Monday, August 13

This and That

Good morning.  It's been a week so I'm playing catch up today.  We have some fun and exciting changes happening soon.

First up, we are getting a new addition to our family.  A sweet "baby girl" will be joining us this week.  And, we can't wait!

It was SO hard deciding which breed would be a perfect fit for our family

But, after meeting the pups, we found the perfect, sweet "baby girl" for our family.

We celebrated by flipping out in the pool

And by being sweet of course

Sterling picked some roses and set up her baby and a trail.  She's in love with her baby.  It cries real tears and sounds just like a real baby.

The best free hour is putting out the kinetic sand.  Now, I just wish I would've bought this stuff sooner.

We had a day of kindles.  The rule is you can play on it whenever you want, for however long you want.  But once it's dead, there's no recharging it.  These days are good for when I'm trying to get a lot of quiet work done.  They're having the best time playing Subway surfers right now.
I also re-downloaded ABCmouse, and updated their lessons.  I didn't know that I could, but I went surfing around the parent profile (hoping to) and you can change your kids' grade level.  I'm planning to have them use it during school as a fun added extra.

Sterling and I spend much of the weekend getting the school room set up.  It is done and now I can really focus on planning out the first 8 weeks.
There were a lot of broken crayons/pencils and non-working markers that I sorted through.

She was excited about hanging up her first project.

After working for a couple hours, we played hard for a few hours.  Sterling loves playing baby dolls.  So we did.

I love playing games

Mr. Serious forcing a smile 😄

We have started switching our sleep schedule to align more with a normal one.  Xander has the worst time falling asleep.  The worst!  He stays up until after midnight most nights, just laying in bed, tossing and turning.  Last night was the first night in two months that he's went to bed before that.  It was around 11:15 last night.  So my plan is to have them in bed at 9, lights out.  Then I will wake them at 730.  They hated it this morning, but they'll sleep till 10 if I let them.  It might be a week or two of monster kids, but it'll be worth it to have them on a normal sleep schedule.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great day!

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