Wednesday, January 18

32 week appt

Everything is looking great.  I'd only gained 2.4 pounds from 4 weeks ago, they're not concerned though.  So a total of 17 pounds...yikes!  Hubby stayed home with Xander while I ran to the appt.  That was nice, but I also thought maybe it would be a longer appt.  Nope.  Just a regular.  At my next appt, 36 weeker, I will have the Group B thing done.  Not sure what that is, but I'll do some research beforehand.  I have 3 appointments left before my due date, and they also scheduled me for 2 days after the due date.  Let's hope I don't go past. 
I had a few concerns I brought up.  I've been seeing spots a lot lately...probably due to dehydration, and then feeling less movement.  I still get my 10 movements in 2 hours, but it just takes longer to get those movements.  Doctor's not concerned as I measured fine, blood pressure was fine, and weight is fine.  She says it's just part of pregnancy.  And also my placenta is up front which is probably cushioning the kicks/movements.  I forgot to ask her about the cramping that I've been having.  It's not every day, but it's been more often.  I guess I'll have to start doing the pre-term labor checks when I feel those cramps.  Oh, I also asked if when i go into labor if Xander could be there with us, if our sitter needs to back out for some reason.  He can, so it's a relief just to know he has a place.  Nick would just have to be watching him if he wasn't sleeping.  It would be a pain, but it will definitely be a last resort.  You just can't predict how long you're going to be in labor, what time you will go into labor, or any other factor that goes along with labor. 
I know my pregnancy is normal and everything is fine, but how do they really now without doing blood work or an ultrasound?  I think I stress out more just wondering. 
I need to get the double stroller ordered.  I'm just having a hard time deciding which one(s).  I know I don't want the "train" version.  We want side by side that can be used as jogging.  There are so many side by side ones that are so wide and won't fit through the standard door.  So with that, do I just get one anyway and get a different one for shopping purposes?  I'm leaning towards the Bumbleride Indie Twin, we have the single and love it.  So far it's the only twin stroller that will fit through the standard door that I can find.  But I'm not sure I want to have 2 front wheels when I'm trying to jog.  Oh what to do.  what to do.  If I go with the Bob, it won't fit in my trunk or the standard door so it would only be a home stroller.  Leading us to get a second twin stroller.  I'm having a hard time deciding the best purchase.  We're expecting to spend $700-800 on the jogging stroller alone.  Maybe that's what's holding me back?  Maybe I don't really want to spend that amount.  Oh the joys of decisions!  If I get the Bumbleride, we shouldn't need the extra twin stroller, as this one will fit in the car, through doors, and be used as jogging.  It's just the 2 tire thing that has me hung up.  I could go on and on about strollers as it's pretty much the only thing i've been researching lately, but I will spare you

Have a great day!

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