Wednesday, November 7

Kids update

It amazes me how much a kid can grow and learn in their little bodies.  Every day is something new, either done or said.  They pick up on things so fast.  Sometimes not always the best of things either.  Making me stay on my toes on what I say and my actions.  

Xander, as you may have seen from my previous post is gearing up to be a big boy.  He's interested in the potty.  That's a good thing.  So far today he's said "pee-pee" while grabbing his jewels and runs to the bathroom, but hasn't successfully went in his big boy potty.  He's already gone in his diaper.  That's okay.  It's a step in the right direction.  
Last night as Nick and I were talking before bed he asked me if I was proud of our Smushy.  I said of course, I was super proud!  
His new favorite thing to do is go limp if I try to hold his hand.  This has become a struggle for me going into stores because I don't want him to run across the road without holding my hand.  We stand in the middle of the road with him sitting on the ground and me holding one arm up telling him to get up and use his feet.  I would pick him up, but I always have Sterling in my arm.  He needs to use his feet!  I think I'm going to start using the kid backpack harness leash that Nick bought for him.  I'm against using it because there are so many views and strong judgments of parents using them, but I really think for his safety (not only from getting hit by a car), it might be a wise choice to start using it.
I switched him to whole milk.  He's been drinking 1% since 12 months.  I just decided that he could use the extra fat and nutrients (if there are any?).  Sterling will be starting in 3 months so I'll just have them on the same milk.
He has finally started giving hugs with his arms instead of his head.  I mean, it was sweet and cute with his head, but having a one year old reach their arms around your neck...pure love!
This little guy absolutely HATES messes!  He will repeatedly say "mess-mess" over and over until you clean the mess...even if it's not on him.

Sterling, well she's our teething monster baby.  This girl can cut teeth like nothing else.  They bother the heck out of her, mostly at night, and she loses sleep over them.  Her 3rd tooth is almost popped out.  She's been working this one (on top front) for a week and a half.  
She's been standing a lot.  Does the splits.  Goes from sitting to crawling position in no time.  Almost crawling.  If it weren't for the hardwood floors, I think she'd be moving.  For now, she leaps forward and pushes backwards.  She scoots on her butt all across the floors.  
Falls backwards (literally just did as i typed) and bangs her head on the hard floors at least 3 times a day.  Its usually when her and Xander are playing with a blanket, she grabs it, and he walks away behind her with another side of it.  We often like to joke with her that she's going to put a dent in the floor and make us pay for the damaged floors, ha!  She don't find it too funny.

Xander was having a rough time sleeping through the night for about a week and a half.  I started thinking that maybe it was from waking them up at 445.  Although they woke up fine, not cranky, and seemed fine, I think his nighttime sleep was beginning to be affected from the transition.  We decided that we would stop waking them up and we would workout separately on our time.  So, Nick works out in the mornings and I do it at home now.  This week is our first week not waking up at 430/445 and Xander has been sleeping through the night again!  Now, if only I could get him to take a good nap during the day.  In time, in time!  I have to say that I've also been enjoying not getting up so early and going to bed a bit later.  I was beginning to feel like a 90 year old woman that went to bed at 730 on a Friday night!  I guess 3 1/2 weeks of early wake-ups were getting to all of

And now I'll leave you with two of the cutest animals in the African Safari...

Have a great day!

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