to the mat and the stickers don't come off so easily.  So frustrating, but, I will have it figured out this weekend.  Lots of down time to explore google and youtube for answers.


{SIX} Target was a favorite yesterday.  They had some pretty good sales on cartwheel, plus many good sales throughout the store.  Double win.  I also picked up Sterling a Christmas present while it was on sale.  She's obsessed with Peppa Pig (still) so I got her a few more pieces to her collection and while I was checking out I had her sit next to the dog so she didn't see me put the stuff on the register belt, ha!  The things mom's do with kids around.

{SEVEN} As a veteran of the Air Force, I'd like to also say "Thank You" to all those who served their country honorably.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 2

Friends and Family

Hello November!  November is here and I'm starting the month finishing Octobers pictures.  It's a lot, so sit back and enjoy!

Alexander on picture day.  He's so handsome!


After 6 weeks of weekends at the rec center, the kids finished their programs.  We haven't had a free weekend since the beginning of September and I can't wait until the where to go, no place to be!  I can sit back and relax.  Maybe.

One morning for school Xander was throwing a fit that he wanted to wear a "handsome shirt" and not where what I had picked out.  I asked him to show me what shirt he was talking about, and it was this one.  He may have a girlfriend he's trying to impress?!

Two weekends ago, our friends came up from NC and while we had tickets to Disney on Ice (for over two months), they headed into DC to tour some of the sights.  We all enjoyed ourselves.

During intermission, I took the kids down to pick out their prizes.  I asked Sterling if she was having fun and liking the show...she said no, it's not her favorite because Anna's not there.  Little did she know the whole second half was devoted to her favorites, Elsa and Anna.  She sat there and sang every song...loudly!

We headed out just as it was ending so we could beat the traffic.  It worked perfectly.

The next day, we headed out to the battlefield and the kids enjoyed exploring and becoming junior rangers...again.


And these two we are predicting to marry in about 15 years.

We had planned to go to the pumpkin patch with them, but it was later than we planned and they had to get back on the road home.  So, i took the kids to a nursery and it had a mini pumpkin patch.  It fulfilled their desire and didn't take all day. Win-win!

Xander had pajama pants day at school and was comfy in his Dino pj bottoms.


I pick Xander up inside school everyday and he rounded the corner with a quirky smile and quirky glasses on.  They're his favorites!

He's also been wanting to hold my hand walking home from school.  Sweet moments I never want to miss because I know it won't last much longer.  Soon he'll be too embarrassed to hold my hand, blow me kisses and shout I love you, mommy as he's heading out the van door in the mornings.  #nevergrowup

As the temperature reached cooler temps, I realized Sterling had only 2 long pants that fit her, so I made a mad dash to Target after I dropped her off one day and bought nearly every pair of leggings/shirts I could find (and the cute boots too!).  They've been a hit!  We're loving the new Cat & Jack collection!


We've also been loving some Jelly the Pug dresses.  They are always so adorable and wash so nicely


I've been wanting/needing to buy new plates and bowls for awhile and last week was the week.  I'd been eyeing the Pioneer Woman collection at Walmart.  Sterling helped me choose which dishes to ultimately buy because it was a tough decision.  I love what we decided!

Last weekend we had our local cousins come over for dinner.  Over the seven hours they were here, the kids room was tore up!  They had fun though, so I tried not getting too upset.

Until I started finding Sterling's nice jewelry on the floor all separated.  Her jewelry box was dumped out and the stuff was everywhere.  My kids can't reach it because we have it up high, but that 13 right there, he's TALL, and got it down (according to them).  So in an effort to find all the missing jewelry, we dumped out every bin in the middle of the floor.  It took 4 hours to sort through the mess.  And the jewelry was ruined.  

Sterling's been working on brushing her hair because she hates when I brush it.  She does an alright job for a 4 year old.  
She had silly hat day at school on Monday, so she created a silly hat.  I wanted her to make a google eyed monster hat (because it's Halloween and all!), but she had other plans.  As I was gathering the supplies for my vision of the hat, she already had the face of her hat glued on.  She was quick!  Her hat turned out super cute, creative, and silly!


Happy Halloween!  These two have been so excited to go trick or treating and wear their costumes.  Since this was our first year in our new neighborhood, we had no idea what to expect.  Well, it was awesome!  This area goes above and beyond in spookville.  So many homes were over the top deck out and there was a haunted house and people in the sewers.  Scary!  The kids loved it, as did I!


Sterling's friend from Pre-K even came to our neighboorhood and joined us.  It was so fun watching her.  It was her first time going door-to-door and she loved it!

Yesterday, Sterling woke up and wanted to be a kitty.  Because why not?!  Meow, meow!

Have a great day!