Tuesday, December 31


We had a quiet and fun Christmas this year.  The kids are at such a fun age and loved opening presents.  The appreciate things already and it makes us so happy hearing them say thank you for their gifts...after each and every one!
Christmas Eve Santa's elf, Blitz left the kids some reindeer food to sprinkle on the lawn before they went to bed.  They were both so excited to to have the reindeer eat their food they put out for them.

After the kids went to bed, we were busy putting out all the big items that were assembled 

The kids sprinkled some candy on sugar cookies, we set them out for Santa to enjoy. 

Christmas Day.  Xander was beyond excited to see if Santa ate his cookie.  He actually forgot so Nick got up earlier than the kids and went and ate a few bites from them :)  Nick was waiting downstairs with the camera to capture the first moments of such a magical morning (top right corner of the photo we are coming down).   

We decided to give the kids their power wheels.  The weather has been amazing so we decided why not?  We bought them back in October to give them at Christmas, so that's what we did.  They loved them!  Xander a little more than Sterling, but she's warming up to it.  We've already been outside a bunch of times riding them around. 

Since Xander was about 9 months old, he had a little baby rattle guitar.  He always loved it.  This year his grandma sent him a real guitar!  He absolutely loves this gift.  Daddy even sat down with him the other day and showed him how to play it with the pick.  One happy boy! 

Sterling got a vet set which she adores!   

So excited for all the fun toys and games 

Christmas night, playing with the assembled grill.  He wanted a kitchen so badly but I couldn't see getting him one because a lot of people thought it was wrong to get a boy a kitchen.  I don't, but I didn't want my boy to be made fun of by the people that love him.  Sad, but I guess some people still have the mindset that some things are just for girls and some things are just for boys.  Nana and Papa bought him this manly grill!  Next Grillmaster chef anyone???  He LOVES it and plays with it every single day!

Even preps and serves the babies! 

It's now a week past Christmas and Xander is still asking about Santa and being on the naughty or good list.  Hopefully it won't last much longer.

Have a great day!

Sunday, December 22


After getting home from my parents last month, I found a few days and hours to squeeze in some applique.  I bought so many cute designs this year but didn't get barely any done.  Maybe next year I'll be on the ball.  I plan to work ahead for the next holiday.  Which means Valentines, Birthdy, and Easter shirts will be done in January before I start school.
I think (pretty sure) that I got all these designs from Planet Applique.  My favorite place to get designs!  They always have them at such a steal!  Check them out if you applique.
I love my Xander boy.  He loves when I make him shirts and is so proud and excited to wear them.  He tells everyone about them.  Love you buds!

I LOVE this shirt!  I have an elf design for Xander too, but Sterling's was 26 steps and took 2 hours to do.  Xander's was put on hold and just never got done.  Next year though!  Next year!

I even managed to make this cute cow shirt for my sister's sister-in-law's son.  I thought it was perfect because I planned on buying a cow for the kids birthday.  As of now, I'm planning a farm theme and it will be a joint party.  More to come on party planning next month.
I used the white minky material for the cow so the shirt got a bit minky.  It comes off though, so no biggy.

Have a great day!

Saturday, December 21

Just Because

The kids headed back to the parents day out (PDO) program through the church.  First day back from a month break from visiting Nana and Papa.  Ms. Kelly and Ms. Ruth called her Fancy Nancy, ha!
We assembled our gingerbread house.  We didn't get all fancy with it because I wanted it to be for the kids to enjoy and let them do with it how they wanted.  So I frosted it in sections so it wouldn't get dry.  They'd put their candies on so delicately. 

Sterling lasted about 5 minutes.  She was making too big of a mess for my patience.  Once Mickey came on, she was a-ok!

Xander and his finished product
Not too bad for a 2 year old (I placed all the frosting though)
At PDO they made us an ornament.  I love Sterlings face!  ha!

We had to make a tough decision this week in regards to outside care for the kids.  Since I'm in graduate school, I'll be taking 3! classes this next semester and needed the kids to be involved somewhere so I can concentrate on my classes.  We had 3 options.  All great options, but it was hard to decide which one was best. 
1st option was to stay with our current PDO program.  We love it.  Currently we only go twice a week (1 full day, 1 half day).  That would not be enough study time for me to focus on my classes.  Last week there were no other days available for us to stay with them.  We were sad and had been looking elsewhere just in case.
2nd option was to move to another church program MDO (mother's).  This one seemed awesome.  The kids kicked and screamed as we left the tour last week.  It was huge and seemed like the kids would be loved on.
3rd option was to put the kids in the child development center through the base.  I called the director to see about moving us to a higher priority about 2 weeks ago.  I sent in my paperwork confirming I would be full time in my classes.  Last Friday we got the call saying we were accepted and they had openings for the kids to start right away. 
When we received the call on Friday afternoon from the CDC, PDO didn't have more days for us, and MDO was one of our last options.  So, we accepted the CDC slots.  Monday the kids and I went to pick up the welcome packet to fill out for our Wednesday tour with the director.  As we were driving to the CDC, PDO called and said they just had a family drop out because they were moving and they had 2 full days the kids could go in addition to what we already go.  What do we do?!?!  My head was spinning.
Monday night I did not sleep at all!  Worst night ever.  So many thoughts on what is right for the kids.  Where would they excel?  Where would they be loved?  Where will they grow?
Tuesday I didn't really think about it.  I'd thought all night, ha!  We went on a play date with our friends and we were excited to be starting the CDC.  You know, because we already accepted the position.
Wednesday comes and my heart is racing.  I drop the kids off at PDO and then head to our 930 appointment with the CDC director.  I'm sitting in the parking lot waiting for Nick to get there and I'm thinking and thinking.  With having 3 full days and 1 half day at PDO, it could work.  But what about summer I started thinking?  Do they have a program for the summer?  I'm still going to be in 3 classes during the summer.  I quickly gave PDO a call.  Our appointment was in 2 minutes.  They do have a summer program, but it's 2 full days a week.  1 minute until our appointment.  What do we do?!?
We're staying with PDO!!!!   We're beyond excited and feel so blessed to have the tug in our hearts to stay with the ladies that have loved on our babies since September.
I walked into the CDC and told them we had to decline the offer and apologize for any inconvienance.  It felt good.  It felt right.  And if we need to use the CDC in the future, we'll just go back on the list.  I have a feeling we'll be with the PDO/preschool program our whole stay here!
Our new schedule will be kids at PDO on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9-230 and Fridays from 9-1145.  While the kids are at PDO on the full days, I'll be at the library to limit distractions and get my school work done!  It's only a block away from their program so it all works out!
Have a great day!

Friday, December 20


Our Elf mostly comes after naps.  When he comes, I usually forgot that I put him out and then the kids find him as I'm doing something usually in the kitchen.  Xander knows not to touch him though and will stand back and talk and yell for me.  I have short term memory, you'd think i'd remember since I'd just put him out!
We found a tower.  Which left Xander wanting to build, collapse, and rebuild throughout the day.
Some fun window gel clings.  These things were a huge hit and only lasted all of four days from all the on and off they went through.

Blitz found Xander a new game.  Click on the lights in the order they flash.  How fun!

Sitting on top of Xander's favorite holiday decoration.  Xander comes over to this Santa and names all the toys in his bag...at least a million times a day!

A gingerbread house!

For being on the good list, they get a sneak peak from the workshop!  Although Xander is determined Sterling is on the naughty list.  He squints his eyes and scrunches up his nose as he asks if "Sissy on the naughty list?"..."I good boy on good list?"  For the past few days they have been great...I must say!

Have a great day!

There was a birthday in this house!

Yesterday we celebrated Nick's birthday.  It was no different than any other day and he "had" to wake the kids up.  He "needs" to see them before he heads off to work.  That's a good thing, right?  For him at least?  Me, well, I just get left with 2 crabby kids that were woken up to early because daddy wants to see their precious little faces each morning.  We still had a great day though.
The kids and I ran to the stores to get some last minute birthday loot.  We came home and the kids helped me wrap and "sign" the card.  The scribbled all over his card!  He scored new jeans, a polo, pajama pants, workout pants, Chex Mix puppy chow, and a miniature sized birthday cake with "Happy Birthday Daddy" written on it.  He wasn't to happy to see that I had made some sweets, but it's his favorite so why not?  I actually made it (puppy chow) with intentions on taking it with us this weekend to enjoy in the hotel.  
Xander is so cute telling daddy "happy birthday."  He'll just keep repeating it over and over.  Cutest thing ever!

The best part to his birthday was probably getting his acceptance letter to Johns Hopkins University for his second Master's degree!  Way to go babe!!
And he got off work early!  Double bonus!

Have a great day!

Thursday, December 19

Merry Christmas

Hoping you and yours will have a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!

Wednesday, December 11

Snow day

On Saturday night after baths we grabbed our coats and went for a drive to see Christmas lights and all the fun decorations that are up.  The kids really enjoyed it and got really excited when they saw a big Santa blow up.  At 32 months, Santa is magical to Xander.

Here Xander is waving to Santa and saying Hi...

The next morning we woke up to snow!  It wasn't much, but the kids LOVED it.  Xander calls snow, snowman.  He looks out the window and says snowman.  
We headed out to shovel so we could head to the gym.  They were both great helpers!

Xander even made an angel.  I asked him where he learned how to make an angel.  He said Caillou.  He seems to learn a lot from Caillou.  I HATE Caillou, he's such a whiney character.  That's probably where he learned to whine too?  So, he's learning good things, and bad annoying things.

Pull in the sleds.  They loved it...even when they were tipped out!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 10

Favorite Song + Pics

Hark the Herald Angels Sing!

Hark!  The Herald Angels sing,
"Glory to the new-born King;

Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"

Joyful, all ye nations, rise.
Join the triumph of the skies.

With th' Angelic Hosts proclaim,
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"

Hark! The herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new-born King."

Christ, by highest heaven adored.
Christ, the everlasting Lord,
Late in time behold Him come,
Off-spring of a virgin's womb

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see,
Hail, the incarnate Deity!
Pleased as Man with man to dwell;
Jesus, our Immanuel!

Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new-born King!"

Hail, the heavenly Prince of Peace!
Hail, the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Risen with healings in His wings.

Mild He leaves His throne on high,
Born that man no more may die;
Born to raise the sons of earth;
Born to give them second birth.

Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new-born King!"

Come, Desire of nations, come,
Fix in us Thy humble home;

Oh, to all Thyself impart,
Formed in each believing heart!

Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new-born King;

Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"

Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new-born King!"

What a fun photo shoot we created!  I remember as child going to church and singing this song (+ many others) at the top of my lungs with my cousins.  This song has remained my all time favorite.  Such fun childhood memories!

Have a joyful day!