Tuesday, October 18

Newest purchase

I purchased a pocket fetal Doppler and received it yesterday so I've been constantly checking the heart rate. Today the rate was 160 and sounded like a galloping horse. It was the most beautiful sound this momma could hear considering all the doubt I've been having. My sister had her baby last night, a sweet baby boy. "Baby no namer" is what his sisters call him since they haven't decided on a name yet. But he is just precious...even without a name...lol! Have a great day!

Thursday, October 13


He's moving backwards (as of yesterday). I may wish for him to be crawling, but I will take the movement backwards and in circles as a sign that he's getting close. He's also been pushing his body up into crawling position almost...another sign. He's been doing good eating his rice, veggies or fruits once a day, although he's not too fond of green beans. Today he also had a pear sliced in his mesh bag, seemed to like that and took a lovely poop following it...lol! Yesterday and today I havent been feeling well. Yesterday I had a bad headache and felt like I was going to throw up all day, and now today I have the headache still. Ugh...no fun! Tomorrow I'm hoping my sister has her baby! I'm excited to meet my nephew. Ok, have a great day everyone!

Sunday, October 9

ER visit

Because we are on vacation, our insurance instructed me to take Xander to the ER to get seen for his fighting to eat his bottles. It was 4 days of what seemed to be pain for him while he ate so yesterday off my sister and her youngest took us to the ER to get him checked out. We saw a very nice Dr., Dr. Tyler Price. He checked Xander over and said it seems like Xander has GERD. He prescribed some Zantac and my baby has been eating his bottles much better. We feed him upright, try to keep him upright for a half hour after feedings. Funny note...while the nurse was taking a rectal temp on him, he peed all over...it was funny! Oh and he weighs 18.7 pounds!! All the nurses and the Dr. were calling him a little chunk, but not concerned saying he'd outgrow it once he becomes actively moving around. Today as we were out getting a few groceries, it was raining, and I slipped off the running boards to my sisters Tahoe. I did this TWICE!!! My back is killing me! Hoping Tylenol will take away the pain! I'm staying up late for once and going to play games with my sister and her husband. It's always a fun time, so now I'm hoping Xander will sleep through the night for once (since we've been here, he's up looking for his paci about 3 times each night). Have a great day!

Friday, October 7

Not Sure

So yesterday I received an email from our birth mom finally. However, the email ercked me. She said she sent an email and hadn't heard from us. That is not ever the case! I ALAWYS reply almost immediately to her emails, but won't receive a response from her for a month or two. I replied to her and added her mom also to give an update on us and Alexander. I didn't bring up I never received an email without responding to, I just left it alone. I also sent pictures and her mom has already replied back, she always replies right away, but still nothing from our birth mom. I'm not sure if I should send monthly updates or every few months. I've been doing every two months, but maybe I'll start a monthly email to both of them. Xander has been learning lots here at my sisters house. He's concurring sitting up on his own, eating, and loves watching people in conversation. I have a few cute pictures of him playing with his girly cousins sitting in a pink cozy car and in a pink tutu....many memories are being made and we're having a blast. Still waiting on my sisters baby boy to make his arrival, but we are staying busy and having fun. He's been fighting drinking his bottle lately, which is not normal, so I'm a bit concerned. I think he's just not used to the water and may have gas. Maybe he's not liking the rice and vegetables? I'll keep an eye on him and if it don't improve I'll have to take him to the doctor. Oh, and some fun news...so I think...I think I felt the baby move yesterday. It was an all day event whatever I was feeling, but I think it was the baby. Today I've only felt it twice. So was it gas? Oh I don't know what it was! Hubby leaves for deployment in a few hours. He should be home shortly after Xander and I return home. I wish I knew how to upload photos on here. Have a great day!

Sunday, October 2


A lot has happened since my last post. My grandmother whom I was close to passed away on Sept 21 so Xander and I made an emergency trip back earlier than we planned. We arrived on Sept 24th and will be staying until Nov 4th. My sister is due to have her baby boy Oct 25th, but is already dilated and on bed rest. I took her girls and Xander down to the funeral and we stayed for the week. It was a good time, and all the kids were good. Because we needed to come back earlier than planned, I rescheduled my doctor appt and Xander's post placement visit. Both appointments went well and the babies heart beat is at 140. Doc said every is looking good. I'm still not showing at 17 weeks, just looking like I ate to many gummies. My mind is still filled with doubt, which I was hoping would pass after my 16 week appt. I'm thinking once I start showing I was be more relaxed. Today is my niece and brother-in-law's birthdays. For lunch we went to Qdoba and for supper we will be going to space aliens. Both places are awesome! I won't be able to post pictures until after I get back home. I don't know how to on the iPad and I didn't bring my laptop. Today Xander turned 6 months! Instated him on rice and vegetables finally. He's also tried some puffs, animal cracker and learning to drink water from his sippy cup. He's sitting up pretty well but still not reliable on his own yet. During tummy time he just rolls in circles. I think he might be teething because he's been crankier than normal and gnawing on everyone's fingers. Thats it for today. Have a great day!