Tuesday, November 12

All about Christmas

With only 6 weeks left, it's time to start thinking about gifts.  This is always hard because I want to buy stuff the kids (and others) will actually use and we're not wasting our money.  We have already purchased each kid a gift, they both got a Kawasaki KFX with monster traction power wheel.  I'm just not sure those are great Christmas gifts.  They won't be able to use them until Spring and all the snow has melted.
I really have no idea what practical gifts to buy this year.  I can only think of a train table for Xander and some baby doll accessories for Sterling.  Xander loves playing with his train set from Papa and Sterling is in love with playing and dancing with babydolls.  Other than those 2 gifts, I really don't know.  I just want the day to be memorable.  
What do you buy for Christmas?  I asked Xander what he wanted for Christmas and he just said "toys mommy."  I'm just not seeing many toys on the market that I feel we need to have.  I was thinking of some board games maybe?  He's getting to that age where he catches on to the tasks of games and can play correctly when an adult is playing with him.  
I think it was last year that on the blog What What You Have she mentioned 4 categories.  I only remember 3 and can't find the post now.  Something they want, something they need, something to wear...?  I loved her list and thought it would be perfect and practical to use.  Do you use a criteria method when buying gifts?
With Christmas it also means its time to clear out all the "old" toys to make room for the new toys.  I was thinking this year maybe I could find a woman's and child's center to donate them to.  It's so easy to take them to a consignment store, but I think they'd be more appreciated at a center where kids don't have much.
I have 2 weeks to think of 25 Elf on the Shelf ideas to use this year.  I'll be hitting up Pinterest for most of those ideas.  I want to have it all planned out this year so there's no forgetting.  Yes, me, making a plan, ha! No flying on a whime this year...i hope!  It's going to be a fun year with the kids older and noticing more.
We still don't have any traditions set so maybe this year will be the year to start one or two?

Have a great day!


  1. Something they want, something they need, something to wear, something to read. I thought that was a great idea, too. Something I got Kaylee was a Quiet Book or Busy Book. I ordered it off etsy. She also loves chalk boards so I'm thinking about that. I have tried really hard so far to not get too carried away with giving gifts to my daughter because I don't want her thinking that Christmas is all about her, you know? We put together a couple of shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and she understands that they toys are going to children that don't have any toys of their own. I think that's so much more important than just buying another toy that she doesn't need, just for the sake of having Christmas presents.

  2. Thanks Ashley! I'm have to look up Operation Christmas Child in our area, that sounds exactly what I'm looking to do with all our practically new toys. This year's motto is 'less is more' for us and giving unto others rather than ourselves.
