Wednesday, January 11

9 month stats

Our doctor visit went well this morning.  As expected.  I asked her about his sleep habits lately and taking 3 hours to get to sleep, waking up when I put him down and wanting to be held and rocked again.  She told me that once I put him in his crib for the night, to leave him be.  Don't go back in there and eventually he will figure out how to get down and fall asleep.  That seems harsh to me.  Hubby, he'll be all over the doctors recommendation.  Maybe I shouldn't tell him this part...LOL.  I told her that he screams loud and she just said that he will for a few nights, but after those few nights he'll get the hang of falling asleep on his own again.  Ouch...this is going to be hard on this mama!  I have a hard time letting him go longer than 10 minutes of being mad. 

His weight was just where we thought it was at 21.5 pounds, leaving in at a 60%
His height was 27 inches, at a lonely 14% amongst his peers
His head circumference is 46.5 cm, a whopping 79%

He's progressing nicely, although he should be "cruising" while standing and he's not.  So we have to start working on that. 

Hubby's going to love his head size because he's always joking about the size of his "dome".

I also asked the pediatrician how I can request her to be the pediatrician of the new baby.  Being military, we are often just seen by who ever.  Although, they do try to keep you with the same doctor, it's not always.  So since she's Xander's doctor, I figure it would be easiest to have her for both kids.  She told me the military will try to keep families together with the same doctor, but if after the baby is born they put new baby with someone else, I then can request the change.  So, we'll have to wait and see. 

Have a great day!

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