Friday, September 14


...and so it begins.  17.5 months old and a mind of his own.  Today we had to do a typical errand run, the BX and grocery store.  We haven't done both at the same time in quit a while, but I was thinking to get them done so we don't have to go this weekend.  OY!  UGH!  Big mistake.  In the BX, I take the stroller because I typically never buy much in there.  Both kids were good, then we make a stop at the food court to grab some lunch.  He eats at the table, is good.  Walks out to the car, is good.  The grocery store...I really think this kid despises the market.  I entertain him with snacks and the iPod.  He's alright walking through the store, but we didn't need much so weren't long inside.  As soon as we pay and begin to walk to the car, he decides he does not want to walk.  He wants to sit his hiney on the ground and play with rocks.  I wouldn't mind I don't think if i didn't have the bagger girl walking our groceries out.  It is SO difficult picking up Xander as I have Sterling in the other arm.  I had to, I hate to, but it was the only way to get to the car in a timely manner, with bagger chick by our side.  By the time we got to the car, poor Sterling was falling down by my knee..ugh!  What a sight I was this morning with both kids in arms and one hanging off me.  I wish i could take the stroller in and push a buggy, but I've tried that and it's impossible.  I think Sterling is going to get worn in from now on so I can deal with Xander and not put Sterling in uncomfortable circumstances.  It's so hard to get Sterling in and out of the carrier by myself, that's why I haven't used it.  We have 2 hiking backpacks with the braces in them, should i use that?  Would that be silly walking through a market with a hiking bag on?  I just don't know what to do anymore.  Just 4 more weekends and hubby will be home and I can go solo!  Trust me, I will!  It will get better, I know this is a phase and he's testing his limits.  After we got home, I set him on the rug to have a quiet time for a few minutes.  After he did that I got down on his little level and had a friendly reminder chat with him, he hugged me and now he's napping.  I think when he starts acting out and not listening, he needs a break in what he's doing to refocus.  It worked this time, lets hope it continues to work for him.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could have your newly recent babysitter neighbor girl come watch the kids so you can run to the store solo? =)
