Wednesday, November 26

School talk

As I'm at the end of my first semester with my new school, I'm ready for it to end.  The first 3 months were smooth sailing.  I've enjoyed all four classes.  A lot of work was done.  A lot of things were learned.  I've especially loved the opportunity to observe a little preschool girl and then the opportunity to help in the classroom.  I'm definitely in the career field that I'll be most happy.

There was an incident last month where one classmate took my discussion post and made it her own.  Yeah, it happened.  Not sure the teacher did anything about it, but I did bring it to her attention.  The classmate is still in the class, as well as 2 of my other classes.  I guess plagiarism is okay?

The rest of this is a bunch of rubble that only I'll probably understand but I thought it would be fun to document the fun stuff that keeps me busy and not getting crafts done this year

November was a busy month.  A lot of papers were due, but the pressure will hit next week.  Although I have a bunch due in a small time frame, it's nice because all of my classes mix and the assignments that I do in one class are similar to what I do in another.  So, when I do these projects, I already know the terms and cases I need to use.  I have all the following due within the next week:

Testing and Grading
Final Unit Project Steps 1-5 (I have steps 1-4 done) - Due Dec 5th
Quiz - Due Dec 5th (usually easy)
Formative Assessment Project (not started...looks hard, so I'm scared to start, lol!) - Due Dec 8th
Create a Standardized Testing Letter (not started, but this one seems simple or not!) - Due Dec 8th
This class I've learned how to create a lesson plan, create domains and specifics, student learning objectives, creating a rubric, and grading.  

Sociological Foundations of Education
3 Discussion Questions (DQ) (due Dec 1-3, this class I can only submit one DQ a!)
2 DQ (due Dec 7-8)
This class we did a lot of learning through current educational situations.  It was fun to learn different views on subjects.  I didn't enjoy the posting because the instructor was so strict.  That's good though, right?!  I only have one week where I got a 16 out of 25 because I used too much of my opinion and not enough outside sources.  All other weeks I've gotten 24 or 25 out of 25.  Not bad.

Development and Classroom Assessment
Project Part D (Due Nov 28th)
Project Part E (Due Dec 5th)
Quiz (Due Dec 5th)
Project Part F (Due Dec 8th)
This class papers are from the observations I did.  It hasn't been as easy to write as I was hoping, but I'm making my way through it.  This weeks paper is the hardest so far.  Doing some bell curve grading, standard deviation and standard error of measurements, comparison of reliability and validity and creating a rubric for the assessment I performed.  What did I get myself into?!

Issues and Innovations in Learning and Instructions
3 DQ (Due Dec 6th)
Quiz (Due Dec 6th)
This has been my easy class.  Only DQ and quizzes.  No real papers...although some of the DQ have been paper length.  

Next semester won't be the same.  I'm only allowed to take 2 classes a semester because the two major courses, CIEC 6950 (theory and research) and CIEC 6900 (master's seminar paper) are only offered to online students at certain times.  6950 is offered in the Fall and 6900 is offered in the Spring.  I can't take 6950 until after I've reached 30 credits.  I'm at 12 after this semester.  So, I'll have to be in school next fall 2016 and Spring of 2017.  Because of that I was recommended to space out my courses.  Part of the graduation requirements are that you must be registered for at least one class counting towards your degree until graduation.  So, if I'd take all my credits now, I wouldn't have any classes to take to fulfill that requirement.  It's confusing and I think I confuse myself over-thinking it.  I'm still working on my plan of study, so once I have that done, I should know where I stand each semester.  Because I won't be in classes full time, I won't receive the GI Bill housing allowance for taking classes full time.  That means, the kids will also get cut back in school because the money I received from that sent the kids to school.  Such a bummer, but I'm hoping it will still work out that they go 4 days a week, just mornings though.  So, as I was hoping to graduate in Spring of 2016 that won't be happening unless I go attend on campus.  Can't happen, so I suffer through 2 classes each semester until I get to the end.

Cruising along...

Thursday, November 20

Potty update

Sterling has been doing amazing using the potty at school.  Notice how I say at school.  For some reason, she does okay at home.  I think its because maybe I stress her out?  I ask her probably way too often, make her try when she's frustrated, and get annoyed when she potties in her pull up, which is usually no more than twice a day  I guess I need to relax a bit with her.  She really is doing great for learning in 2 days.  At home she hates putting a diaper on when its bed time.  She still pees way too much to wear a pull up to bed.
Tonight we had a huge accomplishment with the potty.  She went 'ewwy" on the potty!  I didn't think she'd ever master that task.  Let's just hope it wasn't a one time deal because after she was done she decided she wanted to go again...but she fell in the toilet.  She hurt her back and now is sporting an Elsa band-aid.  Because she's thankful for Elsa this year.  Priorities people.  Priorities.

Sterling you're doing awesome.  Keep up the awesome job!

Friday, November 14

Five on Friday

Linking up with the lovely ladies again this week to share five random things.

I recently changed my blog address, so if you've followed before, sorry for any confusion.

{ONE}  Hubs and I went to see Interstellar on Veterans Day while the kids went to school.  I cried like a baby more than once.  Love these female hormones that have such a caring heart!  I didn't want to go.  I thought it looked stupid and didn't capture my interest.  But man, did I cry.  It was good.  I got lost at times.  After the movie, we went to enjoy Mexican.  It's not our favorite restaurant, but we needed something close to the kids school since we only had 45 minutes before pickup.

{TWO}  A long overdue haircut and color.  I hate getting my hair done because I don't trust the person doing it.  Because I've been wanting to wear my hair down, a haircut and color was necessary.  Saturday was the day of impulsive cutting and coloring.  I ended up going with someone new because the lady that has done my hair in the past was not there.  Worked out great because I'm switching to this new the same salon!  Yikes.  I feel horrible, but I LOVE the way this new lady made my hair turn out.

{THREE}  Last week I finally made my cousin her new baby onesie for Thanksgiving.  My cousin found the saying, but I couldn't find a file for it, so I just created one.  Then I thought it would be cute to applique a turkey to the baby bum.  How cute!  Sterling's teacher liked it too so I made one for one of her friends having a baby just days before Thanksgiving.  Hers actually turned out way cuter than my cousins :)  Although I've had my machine for 3 years, I'm still learning.  I switched up the needle for the the second onesie and that was the trick for a nicer design!

{FOUR} It's inevitable that Christmas shopping would make one of these posts, right?!  Last week and this week I finished up all but hubs, one of my nephews and my parents.  That will be next week probably.

{FIVE} My fav!  We went for a drive the other night after dark, in pjs and slippers, after we were coming back home, hubs pulled over and wanted Xander to come up and help "drive" for the last block home.  Xander loved it.  When we get a true smile from our little man, it's pure joy.  And we saw that true smile that night!

If you want to join in the fun, head over to one of their blogs (by clicking on the image below) to find out how easy it is!


Have a great day!

Thursday, November 13

Sterling's favorite things

I also asked Sterling the same questions.  I'll put interpretations in parentheses.

Sterling.  What are your favorite things?

Nickname:  Sissy
How old are you?  2.5
What is your favorite color?  Pink
What is your favorite animal?  Nothing (I'd say dog because she loves her Hawkeye)
What is your favorite book?  Bubble Guppies The Doctor Is In
What is your favorite TV Show?  Doc McStuffins you silly (LOL!!!!)
What is your favorite movie?  Frozen my favorite mobie (movie)
What is your favorite song?  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (and continues singing the rest!)
What is your favorite food?  Chicken nuggets
What is your favorite drink?  Apple Juice
What is your favorite breakfast food?  Pop-tart
What is your favorite snack?  Fruit snack
What is your favorite outfit?  Minnie Mouse (it really is, she practically lives in it!)
What is your favorite game?  Puzzles
What is your favorite toy?  Sofia (the First) and Minnie Mouse
Who is your best friend?  Julia and Lily
What is your favorite thing to do?  Nothing (this is totally an answer her daddy would say, LOL!!!)
What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play snow with my brother Bubba
What is your favorite holiday?  Big Santa
What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Just my blankie mommy
Where is your favorite place to go?  Lily's house (we haven't been since summer since they moved FAR away :( )
What is your favorite restaurant?  Chicken nuggets (McDonald' that sad that my 2.5 year old likes McDs?)
Where do you want to go on vacation?  Lily (to go to her house)
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Minnie Mouse
What do you not like?  not Bubba, Bubba really naughty (LOL!!!)
What do you like about yourself?  So pretty, so pretty

Okay, so I'm pretty much dying over here with some of her answers.  I really didn't expect her to have an answer (and a different one at that) for each question.  She also usually put mommy at the end of each question/response, but I left it out some spots because it was repetitive.

Some things that she didn't mention, but I thought is worth mentioning:
 Playing outside.  Riding bikes.  Coloring.  Playing tea-parties with Minnie.  Singing "Let it Go".  Playing dress up.  Playing Doc Bingo.  Loves a cheese roll-up.  Loves most fruit and carrots.  Picky picky eater!  Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Snuggling mommy.  Loves to wear dresses.  Particular on which shoes to wear.  Always wears a bow or headband, again, very particular on which one.  Future fashionista?

Wednesday, November 12

Xander's favorite things

Hubs thought it would be fun to document what the kids are into as of late.  I think he's right.  Its been awhile since I made a post of the kids interest, so now's the time.

Xander.  What do you enjoy?

Nickname:  Smushy and Bubba
How old are you?  3.5
What is your favorite color?  Blue
What is your favorite animal?  Tiger and a Bear
What is your favorite book?  Mickey Mouse
What is your favorite TV Show?  Jake (and the Neverland Pirate)
What is your favorite movie?  Croods
What is your favorite song?  Old McDonald Had a Farm and Jakes song
What is your favorite food?  Hotdogs
What is your favorite drink?  Red juice (V8 Berry juice box)
What is your favorite breakfast food?  Pop-tart
What is your favorite snack?  Cookies
What is your favorite outfit?  Construction worker
What is your favorite game?  Mickey Mouse on the green iPad
What is your favorite toy?  Jake is
Who is your best friend?  Cade
What is your favorite thing to do?  Color
What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play in the snow
What is your favorite holiday?  The scary house (Halloween)
What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Jake and dinosaur blanket
Where is your favorite place to go?  To the park
What is your favorite restaurant?  Where cookies is (Eileen's Cookie Store, not a restaurant...but maybe in his eyes, lol)
Where do you want to go on vacation?  The hotel and see Jake
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Shave my face (LOL!!!)...second answer...a policeman
What do you not like?  Spiders
What do you like about yourself?  I'm shy

Some things that he didn't mention, but I thought is worth mentioning:
 Playing outside.  Riding bikes.  Drawing people.  Tracing his name.  Going to school.  Enjoys pizza and pasta.  Cries for Santa.  Begs to eat inside restaurants, any will do.  Likes the color orange.  Working on crafts, any will do.  HUGE helper in around the house.  Jumping.  Spider-man.  Batman and Joker.  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Peppa Pig.  Blaze and the Monster Machines.  Planes. 

Hopefully we didn't forget anything important.

Monday, November 10

Potty time for Sterling

We decided (mostly Nick, but I had to do the how that works!) to get Sterling started on being potty trained on Saturday morning.  I was not too excited to start the process and be committed because I've tried before and 5 minutes after I'd put panties or a pull-up on her, she'd pee.  She'd be proud she peed, stating, "look mommy, look I did" all while giggling.  UGH!  I was not excited for Saturdays feat, not gonna lie.
What worked?  Staying positive.  No joke.  I put her in a pull up around 830 Saturday morning and every half hour she was sitting on the potty, reading books.  She didn't want to get off the potty and at times sat there for more than 20 minutes.  I sort-of let her run the show and I followed her lead.  staying positive even when I wanted her off the toilet because I wanted to move on.

I also decided to try using stickers to motivate her.  It worked for Xander, so surely it'd work for her too, right?  I made 3 sections.  One for having a dry dora, one for trying to potty, and one for went potty.  She stayed in Dora (pull up) until nap time and then went to her Elmo (cruiser) for the remainder of the day.  I also tried to bribe her with starburst...leftover Halloween candy.  Kind-of worked, got her to potty twice :)

Saturday's tally:
Dry Dora: 6 stickers
Tried to Potty: 4 stickers 
(she sat on the toilet for extended time periods this day)
Went Potty: 2 stickers

Sunday was a whole new game.  Again, around 830, I put her in Dora.  Then took her to the potty, she went right away.  Again, I'd try the every half hour potty time.  We came into my room because I was working on something, so the kids were sitting in the chair playing games.  Sterling shouted out, "uh oh, I got to potty mommy"!  We rushed to the potty and she went!  Not even an hour into this and she's telling me when she has to go.  I felt like it clicked for her.  
I had errands to run and it was her turn to go with me so I had plans to stay until after lunch then go (to give her more time on the potty).  Well she didn't want to put Elmo back on so we went and ran errands 3 hours after starting.  She did great!  When we arrived at the first store, Target, she went potty, then as we were walking to checkout (maybe 30-45 minutes later), she said "uh oh, i got to potty".  She held it until we got there.  Such a big girl!  We had one more errand (commissary), which was 20 minutes away and about 10 minutes after leaving Target she said she had to potty again.  I was hoping she'd hold it, but she didn't.  I didn't get upset at her and thanked her for trying when we got to the commissary bathroom.
When we got home, we put on a dry Dora and started fresh all the way until bedtime.
The one other time she wet in Dora was at dinnertime.  Not bad girl, not bad!

Sunday's tally:
Dry Dora:  12 stickers
Tried to Potty:  2 stickers
Went Potty: 14 stickers, + twice at Target and 3 times in our downstairs bathroom

This day, we switched the candy to skittles.  She calls them skittle bites and loves to get them after potty, she gets 2 for going potty.  Thanks skittles!  Whatever works, right?!  Nick said "she's going to be potty trained and getting her first cavity all in the same day," ha!  Don't judge.  I'm tired of diapers and she's such a big girl that she just needs to use the potty.  She's got this and she's rocking it.  Maybe next week she'll be in panties!  Maybe?!
For now, she's excited to go to school tomorrow in her Dora pull up and show her teacher that she can use the potty.

We're going to keep going with this lead of hers.

Way to go Sterling!  You're such a big girl now!

Wednesday, November 5


Nick was off work again so after the kids arrived home from school, he had a surprise outside waiting for them.  A fire, fit for the cool day that we were having.  Kids loved it.  

During break time, we watched Casper the Ghost

For dinner it was ghost pancakes...we like a good theme :)

We woke Sterling up so she could eat, she's a sleepy little thing, but perked up nicely

After dinner we got ready for the big night ahead, meet Mickey and Minnie.  And we heard "are they twins" from nearly every house they went to.  No, they're not.  Nick laughed at me and told me to not say it so mean...I guess it gets tiring hearing it, over and over.

and wore layers of clothes, hats, and gloves

Sterling was so funny.  She got SO excited after someone gave her a piece of candy.  She'd jump up and shout, "mommy, look what i got" and come running down the driveways. 

There were a few things that made Sterling stop in her a crash test girl 

But, not Elmo...they skipped two houses and ran to Elmo 

After making one pass around the block and freezing my hands off, we came home to pass out candy.  Kids loved it last year so I knew it would be a hit again...and it was. 

Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 4

Pumpkin Patch

We took a visit to our local (one of the many) pumpkin patches (PP) on October 27th.  Nick had the day off from work, so he was able to join us in the adventure.  Sometimes, I don't know if his joining us on adventures are a good idea or not.  Ha!  We all survived and the kids had fun.

Of course the PP had a Mickey!  They sure know how to draw the kiddos in and start the adventure just right

Behind Mickey, there was this fun outhouse.  It opened on its own and the skeleton guy talked.  The kids loved it! 

This is when we decided to head to see the pig races.  Little did we know that we went in the total opposite direction.  Oops.  We went through a cave and then headed to the train station for a ride 

The train station was located next to all the fun activities, we took a ride around with these pedal cars.

Xander saw this truck and had to get up to it, he wanted to sit in it. 

Then it was the jumping pillows.  Look at grumpy Xander, ha!  Sterling had a blast from the get-go 

Xander finally warmed up and had fun too 

We finally made it to the piggies, 2 hours later. 

Go piggies, go! 

They had a few of these random shows throughout the PP and Xander stopped and watch every one of them! 

Hayride time.  We didn't stop and pick pumpkins because I got some the day before.  We enjoyed the ride

And got true smiles and giggles from Mr. Serious! 

He loved looking at all the pumpkins, there were a ton of course 

Trick or Treat... 

Pretty as can be 

Sterling was scared to get too close 

Some days I wish this sign would be for real, haha!  But only for a few hours.   

Have a great day!

Monday, November 3

Baby Shower weekend

This post is going to be picture overloaded as I'd rather get this posted now than to separate it into two different posts...cause lets be real, that second post may take another 2 weeks to get done..ugh!

I threw my brother, his wife and their new son a baby shower on October 18th in Sioux Falls.  The kids and I headed up on the 15th to do the shower shopping and prep work and to get some visiting in before the big day.  Luckily some of our favorite people arrived the same day as us, more favorites on Friday, and the rest on Saturday.  Such a fun week/end.

My nephew, Jaxon, was born on Sept 14th and he's the sweetest new addition to our family.  Congratulations Jeremy and Katie!

Brace yourselves now...there coming...and there here, all 34!...

On Wednesday after we arrived at the hotel, we unloaded some of the stuff to make room for Nana's luggage (we brought A LOT of stuff this trip!)...we then headed to the airport to pick up Nana...the kids were so excited!

My sister and her family were also headed into town at the same time, so they met us at our hotel to surprise Nana because we told her they couldn't make it this weekend.  We're so nice, but who doesn't love a nice welcoming surprise?!  After the surprise, mom was hungry so we headed to Applebee's (because it was across the street from our hotel, and convenient!)  The kids played with stickers while we waited for our food.

After dinner, we headed to my aunts house and took the kids swimming...well we watched.  None of us adults wanted to get in the pool this weekend.  All the kids had floaties on, so I didn't feel I need to.  Sterling's a little fish and Xander, well, he'll just sit on the step the whole time.  Not much to worry about there, IMO. 

On Thursday we spent 4 hours at the mall!  All the kids did surprisingly well, but it probably helped that we let them all run was also this little boys birthday on the 18th...Happy Birthday Bode!

We split ways so I could run to the party store and Sams Club, we met back up at Buffalo Wild Wings.  My group got there first so we sat and waited for our seats and while we waited, Xander kept watching a guy play in the toy grabbing game.  The guy noticed Xander was watching him closely so he kept playing until he won.  When he did, he walked over and gave Xander this Halloween stuffed animal.  Such a nice guy.  But then it started something and ALL the kids wanted one.   

Friday morning, my brother and his family arrived.  We went to breakfast with them at the Pancake House.  So good.  Sterling loved holding Jaxon.  She was always by his side! 

After breakfast some went shopping again, but my group (my mom, kids, and I) went to my aunts house to start prepping for the party.  We had the honor to watch Jaxon too so Katie could get some sleep since they drove all night and she hadn't got more than an hour of sleep. 

The one and only nap they took 

While the kids were sleeping, I made the pumpkin bars and did all the cutting for the party.  After everyone got back from their shopping, they helped me wrap all the chocolate bars and put them in their bags with the thank you cards.  Thank you everyone! 

This handsome little man stayed away for 2 hours, it was so much fun having him next to me on the floor as I prepped for his party!   

Friday night, Sterling decided to go swimming with the kids.  I don't remember if Xander went down to swim or just hang out.  Someone was surely watching him though :)  While the kids were hanging with their cousins, I stayed up with my mom, sister and sister in law and we coated the pretzels and oreos.  Wow what an experience that was!  But, now that we know how that Wilton Melts work, we'll definitely use them again.

Saturday, the big day.  Kids got a hold of my phone.

I was busy setting up the tables.  My mom and aunt ran to get us lunch, my sister and her husband ran to pick up my uncle, then to the Harley store to pick up the stuffed dog for the diaper motorcycle I made (idea from this site)

The well wish cards for baby Jaxon 

Guess how many M & Ms game 

The gift table.  I also decided to have everyone bring a book and enter for a prize.  I used the wagon to put the books from everyone.  And I hung the letter "N" backwards.  And didn't notice until the end of the shower.  Of course. 

Close up of the diaper motorcycle 

My grandpa and his great-grandson

Opening gifts 

Kids.  I love this.  Carter pulling Eden around in the mini wagon. 

Obligatory pictures 

My mom and all the "old" people, ha! 

My mom, niece Taylor (brother's oldest kid), Grandpa and Jaxon, and my brother

All of my cousins (that came) with our kids and grandpa

 I didn't get a chance to hold Jaxon all day so at the end of the night, I had some time with him...but then 2 little kids had to be by my side too

Worn out kid! 

Sunday morning everyone was leaving so kids played at my aunts house, where we spent 99% of our time anyway. 

After everyone left and we cleaned up my aunts place, my aunt came up with a game of bowling for the kids.  They LOVED it! 

We then went out for a walk to get some fresh air 

Let His light shine through! 

Monday morning we said goodbye to Nana and headed home 

It was a fun weekend and great seeing all the family that came.  

Busy.  Chaotic at times.  But fun!