Tuesday, November 6


I'm SO excited that Xander is officially in the big boy club.  He used the potty twice tonight!!  Both times him telling us he had to go potty.  For the past 3 weeks or so he's been telling us when he poops, but the past few days he's been letting us know when he pees.  When he tells us, we sit him on the potty and sign our ABC's.  Usually nothing happens.  Tonight, he went twice!  
Hopefully tomorrow he won't forget all the excitement he gets from using the potty.  Hoping it's not just a fluke and he won't use the potty for another few months or even years.  I haven't been pushing him, just reading books and setting him on it a few times throughout the day.  I wonder if i should go full on potty training now though?  
I want to get a picture of him using the potty, but I have to hold his little peter down or he pees everywhere...lol.  The joys of raising boys :).

Great job big boy!  We're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of this big milestone!