Saturday, January 31

Jan 23rd-30th

23rd:  We started Friday off by getting Xander a much needed haircut.  We decided to not cut the top of his hair, only the sides.  We’re (mostly Nick) sort of wanting to see what his hair will do with it being a bit longer than normal.  Our big and exciting plans for the day didn’t start until noon, so we had an hour and a half after his haircut to waste.  We headed to the mall.  Xander loves the escalators, so we went up and down them 538,987 times!  Whatever, we didn’t have anything specific to do, right?  We also did a little shopping and played in the play-land.  When I told them it was time to go, I didn’t hear fussing!  They were excited to go bowling.


The kids had a ramp and bumpers to help their ball down the lane


Sterling was funny.  She loved pushing her ball down the lane, but HATED when her turn was over.  I occasionally let her take my turn, so she had more ball time.  Each time after her turn was done, she’d walk up to the seats, take off her bowling shoes and put on her regular shoes.  Pouting of course too.  She kept looking at the vending machine games saying, “mom, look, I have something to show you”


Our final scores.  I think we’ll go back again in February.  Maybe we’ll make it a once a month outing.


24th:  Our Saturdays are usually filled with cleaning and doing homework, so the kids play a lot together.  That night, I went to go make sure they were covered up and Xander wasn’t in his bed.  He was snuggled up with his sissy!  I left them looking so sweet


25th:  Since returning home from our vacation, I’ve been doing grocery shopping on Sundays.  I take one kid with me and rotate them each week.  It works well and they finally understand (most weeks) that we’re taking turns.  Here, Sterling found her glasses and is singing Let it Go.


Intense strategy planning on how to design play-doh


We also finished our paintings we started.  I was able to spray them Saturday night and let them dry overnight.  I love how they turned out!  Gotta love ideas from Pinterest (when they turn out, ha!)


27th:  I started this book on the 26th and finished it for a second time.  Such a good book.  I’ve been really struggling dealing with Sterling and using the potty.  Melanie talks about her daughter and the potty in Chapter 11 and I felt I could relate so much!  Sterling’s SO darn stubborn and has interest like twice a week at home.  She does amazing at school and rarely has an accident there.  At home?  Well, she likes to see my blood boil?!  I’m determined that’s what it is.  I had plans to go boot-camp style on her this weekend, but I lost all patience on Friday so I decided not to add this stress to my stress.  I had a BAD day Friday.  I was really stressed, annoyed, and wanted to run away.  I guess I just bottle things up too long and then they eat at me and I breakdown.  Life.  It get’s the best of me.


28th:  This was our last really nice day so we took advantage of it and spent 2 hours outside!  Sterling showed some new skills of standing while driving…


and pulling down her pants!  Yeah, you heard me right.  This girl was riding her 4-wheeler and hopped off.  The way she was standing there made me think she was pooping.  I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to go potty.  I’m dying of laughter as I type this!  I go over there because she wouldn’t come to me and found her with her pants down, mooning the neighbor boy!  I hope she didn’t scar him for life!  I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go?!  I think I laughed the rest of the night.  And every time I see this picture.  Pooping face?  Not so much!  Now I know!


29th:  This boy makes me so proud.  I was checking his school work and when I turned it over I noticed a bunch of letters.  I told him good job for working on his letters without tracing them.  He says, “no mom, that’s my name”  Do you see it?  It’s backwards.  His X is on the right and the rest of his name goes to the left.  So proud.  Even if it’s in the wrong direction!  He’s always been great at tracing his name, so we’re moving up now.


After reviewing his school work, we made a yummy treat.  He’s such a great helper in the kitchen.  I love it!  Even if the pan and floor had more sprinkles than the treats.  


30th:  Not much on this one because I was an emotional mess.  Life got to the better of me and I let it.  All is fine, I just need to learn to relax and don't let the little petty things get to me.

Have a great one!

Friday, January 23

Five on Friday

Five random favorite things from the past week…

We’ve been getting out, having fun, and enjoying our warmer weather!

{ONE}  First stop for the week was the library for story time.  We don’t go often so I thought it would be fun and the kids loved it.  I had plans to take them again today, but we have even more fun planned for today.  Bowling!  It will be a first, so hopefully it will go well and we’ll do it again.


{TWO}  This tent has been a life saver.  These two don’t always play so nice together (obviously, right?!), but this tent?  It has brought these two to be best buddies.  They stuff it full of all their animals and friends and have tea parties.  Whatever keeps them from fighting!  I found it on clearance at Target for $12 last week and it’s been a great investment.

IMG_5551  IMG_5552

{THREE}  We headed to a new park this week.  New for us anyways.  It has a HUGE (tall) play-set and then a smaller one off to the side.  Xander climbed to the top of the huge one, but wouldn’t go down.  It was too scary.  Then he was too scared to climb down backwards on the open ladders, so I found myself climbing up to rescue him.  I should have just taken him down the big loopy slide.  They moved over to the smaller play-set and Xander loved it.  Sterling stood at the bottom and said “it’s too high, mommy.”  Xander told her she could sit on his lap, but she still didn’t want to make the hike up the ladder.

IMG_5557  IMG_5562

{FOUR}  We’ve been getting our craft on.  I vowed to do more crafts this year since it takes me to my happy place, so we’re working on valentines crafts and I’m so excited for the end products.  Thanks to Pinterest, there are a lot of cute and fun ideas.  I love working on canvas and the kids love painting, so this craft was a win.  I’m hoping to finish the projects today or tomorrow.


{FIVE}  Playing outside.  Living in the midwest, you don’t usually get the opportunity to be outside longer than 10 minutes in the dead of winter.  We’ve been pretty lucky lately and have spent almost every day out.  I did ask the open skies this morning when it was going to snow again.  We’ll see and then I’ll wish for it to go away, ha!


I’m linking up with the ladies from Five on Friday.  Click on the image below to be directed to more fun bloggers and hopefully join in the fun.

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Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 16

Five on Friday

Linking up with the lovely ladies for another round of Five on Friday.  Click on the logo to be directed to one of their sites.
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{ONE}  Warm weather is here (for now).  I love love love being able to let the kids enjoy the sunshine.  Even if it’s a cooler sun, it’s sun and they get the fresh air.  It’s what they need, badly, in the winter months here in the midwest.  We spent the past 2 days outside after school and plan to spend the rest of the weekend outdoors also.  Thankful for the heat wave to warm up our bones!
{TWO}  School started back up on Monday for me.  I’ve definitely found the program that I’m happy to be in and actually enjoy the classes.  This semester I’m taking 3 classes, just 1 class away from full time…boo, for not getting paid!
{THREE}  Taking small steps trying to get healthy.  I made these yummy Spinach Lasagna Rolls.  Everyone in the family (minus Sterling of course) loved these. 
{FOUR}  Hubby is working long hours from now until March.  Not fun!  But, we make the most of it and I try to give the kids a little extra mommy time because of them not seeing daddy some days (like tonight!).  With him working longer hours, I’ve found myself shopping a bit more.  Smile  I’ve found some awesome clearance deals at Target this week.  I got the kids each a quilt for only $11.48 and a play tent for $12!   Um, hello, yes I’ll take you home with me.  Never hurts to have a spare bedding set.  Oh and they are so soft too.
{FIVE}  Talking about school, this girl came home from school yesterday with her entire eyeball tinted pink.  Pink eye in the works?  I sure hope not!  We’ve never had it so I hope that’s not what it is and hoping it’s just her being overtired!  I love their school and the teachers, but not all the parents that bring their sick kiddos to the school.  Get it together peeps and keep your kids home when they’re sick. We have the entire weekend to keep an eye on her. 
(Update...she woke up and the pink tint was gone so I'm thinking it was just her body being so overtired because she kicked naps to the curb)
Look at her lashes!  Love her!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 15

Windows Live Writer test

I downloaded Windows Essentials and couldn’t figure out how to get on Writer.  I finally got it so now I had to test with one of my favorite pictures.  I have to say, if this works, it’s so much easier than the actual site!


Wednesday, January 14

This and that

Hawkeye scored himself a new coat.  It's been so cold here that I felt bad that he had to be outside in it.  The kids are always asking why Hawkeye has a coat.  They don't understand yet that pets can wear clothes too :)

Although it's been cold I was crazy and let the kids play in the snow for a mere 15 minutes.  They loved it and didn't seem bothered by the freezing cold.  Two days after this schools were closed because of the freezing temps!  It's cold people.  This week we shall have a heat wave and I'm looking forward to it!

This girl loves to sing and dance!  It's the most precious thing listening to her sing.  Her dancing is hilarious because she's so proper when she does it.  I think she may have learned from Sophia (the first)?  I'd never expect a 2 year old to be so proper.  When she turns three, I'm going to see about putting her in dance.  Dance your heart away, baby girl!

I got my jewelry in the mail from my big Kendra Scott win last month.  I LOVE the jewelry.  I love that there are simple pieces for the simplistic like me.  I'm a stud kind of gal, so I these are awesome!  There's also a lot of fun pieces that would work great for if you dress up and have an office job too.  I'd be all over them if I had a job outside the house.  
I'm wearing the Carly Stud Earrings in Magenta and Rayne Necklace in Magenta.

Kids have off from school on Fridays this semester, so we headed to Cabela's one afternoon.  It's close to home and free.  What's better than that?!  They were so intrigued by this huge catfish.

Sterling loves Wizard of Oz lately.  Her and Xander sit and watch it so nicely.  Xander's also obsessed with Annie right now, the one from 1982.  

For the past 2 weeks Sterling has been walking around saying "I be Mary."  At first I wasn't sure what she was talking about, but then it dawned on me.  I asked them if they did a play at school with Mary and baby Jesus and they said no.  Then they said it was from their "God book."  It's The Story of Christmas by Patricia A. Pingry.  I'd bought the book in the beginning of December and it's the cutest!  They still take it and read it almost every day.  

The kids have found a new favorite play place.  Under the table.

They force Hawkeye to play with them too and usually ends up with toys on top of him and he's their "horse".  I love how their imagination works.

Switching the kids back to their own rooms was the best decision ever!  They have BOTH! been sleeping in their beds throughout the night.  It may also help that Xander has been taking 1mg of melatonin at night.  It was getting ridiculous with his getting up 3-4 times a night and taking 3-4 hours to go to sleep.  Sterling will typically go to bed around 7-730 and wakes up around 6.  Xander goes to bed around 730-8 and wakes up around 5, come to crawl in our bed and goes back to sleep until around 6.

Working out has been going well.  I'm aiming for 3-4 days a week right now, but thinking of just doing it everyday and having the 23 hours off in between each workout as my time off.  On my days off, it's hard to want to go back.  So my thinking is if I just do it everyday, I won't have to worry about my mind talking me out of working out.  It's a work in progress and I'm still trying to find what works best.
Eating.  Oh, eating.  I'm horrible at it.  I eat way too much and don't know how to "just say no" to the food talking back to me.  Hubby is doing great though and trying to encourage me, but being home all day is no good for me!  People say to just throw out all the temptations, but I can't do it.  I may just have to schedule my days away from the house and do school work away.  Still trying to figure this one out too.

Well, that's it for now.  Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, January 10

Frosty VoxBox by Influenster

In November I signed up for Influenster.  I didn't expect anything to come from it, but I sure had high hopes.  I mean who wouldn't.  I love products and I love giving my opinion on them, so this service was right up my alley.  Basically it's a service that sends you products to review and give your honest opinion.
The first week of vacation I received an email stating I had a Frosty VoxBox on the way.  I was so excited to get home, but still had 20 days left! 
My first box...
What I received and this is what I thought of the goodies...
Rimmel Gentle Eye Makeup Remover #Rimmel:  I love a good eye makeup remover.  I wear makeup almost every day and it's nice to take a cotton round, add some remover and wipe away the eye makeup at the end of the night.  This remover didn't work as well as my daily one.  It wiped off the eye shadow great, but didn't take off the eyeliner or mascara very well.  It was taking a lot of swipes and then I just gave up and went with the one I always use (Clinique).
Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal Eyeliner #Rimmel:  I don't typically wear eyeliner because I keep my makeup simple.  I liked that this went on smooth, but it was HARD to get off with the remover that came in the box.  I did get it off nicely with my original remover.  I won't wear this everyday, but when going to do something special, I could see me adding it for a bit of an eye pop.
NYC New York Color Expert Last Lip Color #SugarPlum:  I was unsure of this color, but after I put it on, I liked it.  I thought it would be too dark for me.  It went on so smooth too.  The caption of this product states that it last for up to 6 hours, but mine didn't keep color or shine the whole time.  I didn't really expect it too, because I've never found a product to actually do it.  But I do like the color and how nicely it goes on.
Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane Decaf Green Tea #CelestialTeaI love tea, so I knew I'd love this.  The peppermint flavor was amazing combined with green tea. 
No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Advanced Serum #GetADVANCEDI received a small sample of this product and it didn't last long enough to notice a difference.  The package states "After 2 weeks skin looks younger, by 4 weeks deep lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced. Results keep getting better with continued use.  80% of women said this serum provided the best anti-ageing results they have ever seen."
It would have been nice to have a sample large enough to last for at least the 2 weeks.  I'm at the age (34) where I need to start thinking about my ageing skin and using products to help my look stay young and fresh looking.  I do think this product could be a great investment.
EcoTools Hair Brush #LoveMyEcoHairBrushI was excited for a new brush.  I was hoping for the round brush because it would help make drying my hair much easier, but I received the Sleek & Shine Finisher brush.  I have thick hair, so I didn't like the way it flattened my hair to my head.  BUT, I've been using this brush on my 2 year old daughter and it's been life changing.  Not joking.  She no longer cries (okay, SCREAMS!) and I enjoy brushing her hair again.  She has super curly hair and hates getting her hair done because it's a tangled mess, always.  We've been using the brush for exactly one week now and she has not cried once when brushing out her hair.  Her hair was also super dry around the edges from sun damage, but for the past 2 days I've noticed her hair edges have not been so out of control and frizzy.  This brush does state that it distributes the hair's natural oils, and I believe it has done that for her!
I do plan to try this brush out while blow drying my hair.  I'm hoping it will give a nice finish.
McCormick Gourmet Thyme #McCormickGourmetMcCormick dried herbs.  I love them and I especially love thyme.  I make a pita bread and spread thyme, oregano, and olive oil over them.  There are so many dishes that thyme works great in, and I'm excited to keep using it.  I love the aroma that is created using McCormick dried herbs!
Fruit Vines Cherry Bites #SweetSide:  So soft, chewy and addicting!  Xander and I had these gone the first day. 
**I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.  All opinions are my own.**


Friday, January 9

Five on Friday

Happy Friday Friend!

Joining the ladies again this week.

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I'm taking this post to a different level this week.  No personal pictures, sorry.  I want to talk about 5 changes that I want to achieve and maintain over the years.  I'm not a resolution maker/keeper, but I could stand to make a plan to achieve some changes.

{ONE}  Declutter/Organize.  We have so much crap, in every room.  Being military, we have moved a lot.  We have bought a lot to accustom each home.  Big mistake and really shouldn't have been done.  For instance, when we moved from VA to Germany, we left probably 70% of our stuff in VA in storage.  Again, big mistake.  We ended up buying so much stuff in Germany, just to be comfortable.  We have doubles of a lot of stuff (especially kitchen and office).  I need to go through everything, pack it up, and donate it.  Each room/closet could use a good organize too.  This week I've been working on the kids' rooms since we moved them around again (another post later this week).  I'm also going to work on creating a schedule/tasker to accomplish this ginormous task.

Pretty much sums up how I feel!

{TWO}  Work at getting healthy.  I've gained weight.  I love food.  I don't love working out.  Those two aren't a good mix so I need to find the medium.  I need to work on portion control so I don't have to eliminate all of my favorite foods and deprive myself.  I also need to incorporate exercise at least 3 times a week.  My main problem with working out is taking the time away from other things.  I've gone to the gym 3 times this week and have felt awesome while doing it.
Problems:  1.  I'm starving by the time I get to the gym.  I get to the gym after I drop the kids off at school.  I eat between 730 and 8, usually 1 cup of cheerios, so at 915 when I get to the gym, my stomach is already growling.  2.  Because I'm starving when I start, when I'm done, I'm eating whatever I can find.  Sometimes it healthy, but then the snacking is out of control.  For instance, I made chicken and broccoli for lunch one day.  It was really good too.  But then I felt the need to snack on crackers and the kids' fruit snacks.  I didn't need those since I just finished my lunch, but I had them.  
I need to come up with a plan so that I'm not starving when I go workout and that I'm not overeating during the day.  What's the point of working off those calories if I'm just throwing them back in my body an hour after I'm done exhausting my body?  I need help in this area, like really really bad.  I want to get healthy but am struggling bad.  I've cut out Mt. Dew, Pepsi, any caffeinated sodas for 6 weeks already.  I just need a chef and no food in my house.  But, that's not reasonable because I don't want to do this temporary, I want it to be forever.

I need to remember this!

{THREE}  Have more fun and patience.  I'm not a morning person and how I am woken up in the a.m. will determine my mood for the REST of the day.  It's true and I shouldn't let it take over my day.  I want to give my family the best and most fun experiences we can have.  I don't want my kids to only remember mommy and daddy always working on their homework, because yes, school starts back up for us too.  I want them to love life and make the most of it.  I don't always want to hear "are you done with your homework yet?"  I hear that a lot.  Maybe I need to sacrifice my sleep and do my work while they are sleeping and play games and interact with them while they are home?  
I'm in desperate need of patience too.  I like things to get done when I want them done.  I'm not a planner person, I like to wing my day and if I think of something random, I'm usually doing it when I think of it.  I stop everything and will start something new.  My husband hates it because if I'm in one project, I'll stop and start another, leaving the first one how I left it.  I think if I had patience to create a schedule and stick with it, my patience with the kids, projects, and life would be more pleasurable

Just keeping it real :)


{FOUR}  Be a better mom/wife/friend.  This is a daily struggle.  I feel like a negative person and I don't want to feel like one or be betrayed like one.  Because, I don't think I really am, I just have my days.  Like everyone, right?
To be a better mom, I need to get down and interact with the kids.  I need to do activities with them like I used to.  I feel like when we were living in Germany I was such a better mom.  Maybe it was because they were home with me 24/7?  Maybe my patience was better?  Maybe because they were younger?  Whatever it was, I really hope to get back to where we used to be.
To be a better wife, I need to be more intentional.  I need to start making conversation and stop pushing him away.  We need date nights, even if it's just watching a movie after the kids go to sleep, or having a nice dinner.  I need to be more affectionate, that's something I really struggle with.  I always have and probably always will.  But if I intentionally make an attempt to get better, maybe soon it will become natural?
To be a better friend I need to open up, be dependable, and supportive.  I have a hard time opening up to friends.  I feel like I will be judged and who wants to be judged?  Not me.  I also find it easier to just not have many friends.  My life is busy and I don't feel like I have the time to commit to friends and their parties.  I love them, but I don't feel friends can depend on me to attend such things because I usually turn them away.  I want to be more involved with friends this year.  I want to be more supportive of them and their choices.  I think it's hard for anyone to not unconsciously judge someone instantly when something is said that we may not agree with.  I don't want to do that.  I need to stop over-thinking things and support them.  Friends bring happiness, new ideas, and fun.  Friends are there when you need a shoulder to lean on.  Friends are there when you feel like you can't talk to anyone.  A true friend will listen and not judge, give advice from their perspective and encourage you.

{FIVE}  Do more crafts.  I don't know how I didn't have time for anything this last year.  Again, in Germany, I did so much.  How did I have time there, but not here?  I was in school there too, so that can't be the excuse.  I love doing crafts.  Be it sewing, painting, or building something, I love it.  It's my happy place and I need to get back there!
I think if I can work on these five things, life would be happier and I could be more productive.

**Images from Google Image**

December vacation, going home!

It was so nice to get home!  Before we even left MS, not 5 minutes from the hotel, Sterling was already car sick.  The same thing happened when we left the hotel on Tuesday morning.   Do you have a child that gets car sick?  How do you deal with it?  I don't know if it's because of all the days in the car, but it just seems like hers is getting worse. 
We had a fun and memorable vacation.  Over 5100 miles in the car and we all survived.  I didn't bicker too much.  The kids didn't whine too much.  Nick didn't drive crazy.  The kids loved seeing all their grandparents and doing new and fun things.
Xander woke up with a fever and was miserable for the 10 hours in the car.  He slept a lot!  Like, couldn't even keep his eyes open.  On Tuesday he was burning hot and still not feeling well, but we only had a 6 hour drive so we got up early and got him home so he could start feeling better.

Vacation throw up!

Sterling missed this guy!  She wanted him to play tea party with her, but he went to his bed.  She brought the party to him!

Thursday, January 8

December Vacation Ocean Springs

The last leg of our vacation took us to Ocean Springs, MS.  And this is where I ended up sick the entire time and Xander the last day.  We had plans to go to New Orleans on Sunday, but with me getting sick (and the rain), it just didn't work out.
Before heading out, we took some pictures with my parents.

It wasn't a long drive to MS this time, but we desperately needed some coffee so we stopped.  The car in front of us bought our coffee for us!  The holiday spirit continues the day after Christmas!

We made it to Nick's moms house and everyone opened their gifts.  His mom loved hers!

Using real tea cups at grandmas house, yikes!

Getting back to the hotel that night and this is house Sterling passed out, LOL!  It was a long day.

Saturday, we took our time getting ready.  Who's in a hurry to sit around and do nothing?  Not us. 

After a few hours at 'grandmas' house, we took a break and drove around so the kids could nap.  On our break away, we stopped at the best donut place ever.  We stop by ever time we're in town.  Seriously, the BEST!

On Sunday I woke up in a lot of pain.  I stayed back at the hotel with my supply while the rest went to visit 'grandma'.  I was A-Okay staying back.