Sunday, September 19

What a great weekend

The greatness started on Friday morning; i started the morning very early and went to the local bazaar to volunteer at the funnel cake stand.  I did that for 4 hours then went shopping, that was so much fun!  I found a home plaque that I've been looking for for nearly 3 years, I'm so excited.   It's a plaque that lists all the bases we've lived at throughout the career.  It's really cool! 
Saturday,  hubby was in a great mood, well so i thought...walking into the store, his mood suddenly changed :(.  We had plans to go watch our friends daughter compete in a swim meet, but with his sudden mood, he wasn't going anywhere else.  We bought our 42" LCD TV so i could watch some great looking  I'm just spoiled, I'll admit it.  I did go watch our friends daughter without hubby, and that girl sure can swim...she did awesome!  For being 9 years old, she sure knows her moves and has incredible speed on her.  After I got home, we cleaned what little stuff we have here, and the components of the home too :).
Today was a nice relaxing day, didn't do much of anything, but did make a nice breakfast, had leftover pizza for lunch, and made tenderloin tips for dinner; that was a new meal, and surprisingly it was very good!  It smelled a lot like beef stew or pot roast.  We're also trying to finish the long questionnaire for the adoption home study, we're pretty much done, just going through it and editing it now. 
2 more days and we get our household stuff...I'm super excited to make a home in this apartment.  I don't even remember everything that we had shipped here, it's been nearly 3 months!
Gotta get to bed, I'm trying this new "sticking to a schedule" idea that hubby has...we'll see if i enjoy it...i doubt!
Thanks sis for reading this!

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