Wednesday, September 29

Sick of being sick!!

So today marks 4 weeks of having a cough and for the past 3 days I've waken up with a sore throat and seriously horrible head pain.  I called in and spoke to a registered nurse today and she tells me to gargle salt water, drink lots of liquids, and eat soft foods until the sore throat goes away.  I wish I knew what is going on inside me, i think it's just my body telling me I don't like this new move?  Oh, she did also tell me I could take Aleve, which is awesome because I need this head pain to go AWAY!!  I'm so sick of being sick!  It is seriously draining me and I don't have energy to do anything.  
On the adoption front, I received an email from this other agency in the area that will do home studies and post placement visits.  I'm thinking of emailing them and asking what their process is since we are not getting any response from the one we've been working with.  It's frustrating because we've done a lot of work for the agency not responding and will probably have to redo everything to meet the standards of the new agency.  I suppose I will email our placement agency back in the states and let her know what's going on and see what she would recommend.
With hubby working 12s until next Friday, it sucks around here.  We only see each other about an hour and half a night before he's zonked out...poor man is tired!  I feel bad because with me being so ill, I haven't been in the mood to cook "real" food, he's on his own :(.  Maybe tonight I'll actually cook, but I never know what time he's coming home and eating only an hour and half before going to bed is not healthy, so i almost don't feel like eating because of that.  I did take out some fish, so i should cook it tonight, it's light and healthy so it should be okay. 
I'm going to run to the store today, I'm going to get me some broth based soups, crackers, and hubby needs some deodorant.  He tells me last night he's almost out, then this morning i see it in the means you are out...thanks for waiting till the last minute...i still love you!

Have a great day!

Monday, September 27


Well we have pictures hanging up, today I'm going to work on the office and get that straightened up, then all will be done.  Monkey boy and I will go on our walk shortly, then my day will start.  I slept in today and it felt awesome, but maybe i had too much sleep because my head is hurting this morning. 
I watched a movie trailer for Like Dandelion Dust, it's about adoption, and now I want to see it.  I have no idea when it will get to my area, probably next year, so I'm going to see if the movie is available on book, and I'll enjoy it through reading it first.
If I don't hear anything from the adoption home study agency we were planning on using today, I will be calling them, if they don't answer, I'm going to call a different agency.  We are patiently waiting, but we've been waiting for a response since the 8th and I think this has been a fair amount of waiting without any word.  I know the guy is busy traveling around the world blessing other families with their home studies, but couldn't we at least get an email back acknowledging our email sent?  So frustrating in this position as we are excited to move forward with our adoption process.
This cough i've been dealing with for the last 3 weeks, almost 4 now, is getting on my last nerve.  I guess i was hoping that since I went to the doctor and they gave me some medicine that it'd go away fast, but it's not!  The cough is gone at night because the medicine at night puts the cough to sleep or something like that, but the daytime medicine doesn't seem to be doing anything.  The cough seems worse, or maybe it supposed to sound like this when it's gettign better?  It's like a loud wet cough and I have to cough so many times to make it feel a little better...ugh!
Oh, I went to church yesterday...that was very exciting for me since it's been a while.  It was really nice and I think i could enjoy the church and make the church a part of my weekly life.  I really loved the music that was sung, it was uplifting and powerful.  I did suck on cough drops the entire service because I didn't want to get any coughing fits while the service was going on.

Have a great Monday!

Saturday, September 25

Almost Done

The majority of the house is put together, there are the little things that I "want" to do to make it feel easier to do things around the house, like organize papers, closets and lots and lots of laundry. 
Hubby went into work today for a few hours, so it was nice to be able to get things done without him putting something in the "wrong" place.  It's when he gets home that i have to move things around again when he starts shoving things in closets or drawers...ugh, that just drives me crazy!
In the morning i'm going to go to church, it will be the first time in a long time, so i'm really looking forward to it.  Hubs won't be joining me since he's on standby for work and has to be ready to leave at a moments notice.  I'm going with my friend and her girls.  I really hope this church is everything I'm looking for in a church. 

Nite Nite

Thursday, September 23

Busy day

I didn't get much accomplished with putting the house in order today, but I did get other things done:

~got my trunk fixed, it latches now...YAH!!!
~went to the doctors so i can hopefully get rid of this some great meds, i hope :)
~went to the BX to buy a vacuum
~got some groceries...finally!
~finished 2 loads of laundry
~made was soo yummy!
~took all the wrapping paper from the boxes to the recyclables

So while i finished unpacking the last 7 boxes, i discovered that I do not like the smell that has been left on my linens and clothing, so i feel that I need to wash EVERYTHING!!  My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I hate the smell that is on them, and I love the smell of fresh-clean clothes and linens.
I've been neglecting my emails this week, I have a few people to respond to, I'm hoping this weekend I will finally find some free time and not feel so bogged down. 
Tomorrows a big day for me, I'm going to be driving in a new part of Germany, it's not far from here, but i've been hesitant on driving because i don't know the area.  I'm going to the rug store with my friend, i'm so excited!  Oh but first, we are going to go have some coffee and chat...that's always fun! 
Well i'm going to go take my medicine and hop in bed!  Have a great night!

Nite Nite

Tuesday, September 21

Successful day

Today we received our household goods from the movers today, f-i-n-a-l-l-y!!  In 3 days it would have been 3 months since we had our stuff, this is one huge disadvantage of moving.  I'm happy to say that all the furniture arrived intact and so far the kitchen stuff, I haven't made it to any other boxes, but I'm sure I'll get a lot done tomorrow.  I really hope everything is in one piece after opening the boxes.  I can deal with scratches and nicks, just not shattered items!! 
It was also a good day because I made it to the gym with my friend, I'm soo glad I met her, we have so much in common.  We worked out on cardio for 45 minutes, then went down and did 9 arm weighted machines.  I'm so proud of myself because I could have easily said that I couldn't make it because "i had to unpack", however, I told myself that working out is important and I HAVE to make it a priority at least 5 times a week!  And off I went to the's amazing how good you feel after working out, so why wouldn't i want to do it more!!!???
I've taken a shower as my night has come to an end because my feet and ankles are killing me from being on them ALL day with the movers and then unpacking, plus everything else!
Praying for success tomorrow with unpacking the boxes.

Nite Nite!

Sunday, September 19

What a great weekend

The greatness started on Friday morning; i started the morning very early and went to the local bazaar to volunteer at the funnel cake stand.  I did that for 4 hours then went shopping, that was so much fun!  I found a home plaque that I've been looking for for nearly 3 years, I'm so excited.   It's a plaque that lists all the bases we've lived at throughout the career.  It's really cool! 
Saturday,  hubby was in a great mood, well so i thought...walking into the store, his mood suddenly changed :(.  We had plans to go watch our friends daughter compete in a swim meet, but with his sudden mood, he wasn't going anywhere else.  We bought our 42" LCD TV so i could watch some great looking  I'm just spoiled, I'll admit it.  I did go watch our friends daughter without hubby, and that girl sure can swim...she did awesome!  For being 9 years old, she sure knows her moves and has incredible speed on her.  After I got home, we cleaned what little stuff we have here, and the components of the home too :).
Today was a nice relaxing day, didn't do much of anything, but did make a nice breakfast, had leftover pizza for lunch, and made tenderloin tips for dinner; that was a new meal, and surprisingly it was very good!  It smelled a lot like beef stew or pot roast.  We're also trying to finish the long questionnaire for the adoption home study, we're pretty much done, just going through it and editing it now. 
2 more days and we get our household stuff...I'm super excited to make a home in this apartment.  I don't even remember everything that we had shipped here, it's been nearly 3 months!
Gotta get to bed, I'm trying this new "sticking to a schedule" idea that hubby has...we'll see if i enjoy it...i doubt!
Thanks sis for reading this!

Thursday, September 16

What a day!

So this morning was an early morning, had to take my car in because the trunk is not latching closed, but they still didn't get it fixed because they have to order an actuator for it, i guess the one in there is bad and that's why it's not working.  I was hoping to go to a Bazaar that is in the area, but with my car not being ready until 330, then having to walk a long ways to go get it, i didn't get back until 430, the Bazaar will wait until tomorrow.  My whole day was shot because of the car! 
I made B-B-Q's for dinner tonight.  I haven't made them in forever and they tasted delicious! 
I took the dog on a LONG walk today, he was exhausted before we even finished.  I'm hoping to get him at least one walk a day since we don't have a yard for him to run in.  Maybe this extra attention to him will distract him from wanting to chew on anything else...we can
I'm thinking of going to bed early tonight, need to get up extra early so i can volunteer at the Bazaar tomorrow morning at 8.  I'm excited, I love volunteering!  I'm going to read for awhile because I have a hard time falling asleep, so sometimes reading will help erase my mind of all the thoughts running through it.  I guess you can say that it calms me down :)
Nite Nite...I'll tell you all about the Bazaar in tomorrows post! 

Wednesday, September 15

First entry

So after many days of pondering if I should create an internet blog, i've decided to.  I'm sure my husband will not be thrilled, but I hope one day his heart will change and he'll understand.  I've decided to create this blog as we go through the journey of adoption and write about what ever's on my mind.  We've recently moved across the country and I have free time on my hand, so why not.  It's lonely sometimes, but I've made friends and take our dog on walks, it will get better.  We've only been here for almost 2 months now, giving it time. 
I'm reading a great book right now, It's Your Time by Joel Osteen.  I love his and his wife's books, they are such great inspiration for me.  I'm not much of a reader, but i've finished 2 books since January and now working on the 3rd, i'm excited to read. 
Our dog is not adjusting to the move all that well, he's becoming destructive.  We've had him for 6 years and he's NEVER destroyed ANYTHING, and now since we've been here, he's destroyed 3 sets of headphones and the most IPOD...yep, that's right, an ipod!  I feel bad for him, but what am I supposed to do?  It's a lot easier on him than it was going to be, he almost had to stay at a boarding house for 6 weeks, but the hotel let us keep him in our room, he got lucky and we were happy he stayed with us.  We're just confused to why all of a sudden is he chewing on things??  Frustrating!!
We received an email today that our household goods arrived in country, so they will be getting delivered on Tuesday, this is exciting!  We've been without our stuff since June 23rd!  We're ready to wear some different clothes, sit at a dining table, sit on our couches, sleep in our own bed...the list can continue!  I'm excited to make our home a home finally.
My husband has been wanting me to get on a schedule, but I find it hard to right now.  I really want to, but I'm not seeing a purpose for it since i'm not working or anything.  I should just try it out and see how it goes, maybe tomorrow?