Saturday, September 25

Almost Done

The majority of the house is put together, there are the little things that I "want" to do to make it feel easier to do things around the house, like organize papers, closets and lots and lots of laundry. 
Hubby went into work today for a few hours, so it was nice to be able to get things done without him putting something in the "wrong" place.  It's when he gets home that i have to move things around again when he starts shoving things in closets or drawers...ugh, that just drives me crazy!
In the morning i'm going to go to church, it will be the first time in a long time, so i'm really looking forward to it.  Hubs won't be joining me since he's on standby for work and has to be ready to leave at a moments notice.  I'm going with my friend and her girls.  I really hope this church is everything I'm looking for in a church. 

Nite Nite

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I wonder if all husbands are programmed difficult! I hope you enjoyed church this morning! We missed you again!
