Friday, July 25

Summer Fun

On Tuesday I took the kids to the splash park at our outdoor mall.  It's our favorite this year as we don't have to fight the other kids to enjoy the water.  So, we go often.

Wednesday is a blur

Thursday, kids had school.  While they were in school, Jayla and I headed to hunt for some canvas' for Sterlings room above her bed.  No luck, so we headed to Target to get what they had (which I saw the day I bought the bed set, but didn't necessarily want).  It works, but I wish I had 2 coordinating canvas' for that area.  After we picked up the kids, we headed to our friends to say goodbye.  They headed out this morning for their big (and final) move to NC.  We're going to miss them SO much!  We didn't stay long and during nap time, I finished Sterling's room.

See that boy in the lower right?  Yeah, he sucks at taking naps these days.  I usually get 2 or 3 days of the week where he'll actually take a nap.

Sterling's skirt made for a perfect chef hat.  Apple pie, anyone?

Today I planned the kids a trip to the Omaha Children's Museum.  They had a blast and I'm pleasantly surprised that when I said it was time to go, I didn't get a single meltdown.  We did stay for 3.5 hours.
Xander is all about the princess!  Total ladies man!

Why must they have water activities in museums?  It's the one activity all kids want to go to!

Xander is obsessed with dinosaurs, so he kept trying to go behind the rope to be closer to them.

Tonight?  Pizza and movie!

Tuesday, July 22

New beds for Littles

We took the plunge and bought mattress sets for the Littles.  A few nights ago when both kids ended up in our bed, I couldn't get comfortable and deemed that the last night any kid would be sleeping in our bed again!  You know how that goes, it doesn't.  So on Sunday Xander and I went to the furniture store and he picked out their mattresses.  We had them delivered that same night.  I thought perfect, I really can have my bed back.  Ha!  Jokes on me.  Really.  When the men tried putting Xander's mattresses on his frame (the convertible crib), it was not fitting.  I had them take back his set since it didn't fit.  Sterling's fit, but having the boxspring on it was too high, so we stored it in Xanders room for the night since no one would be sleeping in there.  During that time when I was supposed to be sleeping, my mind was working on why Xander's mattress didn't fit and the furniture man I talked to said any full size bed would fit.  I was confused.  So I put my mind to work.  Well.  You see.  I've always wondered what the 'UP' and an arrow meant.  When we put his bed together, we put it together like most beds, the grooves so the bed could rest on (and thought that up arrow was pointing to the groove for that to be up).  Well this bed is different and I took it apart Monday morning and reversed them.  Now was the time when I wished I hadn't told the men to take back his bed.  Because we (Jayla and I) put the box spring on to see if it would fit.  OMG.  Tada.  Fricking worked!  It fit!  I felt so dumb!  
Can you say bed drama?!

So, now that Sterling has a big bed, I plan on laying with her to get her to HER bed.  The first night didn't happen because Xander and Jayla slept in there.  Last night, we tried for almost 2 hours.  I got too tired of getting up and going back and forth.  When she came in at 1120, I threw in the towel and put her in my I could finally get some sleep.  She knows.  I swear she does.  I'm hoping my new plan will work, we'll try it out tonight. 
Now that she has this big bed, her pictures look off on her wall so that will be the next task.  It's usually the 'little' things that drives me crazy.  Oh, and that rug...yeah, that don't match either, but I want to make it work somehow.
I found Sterling's comforter at Target.  She's obsessed with purple right now and I wanted something that she can grow with, so this was purple perfect!  When I get her walls finished, I'll take another picture.  I envision beautiful coming soon.

Xander's bed is rather high, but his bed requires a box spring.  He gets up and down just fine.  Last night was a true example of 2 hours of up and down on his own.  His set came last night, and I left Sterling's box spring on his bed and had the men leave 'his' in the plastic downstairs.  We'll leave that one in storage until Sterling is ready for a 'high' bed.  His bedding is also from Target, bought a few months ago.  

On Sunday night, we got our favorite little girl back.  I love having my helper back!  She says she had a good time with her cousins, so that is always good, but was excited to come back too.

The kids and I did a little shopping yesterday.  I had $50 in Gymbucks at Gymboree to use.  Although we didn't need anything right now, I bought for next year.  It's always good to have a few things ahead just in case of a growth spurt.  We also went to Children's Place to take advantage of their $7 jeans.  The best part of our outing?  I finally got to go to Olive Garden!  I've been wanting to go for the past year and Hubs is not a fan so we never go.  Thanks kids for being well behaved so we could go to my favorite restaurant!

Monday, July 21

July 11th-17th

Last post and we'll be caught up...for now!  

On the 11th, we were pretty busy.  I had to do 3 loads of laundry because I needed to pack Jayla a suitcase to go stay with her cousins for a week (the ones that live downtown)...and since we just got back from vacation, I hadn't caught up on the laundry yet.  While doing that, I noticed Sterling was just laying around.  She didn't have a fever (yet), so, we finished up then headed to our play date with Lily and tell Mrs. Pam Happy Birthday.  We brought her some cupcakes and a gift.  During the play date, Sterling did come down with a fever, but our nurse Pam gave her some medicine and she laid on the couch for awhile.

On the 12th, we drove to Kansas City and bought a new car.  While we dealt with the dealers, the kids played in the playroom.  Such a nice feature in a dealership! Sterling still had her fever and when we got to the hotel she just wanted to sleep.  She actually fell asleep in my arms signing papers.

Nick's new ride.  For the past month he's been looking online to upgrade his car.  He had the 2013 BMW 328i, but we'd never take it anywhere because the kids just didn't look comfortable.  Now he has a 2011 Volvo XC90...he wants to be like me (I have the XC60) :)

On the 14th, the kids and I stayed home...
This boy...oh this boy.  He loves to dress himself.  I let him.  But daddy makes him change every time when he gets home if we go out on our walks.

On the 16th, the kids and I hung out at home.  After Nick got home from work, we headed to the sports store to pick up some dumbbell handles for our weight set.  After getting home we all headed downstairs to put together the weight bench from our old workout machine.

While we had a low key day, looks like Jayla was spending time at the park with her cousins 

Little's went to school in the AM on the 17th, after school we had a packed lunch and went to play with Lily.  While the kids played, Pam and I sewed these awesome skirts for the girls.  So easy and such a fun way to hang out!  I'm going to miss these guys so much!  We're going to see them in December though, so we're already looking forward to that! (Don't mind the shirt, it won't go with it when we actually wear it)

While we were having a play date, Jayla was too, with her other 2 cousins that live in the area they are visiting in MN. 

Sunday, July 20

Last day of T-ball

Yesterday was Xanders last game.  Because the game was at 1, and our previous game was also a late game, we decided that only I would take him to prevent him from being distracted so he'd actually hopefully play the game.  I was wounded from the previous day at the pool.  I guess when I was going down the slides with Sterling and slamming my feet into the bottom of the pool bruised the top of my left foot.  I could barely move it.  It hurt really bad, but I sucked it up and took Xander.  As Xander was practicing playing catch with his coach and teammate, I was watching from the sides.  All of a sudden I get whacked by a portable tent that was set up.  The wind blew it up and over.  I have a new bruiser from that incident.  Good thing it was me and not a kid!

Before the game.  Concerned he didn't see his coach yet.

And he hits!

I volunteered to stand next to second plate so the kids could have some encouragement to run to the right plate.  Some kids were running all over the place.  So I'd wave, clap my hands, and cheer them towards second, then onto third when it was time.  It was fun.  

After the game, Xander received a sports tattoo and a metal.  We also received his pictures we had taken a few weeks ago.  They turned out really nice!  Now I just need to get some in the mail for the grandparents.
After leaving the game Xander and I went and mailed some packages that we had already put together for the grandparents.  Something I've been working on for a VERY long time and they are long overdue.  I'm so glad they came in and are now in the mail to their respective grandparents home.  So, be on the lookout for something special :)

I also put away the suitcase full of clothes from my sister for Sterling.  She takes great care of her kids clothes and we're so happy to be able to use them!  Sterling is set for Fall/Spring/next Summer!  (As long as she doesn't have a growth spurt!)

I took the plunge and deleted Facebook off my phone.  I even deleted it from my pins and favorites from the computer.  I know it doesn't stop me from typing in the address, but for now, I'm really just using it to keep in touch with my sister in Germany.  I get so mind-blown at all the bitching and whining that goes on, that it's not worth my time to even look at it.  I have better things in life than listen to everyone complaining (or gloating) about their lives!

As for today, not a whole lot planned.  We're planning to take the kids to the airshow, but we'll see if we make it.  We should be getting Jayla back either today or tomorrow, so we're all excited for that!  We'll be putting up Sterling's big bed and ordering her a mattress to fit it.  She's been in our bed way too much and I had the final straw 2 nights ago.  So, she'll get a big bed, where I can lay in her bed with her until she falls asleep.  Other than that, just want to clean the house.

July 5th-10th

Pretty boring titles these days but with so much catching up, this is all I've got

On the 5th, these two cuties ended up in the same colors and I thought they were so adorable.  After our lunch at BK, we headed out to my BIL's parents home.

Papa Brad took all the kids for a ride on the boat.  Xander was so excited for this ride!

Then they all took 4-wheeler rides

While everyone was taking turns on the 4-wheeler's, the big girls were playing dress up...classy ladies! 

We ended our night with backyard s'mores

On the 6th, we headed to the park again for another picnic lunch

And then to the zoo 

Fed the goats.  Xander of course loved this activity

On the 7th we stayed at home and had to pack.  The kids and I left early on the 8th to trek the 9.5 hour drive.  We had such a fun time in ND, it's always a sad day when it's time to go home.  

We made plans to go to the splash park on the 9th, but when we got to the park, it was under we tried another park, which had a gazillion kids, so we went home and set up the backyard.  Still had fun and that's all that matters.

On the 10th, the two little's headed back to school 

After school, we headed to the city to swim with the cousins that live here (whom we never rarely see, but whatever).  The kids had fun, so that's all that matters.  

Saturday, July 19

July 1-4

On the 1st, the kids and I left my brother's house and headed 4 hours south east to my sisters.  We left early and arrived just after lunch.  I think we played in the yard this day.  We went to HuHot for dinner, kids eat Free on Tuesdays :)

On the 2nd, my sister and I hired her babysitter and we headed out for some sister fun.  We of course had pedicures done, did some shopping and just enjoyed our time together.  After we got home, the kids played outside after everyone woke up.  Xander could not for the life of him, figure out how to drive this Barbie Jeep.  Kind Kinley chauffeured him around.  

On the 3rd, we packed up the kids and some lunches and headed to the park.  It was a lot of fun and such a nice park! 

This is all of the cousins

Talyn was the master pusher on the tire swing...which she never got on

But the little kids did and they loved it

That night we made some yummy kebabs

And then ended our night at 'art in the park'...including some fun rides to top it off

On the 4th we had plans to go to the local parade, however, some weather had other plans.  We took it slow that morning since we didn't have to rush out the door.  That afternoon my sister's husbands family throws a huge party for the 4th, so we all headed out there.

The kids enjoyed sparklers

And watching others shoot off fireworks

Before heading home, we put on pjs, then we took out the light up wands and man did the kids have fun with those