Tuesday, March 27

Sterling Gianna

Sterling was born on March 17 at 0207, she was 8 pounds 8 ounces and 20.4 inches.  Big baby, but definitely does not look like she's that big, she's SO skinny.  She came after 12 hours of laboring by emergency cesarean (I'll write more on that when I get more time).  She's an absolute joy to have in our family.  She's sleeping through the night, all but one so far, so we are thankful for that.  Xander is doing great and loves touching her, putting his finger in her mouth and stealing her bottles.
Hopefully this week yet I will get time to write the birth story and share more pictures.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 13


My 40 week 2 day appointment went just as expected.  I joked when I went in that I'd be maybe 1.5 cm, well I was.  Baby is cozy and enjoying her time in utero.  I lost another pound, measured at 37 cm (same as last week), and my blood pressure was back to normal.  Doctor Jackson also decided to do a fluid check to ensure there's enough fluid since i'm measuring 3 weeks behind now.  It's great, at a 10, only needs to be a 5.  Because I'm overdue and no signs of progression, I have an NST (not real sure what this is) on Friday morning.  We then have an induction set for Monday morning if mother nature doesn't kick in before then.  So this time next week, I WILL be holding Sterling!  How exciting!  Another great thing was the baby is low enough now.  Last week she was still high, so I asked what would happen if she doesn't "fall" into the pelvic cavity.  He said we don't have to worry about that because she's already in place, we're just waiting for me to start dilating.  So, now I can relax, take it easy and get stuff ready.  I know she can still make her appearance at any time, but I'll just prepare for next week.

Have a great day!

Sunday, March 11

40 weeks

Well "today is the day", but there is no change and no sign of a baby wanting to come out.  Not much has changed from last week, I have however became really emotional and crying over EVERYTHING!  Poor husband says how did I get postpartum without the partum?  Ha...he's real funny!  I just told him when the new baby comes home, he's taking care of her most of the time.  We'll see who has postpartum then...haha!
So I'm often found sitting with my hands on my stomach and lately when I ask Xander where baby Sterling is, he'll take my hands and place them on my stomach.  It's so sweet!  He melts his mama's heart and I'm going to miss him those 2 days I'm in the hospital.  Nick wanted to do a test run on Saturday and leave him at our friends house for the afternoon, they offered, but I couldnt do it.  I think he'll do fine.  On Friday he took his afternoon nap at their house while we were there visiting, and he did fine.  So I'm just hoping that because Pam looks SO much like me, he will be comfortable and not have a major meltdown...like I'm sure I will :(. 
My doctor appointment this week is Tuesday, so if nothing happens before then, I'm sure the doc will schedule the induction date for the following week.  We'll see if there has been any progress from last week.  Doubt it, but who knows.

That's it...Have a great day!

Thursday, March 8

Not so

Will this cold ever get better?  I'm on day 3 (I'm not counting the first day since it was just a sore throat) and it seems to get worse each morning.  Nothing is working, I'm getting frustrated.  Today is one of them days where I wish I could pull my head off, throw it out the door and replace it.  I'm miserable.  Today my eyes started watering.  I've pulled out Xander's humidifier (it works for him), so I'm hoping I'll get some relief.  This medicine I bought yesterday obviously is not working. 

On a happier note, I'm excited because I finally received the 670 pictures I ordered back at the end of January.  I didn't think they were coming since it's been almost 6 weeks since they were shipped.  I emailed the company 2 days ago asking about them.  They offered to resubmit the order free of charge, but the next day i received an email stating they were unable to resubmit the order.  Instead, they put an $83 credit in my account to replace the order myself.  I almost did.  Thankfully, something in me said wait until after I check the mail.  What do you know...the pictures were at the post office yesterday!  Amazing!  I sorted them all into categories last night.  It was fun looking through all the photos.  Now we're going to need more photo albums to put all these in.  What a fun project this will be once we get the albums to start filling them.  Oh, so now that I received the photos, I feel I should email them back and let them know i received them.

I've also decided that Sterling is going to be another 2 weeks so I might as well finish the canvases.  I might actually start the bow holder before finishing the canvases.  I'm excited to see the final product of the bow holder.  Like my friend said, if the baby happens to be a boy...a coat of white can fix anything and start over.  That way I'm done and don't have to worry about painting with a newborn already in the house.  I'll have it done and will be able to relax and enjoy my family of 4!

That's it...have a great day!

Tuesday, March 6


Feeling pretty miserable today.  Woke up yesterday with a sore throat and runny nose...Thanks Xander!  Today is worse, so I'm hoping some Tylenol will work for me like it did Xander.  His lasted 4 days.  I took Sudafed PE last night, but after taking it I read that it wasn't a good idea.  So, I'll stick to plain ole Tylenol, the safe choice.
Xander and I have been going on walks to help baby drop into position.  Two a days while the weather permits.  Since I'm sick, I'm not doing anything to "help" progress things along...other than walks and only to get into position and Xander loves being outside.  Makes our days go a lot smoother when he gets fresh air.
I still need to write Xander's 11 month post and add some pictures, hopefully this week.

Have a great day!

Monday, March 5

39 weeks

How far along? 39 Weeks
Total weight gain: 22 pounds (lost 2 this week)
Gender: Girl

Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks?  Still one

Sleep: Not getting any better 
Best moment this week? Enjoying the warmer weather and getting out for walks
Miss Anything?  Wearing capri’s.  Even with the nice weather, swollen ankles DO NOT look good with capri’s on.
Movement:  much calmer the past few days.  I still get my 10 movements within 2 hours twice a day, so doc says no concern
Food cravings: chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick: Feeling nauseas again, but not from a trigger of smells, just in general
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: same as last week, plus I’ve started getting headaches that last a few hours.  (just found out today that I can take 1000 mg of Tylenol three times a day…I’ve only been taking 500 mg once a day when I absolutely feel I need it.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody L
What I’m looking forward to:  (still) deciding on a middle name!  Meeting this baby!

I’m pretty sure we won’t be meeting baby this week.  I’m 1 cm and she’s still sitting pretty high.  My blood pressure was higher today than normal, so I’ll keep an eye on symptoms for preeclampsia now.  Hopefully next week, it will be back down to normal.  Normal for me is 120s/70s, today we tested twice.  1st was 154/95, 2nd was 138/85.  Because it went down, it’s fine.  I have an appointment set for next Tuesday, which doc is sure I’ll be at.  That’s ok.  I’ve heard that babies that are overdue are “easier” babies and don’t have as many issues that you could deal with babies that come earlier.  We’ll see.

That’s it…Have a great day!

Friday, March 2

11 months and...

we're final!  Finally received word about 2 minutes ago that the adoption agency received our final order of adoption.  What a great day to receive this news!  Xander turned 11 months today so I'll write more on that this weekend.  He's a sick little boy right now and miserable.  Hoping he feels better soon.
Have a great day!  Just wanted to share our exciting news!