Monday, September 17

1/2 way to ONE

Oh my gosh!  Where has time gone.  I can't believe my sweet baby girl is 6 months old today.  In order to celebrate her 1/2 birthday, she decided she wanted to go all out with a bang and not sleep last night.  She was up every hour, but fell back asleep until the next hour.  It may have been because I forgot to give her her baby "crack".  I swear this stuff is a babies favorite.  The hyland's baby teething tablets!  I usually give her 3 tablets at bedtime.  By the time the second tablet hits her tongue, she's giggling and laughing.  So cute!  Xander also enjoyed the teething tablets.

Oh Sterling, since the last monthly update (at 4 months) you've grown a lot:

~took your first plane ride

~you started rolling over from back to stomach consistently

~you love to sleep on your side

~wearing size 3 diaper

~wears size 9-12 months clothes, with 12-18 month t-shirts, size 2 shoe (but we don't put any on because she curls her toes and the shoes don't stay on properly)

~loves music...I think if you could stand you'd bounce your booty

~you take 2 naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon

~you finally put yourself on a schedule.  I'm loving it!

~you started eating rice cereal and veggies last month at grandma's, and now are eating "meals" 3 times a day.  You are down to five 5 oz bottles a day with a teaser 3 ounce bottle in the middle of the night if you wake up before 5...which you usually do.  you also eat baby puffs and you are a good self feeder

~you're very strong.  you pick things up one handed and wave it around like it's nothing.

~you've been holding your own bottle since before you were 5 months

~you drink out of your brothers camelbak bottle, that's pretty advanced in my opinion

~you wiggle and bounce your way out of your bouncy seat

~you love tummy time and your jumperoo

~you've been sitting up by yourself since 5 months, assisted since 3.5 months

~you're a little behind on pulling yourself up.  you'd rather not put any pressure on your legs and sit on your hiney.  I'll be asking your doctor if there should be any concern.

~you are talk, you screech, you talk and talk, but do it so loudly.  You showed daddy last night on webcam just how loud and excited you get.  You had daddy laughing.

~you started sleeping in your crib this month.  this makes for one happy mommy :) (except for nights like last night)

~lately you've been snuggling into mommy's chest when you get sweet coming from a girl that hates to be cuddled...i'm eating it up!

~you LOVE to laugh at your brother

~it looks like your 2 bottom teeth are coming in, we'll have to wait and see

Your 'typical' schedule:

7:15 - wake up
8:00 - eat morning "meal", playtime
9:00 - bottle, nap
11:00 - 11:30 wake up
12:00 - lunch, sippy cup with water
1:00 - bottle, play
3:00 - snack, nap
5:00 - bottle
7:00 - bath
7:30 - bottle, dinner
8:00 - bed

Have a great day!

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