Wednesday, May 20

New van

We I purchased a van last week.  I’ve been wanting one since last summer but had been keeping quiet about until two weeks ago when Nick made mention that we’ve had my Volvo longer than any car we’ve ever owned.  Cue to my ears that it’s okay to really get serious.  I was looking and comparing for a good six months and finally found one that would be perfect for us.  Every time we go on vacation, we rent the Chrysler Town and Country, which was what started my great van debate.  I loved the space that van offered.

After I found what I wanted and thought would be a good fit for our family, I got some quotes and then the next day headed to the dealership with the best quote.  I also knew what I wanted for a trade in for my car because we had equity in it and I would not take less.  Of course they tried low-balling a trade in offer, but I stood my ground and wouldn’t take less.

Four hours later, the van was ours and I got the number I wanted, plus extra incentives!  I called it a win and signed away.  We are the new proud owners of a 2015 Honda Odyssey.  I love it! The kids love!  And, it’s growing on Nick, ha!


image via Google

The kids and I get to test it out on our 9 hour road trip we are taking to go visit my sister and her family.  I also decided to put on seat covers for the back seats to protect them from the slimy, sticky, dirty, and messy toddlers! 

I won’t be posting over the next few weeks, but we will be having a great time with family.  We’re all excited about that!

Friday, May 15

Friday Favorites

It’s that time again to link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci from Friday Favorites

{One} This boy did amazing at his preschool program last night.  He waited (not so) patiently for an entire week to go up on stage and sing loud and proud.  When he walked in the church, he was so serious I thought all the people were going to intimate him.  He stood up on stage so serious, but then when the music came on, his arms were moving and he was loud and proud!



{Two}  Starbucks for the win this week!  Um, hello…the new mini Frappuccino's are perfect for the littles!  Before I picked them up from school one day, I stopped and grabbed two because we were heading across town to get a car wash and I thought I’d like a sweet treat on the way.  And they did.  They loved the Crème Caramel Ribbon.  Now I’m hoping they’ll keep that mini cup forever!


{Three}  Last day of school.  We now have a few weeks of lazier mornings where we don’t need to get ready and head out the door.  The kids head back June 9th for two mornings a week for June and July.  I’d call lazy mornings a favorite! 

We also prepared some thank you’s for their teachers this week. The chocolate idea is from iheartnaptime for the “treasure tags”.  Who’s not a chocolate lover?  Is it even possible to not love chocolate?! 


Then the kids added a personal touch and included a fingerprint flower for helping them learn and grow.  Xander did his all by himself and I was pretty impressed.  For Sterling’s teacher, I added a little note: Thank you for your rules and telling me “no”…I didn’t understand it then, but I’m going to grow into a better person because of you.”  I wanted to add in a touch of how she was a twerp for crying and frowning on her whenever she didn’t get what she wanted (for 3 months!).  I loved that her teacher stuck to the rules and Sterling didn’t get away with everything (because she still got away with a lot!).  Sterling still loves her teacher and talks about her sweetly, so I just wanted her (the teacher) to know that she is still loved.


I also worked on the end of year gifts (eoy) for the students that I help in the Pre-K class.  I found this idea from this free printable on Teachers Pay Teachers and then I found the bookmarks also on TPT.  This years EOY gifts turned out adorable!


{Four}  I went through my phone pics the other day and noticed I had some pretty fun pictures of the kiddos. I guess I take them and forget about them.  These were taken before school.  On the bottom picture, I guess I put Xander’s shorts on backwards and he wore them like that all day!  Embarrassing moment after he came home and I saw they were backwards and he said “you did it mom!”



{Five}  I may not have gotten a card for Mother’s Day, but I have my sweet kiddos. They made me (with help of course) a jewelry holder.  I found the idea from The Crafting Chicks.  The kids loved working on this one although it was hard from them to roll out, but they still had fun playing with the dough.


Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 14

Weekly Recap {Sterling}

Oh, Sterling.  You’ve had so much sass this week.  You like to think that you’re boss.


Every morning you’ve cried at school drop off.  You did great for the two weeks prior and didn’t cry at all, then this week you started again.  Ugh!  It’s so frustrating seeing you so upset when I drop you off.  Your teachers always say that after a few minutes you are just fine.  You say that four certain boys are always pushing, kicking, or hitting you.  We tell you to remind the boys to be nice and for you to walk away.  Although daddy likes to tell you to be mean back to them.

Like your brother, you loved jumping in muddy puddles.  You kept asking me if it was okay for you to get dirty.  You were very concerned, but I said just have fun!  Bubba splashed you in the face a few times and you weren’t so happy, but we wiped it off and you went back to splashing.  You liked to say “thank you mommy, thank you,” over and over.


You went shopping with mommy over the weekend and after the first store you wanted to go back home already.  You don’t enjoy shopping.

On Mother’s Day you really enjoyed me playing princesses with you and every time I’d try to sneak away, you’d come running and crying “mommy, you have to play princess with me!”  I can never get away, but you always let me know how you want me to play so it makes it fun. I tried to get you to play Gold Fish, but you weren’t having it.  I finally got you to take a break by going to make you dinner.

You’re our little line backer!  In the middle of the night you bust through our door and startle us awake.  It happens more often than we’d like it to.  Surprisingly you don’t wake up your bubba because he's the light sleeper in the family.  You snuggle in bed with us and drift right off to sleep.  All while your kneeing and elbowing mommy and daddy…with an occasional slap in the face.  That hurts when you’re sleeping and not expecting it!

You’ve been playing Pippi Longstocking a lot lately and recently you were skipping on the steps outside and tripped.  You landed right on your chest bone. You scared me!  It was so loud.  You cried for just a little bit and then said “Pippi’s okay, I’m not hurt anymore.”

We finally hung your bird feeder in the tree…it’s weighing down the branch, ha! You’re so proud of your painting you created on it.  You always ask, “mommy, you love it?”  Yes, I do!  Very much.


You’ve been emotional these past few days.  The littlest things will get crocodile tears flowing.  You couldn’t find Dora Kate’s shoes.  You were bawling.  You couldn’t walk up the wall like Pippi. You were bawling.  You couldn’t get the correct light to switch on.  You were bawling.  Sofia’s falling apart (nothing new…it’s been for the past 6 months and you love on her way too much!). You were bawling.  You were bawling a lot!

Hoping over the next week, it will be a happy one!

Wednesday, May 13

Weekly Recap {Xander}

Such a sweet boy this week!  You have told me over and over this week how much you love me and that I’m the best mommy ever.  You’ve melted my heart each time!

You had such a fun time jumping in the muddy puddles. You stated many times that “this was the best day ever!”It was definitely the highlight of your week.  Your rain boots rubbed against your shins and you didn’t like that.  But two band-aids fixed that right up.  You’re not excited to wear your rain boots again.  I’m trying to assure you that if you wear long socks with them you’ll be okay.


On Saturday you helped daddy mow the lawn again.  It’s beginning to become one of your things to do with daddy.  You decided to play with your backyard toys a few rows in.

You like to remind everyone “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.”  This phrase don’t work for your own self though, because you’re always throwing fits when you don’t get what you want.

You ask me everyday when we can go to Target and buy a red transformer.  I like to remind you that you have enough toys and we’re not going anytime soon.

As I was drinking coffee, you asked when it gets colder if you could have some.  I said probably not because it’s not good for little kids.  You replied with, “well my teacher said whoever likes coffee gets to drink it and I do, so I get to drink it whenever I want.”  And you were totally serious when you said it.

On Mother’s Day we took a ride around town and you had your school prayer on repeat.  It’s the sweetest thing hearing you say the prayers you have learned. I’m waiting for the day when you add in your own words.

You wanted me to buy a cucumber because you all of a sudden like them because your friend Felix likes them.  So I bought you some and you ate two slices.  Upon the first bite, you said, “mmm, I like it.”  I hope it lasts because I love cucumbers.

You woke up confused the morning after we rearranged your room.  So confused that you got back in your bed and said that you were going to lay there until morning time.  The funny thing was it was already morning time, ha!  You never get back in your bed, you look forward to hopping in our bed for morning cartoons and snuggles.

One night you were laying next to daddy and you said “daddy, guess what?  I know all about everything.”  You really think you do too.  No one can tell you otherwise without you getting upset and standing your ground.

We finally hung your birdhouse you painted a few weeks ago.  After we hung it you were climbing on the tree.  You looked like a koala bear.


You had a great week.  You’re sleeping in your bed so much better.  Actually staying in your bed all but one night usually.  It makes for some happy parents.

Tuesday, May 12


I decided to be a “Yes” mom Wednesday afternoon and man did the kids love it.  They have been begging me for over a week to jump in “muddy puddles” (like Peppa Pig).  I always say no, or not now.  It’s a mess and I’m not about to let them play on the road to jump in puddles.  So when I picked them up from school, I intentionally parked right in front of a big messy muddy puddle.

As we approached the car, I said we weren’t getting in the car just yet and for them to go jump in the muddy puddles.  They were confused.  Really mom?  Yep, go, and jump big. They were unsure at first, but after some more encouraging that it was okay for them to get messy and dirty, they started having tons of fun.

It was so much fun listening to the squeals of excitement.  All the “this is the best day ever!” statements.  “Mom, you’re the best!”  “Daddies not going to like this”  “This is so much fun!” The giggles.  Man, they had fun!  We stayed in the parking lot for 50 minutes and when it was time to head home we stripped off the wet clothes and put on the spare clothes from their backpacks.  It was a perfect and unexpected way to end their day!


Xander whines a lot and it can get annoying fast.  Sterling won’t play the way he wants.  He don’t get what he wants when he wants.  Has to take a shower.  Has to take a break. Can’t take the toy he wants to school.  He don’t like dinner.  At a store and he sees something.  He whines, and whines, and whines.  Gotta love this age!  For reals, how in the world do you get a kid to stop whining without giving them what they want?! 

via Google image

We worked on an early morning craft one day and it started the day with great attitudes.  I may just do this more often.  I didn’t even have my phone or camera so no pictures during the activity.  I wasn’t planning on the craft until hours later, so I just went with it.  I had these foam frogs and butterflies and the kids colored and taped them to construction paper.  Xander actually created a pond for his frog and it is adorable.  He created water and a lily pad for the frog to sit on.  Such imagination at this age and I love it!  The finished products are already on display.


*The kids (with dad’s help) got me a Michael Kors watch for Mother’s Day.  It’s beautiful.  They were so sweet when they woke up.  Nick whispered (I could hear him though, ha!) in each of their ears to tell me Happy Mother’s Day.  They did, but they’ve also been telling me every day, all week long because of a craft they did at school for me.  Such sweet kiddos.  Nick got worst husband of the year this year because he didn’t have the kids make me a special card.  The card is all I really want, ever. I think it’s so special when a child puts thought into drawing something special for someone.  Oh well.


I cleaned and rearranged the kiddos rooms.  They picked the locations of all of their furniture. It was fun to see them decide where they wanted their beds, dressers and toys.  I’ve been wanting to rearrange my room, but my furniture is way to heavy that it’s staying put. sigh sigh. Thanks kids for putting up with my ambitions at a moments notice.

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I’m working on the kids teacher gifts.  I cut everything out and will let the kids glue the candy on the paper.  I’m hoping Xander will want to write his name at least twice.  When they got home from school they saw the chocolates and wanted to dig in.  Xander loves chocolate and Sterling is just coming around to it.  I’m not sure whose child she is cause I LOVE chocolate!  Inspiration from iheartnaptime.


I’m also working on the end of year gifts for the students that I help in the Pre-K class.  I found this idea from this free printable on Teachers Pay Teachers and then I found the bookmarks also on TPT.  Such a cute idea when I paired them together.  And instead of a beachball, I wanted to use a more practical ball, so I choose a fun and bumpy light up ball.  The bookmarks are so adorable, I just love the little people on them. 


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Sunday, May 10

Mother’s Day (Pinterest style)

Happy Mother’s Day!

I found these on Pinterest and found them fitting.

Well said.  Some mother’s think they know it all and have it all.  Some mother’s struggle.  Each mother is different and handle their situations differently and I hate when one mother judges another mother.  It’s wrong to judge if you don’t know the families situation.  I feel within my own family (immediate and extended) judgment is expressed to much!

Mother's Day

Um yeah.  I feel like I fail every single day.  But I know my children are fed, clothed, smart and have fun…even when I think I’m doing it all wrong.

Mothers Day Quotes, Mothers Day Gift Ideas. Give your mother the gift of LIFE TIME... Click here to find out..

Love it!

free printable quotes and sayings | ... ebook, free printable for Mother's Day, mother letters free art

I waited TEN years to be called mom.  Ten long years!  Infertility was a beast on the emotions and hormones.  I dreaded this day (and a lot of other’s) every year.  Going through  three miscarriages (one at 6 weeks, one at 10 weeks, and one at 7 weeks), infertility treatments (2 IVF’s and 8 IUI’s), adoption and then a successful pregnancy, I became a mom.  I still think about our losses often. They never leave my mind. I always wonder “what if.”

winnie the pooh prints

To those not holding the hands of their own children, your love is seen.

Surviving Mother’s Day with Infertility- Reproductive Medicine Associates of NJ |

I am forever grateful for my son’s birth mom to choose life for him and us as his forever family.

Nursery Wall art. Baby Print .Beige Tan by sunshinedesignshop

Enough said…

God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and a whole lot of faith...but it's worth the wait.

Have a great week!

Thursday, May 7

Currently I’m…

So I thought it would be fun to do a monthly “currently I’m…”  series.

Reading: Choose More, Lose More for Life in the evenings and The Antelope in the Living Room during the day.

Watching:  I love me some TLC shows (too many to list, ha!), I’m anxiously waiting to watch Jill Duggar’s birth story (its on DVR). Teen Mom, Dance Moms, ID channel, Criminal Minds, and Good Morning America…just to name a few. 

Eating:  Smoothies and ice cream are my current favorites. Oh, and I’m also eating a Lebanese meal that I made over the weekend every day for lunch.  SO good!

Drinking: Water and coffee.  Lots and lots of coffee. 

Pinning:  I’ve been pinning a bunch of educational info for preschool/pre-k.  With being on the fence of whether I’m homeschooling Sis or not, I’m getting prepared.

Crafting: Not much for myself.  For the past two weeks, I’ve had the kids working on a seed/plant experiment and we worked on crafts during that time.  I guess if making my planner look snazzy counts, this could be my crafting?!

Wearing: A hoodie and sweatpants (my love language!)

Loving:  Being done with school!  Nuff said.

Hating:  The weather.  It’s a rainy mess out.  I don’t mind the storms, as long as they don’t produce dangerous conditions, because they make staying inside just a bit easier.

Enjoying:  Running.  I’d never thought I’d say this, but it’s true. I started doing the C25K two weeks ago and tomorrow I start Week 3 Day 1.  So excited I’ve gotten this far.  It’s hard.  Like, really really hard.  But, I can do this!

Thinking:  I need a vacation, without the kiddos.  Is that mean?  I love them dearly, but I’m pretty sure the three of us are conjoined triplets.  They never leave my side.  If I go downstairs, they follow.  If I go upstairs, they follow.  Wherever I am, they are sure to be within a hands length.  I’d just go for one night.  That’s all.  I’m the mom that locks herself in bathroom, just to get a spare millisecond without a kid in my face.

Feeling:  Great during the day and cruddy at night.  I get awful headaches lately and I’m not sleeping well.  I’ve been thinking of taking some melatonin at night, but don’t want to wake up feeling hung over.

Wanting:  Less stuff.  For reals.  We just have too much crap and it makes me feel overwhelmed.  I don’t even know where to start in our storage room because there’s just too much. So it remains in it’s place.  Ugh!

That’s it.  Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 5

Monthly Goals

I’m thinking that if I write out some monthly goals, I can hold myself accountable and get things done in a timely manner.


1.  Balance checkbook twice a week.  I’m horrible at doing this and we’ll go 2-3 weeks without it balanced.  I used to be so good at it, but since living in Germany, it’s sort of fallen through the cracks.  It’s never been a problem, but it’s better to do it so we know where we’re wasting our money.  Shopping?  Who me?  Never!  haha

2.  Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week.  I’m currently doing C25K 3-4 times a week.  I’m on Week 2 Day 3, which I’ll do tonight.  It’s a great program since I’m starting all over and NEEDING to lose a crap load of weight.  Cardio is my best defense at losing fat.  Although I hate cardio to my core!  On the days that I’m not doing C25K, I plan on doing additional walking, a video, or calisthenics.  On C25K days, I work out for 40 minutes and do 4 miles.

3.  Finish reading Choose More, Lose More for LIFE by Chris Powell and The Antelope in the Living Room by Melanie Shankle.

4.  No buying the kids clothes or shoes.  They have more than enough.  I have a slight problem of when I see something adorable, I think I need to buy it.  I’m going to make this a goal starting today.  I really hope I can keep this promise to myself!

5.  Put sunscreen on the kiddos when we’re going to be spending time outside.  This sounds silly to write it as a goal, but having gone 8 months without needing it, I forget ALL the time!  I need to stash some in both vehicles so it’ll be available if I forget before we leave the house.

6.  Pack and get ready for a fun vacation…don’t forget the ginormous totes full of clothes to give to my sister’s youngsters.

7.  Schedule an appointment at the Women’s Clinic.

Monday, May 4

Time for Change

Image via Google images

I’m in the process of making some changes here.  With less time needing to focus on school work, I want to capture my kids through pictures and postings about them.  They’re at such a fun stage in life with so much to talk about.  Since I don’t have many readers that comment and are probably just “curious,” I’m going to shift this blog to be more of the kiddos and their moments.  I’m going to have weekly/daily themes that I’m going to try out throughout the summer.  I’m hoping they will stick and be easier to keep me updating the blog for them.  Eventually I want to print two books each year.  One for each kiddo.  They can read about their happy times, times that frustrated them and the silly sayings they have on repeat.  Do we ever have lots of those!  So each week, one day a week, each kiddo will have a day dedicated to them on the blog.

Right now, I’m planning on these blogging prompts:

  • A week in Xander’s shoes
  • A week in Sterling’s shoes
  • MOMents (the good and bad)
  • Currently I’m… (I’m going to stop doing a “Life Lately” since that will be covered in the kiddos sections most likely)
  • New Recipe (maybe)
  • Reality/TV…I’m a junkie so this topic should come naturally
  • Friday Favorites (because I enjoy linking up and finding new blogs to read and inspire me to be my best)
  • Monthly goals

This week I’ll start with ‘currently I’m,’  monthly goals, update my blog “about me,” and Friday Favorites.  I need to create a schedule this week to work these into a weeks time and hopefully start a new tradition for our blog…starting next week!

I found this quote on Google images and found it perfect for my reason for changes.  I don’t blog for money (I will never have an affiliated link), I blog to document our family so my kiddos will have something to look back on and say “oh, that’s what I did or said,” or “wow, that looks like we had a fun time on vacation!,” or “oh my, was I a trouble maker!” Ha!

Image result for time for change

I hope you’ll stick around to leave me a comment of encouragement.

Have a great day!

Friday, May 1

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, Friends! 

It’s my favorite day, last day of class!  And Friday.  What’s better?  Not much!  First thing this morning, I re-read my last assignment for the semester and turned that sucker in!  I’m done until June 26!  It’s going to be a great (nearly) 2 month break.  We have a fun trip planned to go see cousins and my sister.  Then my nieces graduation and a bunch a family (hopefully). Fun times ahead!

Last weekend we went to one of the kids’ favorite teacher’s high school graduation party.  She was homeschooled and such a sweet young lady.  The kids love her and I love that she has a heart for teaching young children!


We went out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.  We don’t eat in many restaurants so it was a special night. 


The kids helped daddy mow the yard. Xander used his favorite push mower and Sterling used a wheel barrel.  Xander helped about 90% before he moved on while Sterling only lasted about 2 minutes.

I picked up a new favorite purse.  It was love at first sight.  I’ve been wanting an MK tote for a few months and I finally broke down and grabbed it.  I’m usually a coach lover, but I’m not so partial anymore.


My favorite little girl!  She’s a mover and a groover!  All the time and I love seeing her new tricks. She’s always so excited to share them with everyone around.  Lately, she’s been strutting her stuff when she gets into school. I’m so proud of her because she’s went to school this whole week without crying she’s going to miss me.  Big moments with this sassy thing!


Linking up with the lovely ladies from Friday from Friday Favorites with Andrea, Narci, and Erika.

Mother’s Day is coming up.  It’s such a special day and I love homemade gifts.  However, my amazing hubs is not crafty in the least.  So, is it cheesy that today the kids and I are going to make a Mother’s Day craft for myself?  I’ll pick out a few different things and let them decide which one and help them along the way.

Have a wonderful weekend!