Monday, January 2

Christmas 2011

Christmas was magical! We imagined and dreamed of having a child to celebrate holidays with for years and years, but never imagined it would be in 2011 our dream would come true. We hoped, prayed, and had faith that we would be parents in 2011, but it wasn't for us to say when that would happen. We've been blessed this past year in so many ways.

Christmas Eve we decided to make our Christmas dinner, at the very last minute. Luckily for us, we had a 3 pound bird :). It worked out great. After dinner we gave Xander his bath. Then it was time to open his Christmas Eve gifts. One book, and one toy.

We read his story and called it a night.  Because his naps are shorter and sparse, he goes to bed between 630 and 730, sleeps all night usually, and wakes up around 7 am.  Christmas morning came early...

loves the paper and bows!

this was the result if the paper or bows are taken away

he's done!  he was so tired and ready for his morning nap

but before nap, he had to play in mommy's new KitchenAid Artisan stand mixer box.
While he was sleeping daddy cleaned up the mess and mommy put all the toys together, ready for play...

he LOVES chasing this Tonka truck

just learned to stand and was uneasy about doing it by himself.  He now pulls up on everything and will stand for awhile

crawling through his caterpillar tunnel

The week of Christmas, Nick took off work, so we chilled, hung out, played, talked, took drives, and just enjoyed spending time as a family.  We watched lots of movies, 2 seasons of Walking Dead, and slept in.  It was great!  What a blessed year!

Since Nick returned home, he's taken over given Xander his baths, and I must say, they love this time together.  When I'm in there with them, I often gasp, but Xander is just fine, laughing away.  I guess I need to ease up a bit and trust that Nick knows when to much is too much.

Have a great day!

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