Saturday, January 21

getting stuff done

Today we spent time in the baby's room.  We set up the air mattress, organized the very very few outfits we have, and took the stuff out that didn't belong.  We decided that I will sleep on the air mattress until the baby is sleeping more than 3 hours during the nights.  This way, hubby can still be rested for work.  I don't mind, because it will most likely only be 2-3 weeks because hubby is going out of town for work the beginning of April.  While he's gone, I'll go to our bed.  We also decided that we're not going to buy any clothes, blankets, bibs, burp clothes until after the birth.  We want to be sure it's really a girl before we buy a butt load of girl stuff.  If the baby will be a boy, we're already all set, nothing needed to buy.  So we're just going to use the 5 outfits we have for "girl", then we also have all the gender neutral stuff from Xander.  We have enough to get us through a week, including changes throughout a day.  We'll get stuff ordered as soon as we get back home, or maybe while in the hospital...if this baby is truly a girl. 
I'm getting pretty anxious.  Today I was also reading the handbook the hospital gave me at my 10 week appointment.  Trying to prepare mentally.  Hubby wants to create a birth plan, but I say no way!  What's the point?  Really?  Does any labor and delivery go as someone plans?  I haven't seen or heard of one yet.  So why set a plan when it will probably make me disappointed.  Who wants to be disappointed the day of the birth of their child?  Not me!  I think the biggest nerves I have is how long labor could take.  I could go fast.  That would be nice, but I won't expect that.  It could take days!  I really don't want that.  I don't want a cesarean, but who am I to say my body will allow me to deliver vaginally or the baby won't be in distress.  I just want to go with the flow of things and let nature take it's course.  This way, I'm not going to be spazzing out because something didn't go according to "my plan". 
I ordered the pack n play finally.  I found a great deal on Target online for the Graco Kinsey.  I'm hoping we get it before the baby comes because I want to get Xander used to sleeping in it.  He's going to be in it at our friends house while I'm in the hospital during labor and delivery. 
That's my day.  I'm tired and ready for bed, but its WAY to early.  Maybe a nap?  We're watching movies tonight.  Always relaxing.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea on not making a "plan"! I had so much more peace just going with whatever was dealt! Can't believe your so close!! Seems like you just announced the exciting news!
