Wednesday, November 14

This and that...catch up

This post will be another "all over the place post".  I haven't written in such a while that everything just builds up.  I think about writing a quick post, but there's so much, and I just don't know where to start.  Then I think, well maybe i'll just skip it all and start with today?  Then I put it off some more...and on and on!
So last weekend we made reservations in Brussels, our second attempt at Belgium.  We planned to leave Saturday morning and come back Sunday night.  As we loaded everything in, buckled the kids in the car, we get ready to leave and I think "where is our green card".  It's our insurance card for traveling to other countries with our vehicle.  We looked in the car, in Nick's car, I came back up to the house...looked every where it might be.  Needless to say, I couldn't find it anywhere!  Do we take the change and hope we don't get asked for it?  Nope, not us.  We're not big risk takers in other countries.  The laws are so different and we couldn't put us and the kids in that sort of risk.  So, we drove off base thinking we'll just go somewhere else for the day, in Germany.  It was raining, hard.  We turn around and come home.  Belgium is just not meant to be seen by us!  There must be reason?  So now, what do we do all weekend since our plans were ruined?  First up, Sterling and I went to a flea market.  I have to say, I'm not a fan of them, but I went once and they had a hairbow/tutu stand and I was hoping it would be there this time around.  Nope.  But I did eye a high chair that sits on a table chair.  It was $15 so I grabbed it and back home we headed.  The rest of the day we didn't do anything.  Boring.
Sunday, Nick has a hair up his butt to do some rearranging.  In the living room, he wanted the TV/stand flat against the wall instead of in the corner.  That was a task!  The German power cords are short and having to rearrange electronics to fit to get plugged oh my!  I think I cursed a few too many times.  It took about an hour to move the TV/stand about 2 joke!  Next, he wanted to move the kids in the same room and make one room a playroom.  We decided that since Xander's room was larger and had 2 large closets, his room would be the sleeping room.  Sterling's room is now the playroom.  Everything is still in caos, but slowly it's getting better.  Because of all this room rearranging, I fell behind on laundry, so today is a day to try and catch up on household chores.  Fun!?! 
I did try a new recipe on Sunday evening.  It was Garlic Chicken Pasta with Spinach. Oh. My. Goodness.  This recipe was fast, easy, and very tasty!  I swear it took less than 30 minutes to make it.  My kind of meal!  This will defintely be added to our recipe box.  We even ate the leftovers Monday night, but I made some fresh bread to go along with it.  Yummy! 
The rest of this week are meals we've had.  Some easy, some that require a lot of time and labor.  Chicken Gyros, Chili, Country Fried Chicken, Pot Roast, Black Pepper steak & beans (last night), and a frozen pizza :).
So now, how are the kids adjusting to sharing a room?  NOT well!  At all!  Sterling has been my halo (sleeping above my head) at night.  Naps are fine so far because they don't sleep at the same time.  But I think i'm going to try my sister's suggestion (for naptime) and have Xander sleep in the pack n play in the playroom, Sterling in her bed, and then they can both have an afternoon nap at the same time.  Might take some getting used to, but I think that can work.  Nighttime...there's no hope.  Well, maybe if I wear earplugs they will get over it?  Just kidding.  Xander has started this thing where he screams to get his sister upset. It works, she screams.  She calms down...he starts again...and over and over. 
Last night Sterling did not sleep well at all.  I told Nick this morning that I was dragging her crib to our room and she can sleep in the hallway in our room...ha!  I just might do it.  I've got to figure something out.
Sterling is still working on that top front tooth.  It's almost out.  I like to joke (I'm hoping it's a joke anyways, ha!) that she's going to have big front teeth like her daddy.  It's a big one coming through, but she's a trooper...for the most part.
Xander and I got haircuts this weekend.  I love the way this lady did his hair.  I'll have to get a picture and post, she did a great job!  Mine also turned out pretty nice, I must say.  For me not knowing how to explain what I want to a German, is not an easy task.  I actually called Nick and told him I might look silly when I get home because the lady didn't understand what I wanted.  She did a fantastic job and I'm very pleased that she and another worker figured out what I wanted.
Well I think that's everything.  Now onto laundry and closet moving.
Have a great day!

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