Tuesday, September 21

Successful day

Today we received our household goods from the movers today, f-i-n-a-l-l-y!!  In 3 days it would have been 3 months since we had our stuff, this is one huge disadvantage of moving.  I'm happy to say that all the furniture arrived intact and so far the kitchen stuff, I haven't made it to any other boxes, but I'm sure I'll get a lot done tomorrow.  I really hope everything is in one piece after opening the boxes.  I can deal with scratches and nicks, just not shattered items!! 
It was also a good day because I made it to the gym with my friend, I'm soo glad I met her, we have so much in common.  We worked out on cardio for 45 minutes, then went down and did 9 arm weighted machines.  I'm so proud of myself because I could have easily said that I couldn't make it because "i had to unpack", however, I told myself that working out is important and I HAVE to make it a priority at least 5 times a week!  And off I went to the gym...it's amazing how good you feel after working out, so why wouldn't i want to do it more often...lol!!!???
I've taken a shower as my night has come to an end because my feet and ankles are killing me from being on them ALL day with the movers and then unpacking, plus everything else!
Praying for success tomorrow with unpacking the boxes.

Nite Nite!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so happy you got your kitchen un-packing done! And, yes, you will notice how much better you feel. Even if you don't feel like doing it, tell yourself you're going to go for only 10 minutes & most likely you'll end up doing your whole workout!
