Thursday, January 12

Night 1

So last night didn't go so well.  After he woke up from being asleep for 45 minutes, I let him cry for 20 minutes.  I went in because I realized I didn't give him his teething tablets.  Maybe his teeth were bothering him, so i thought?  I soothed him by holding him and he rested his head on my shoulder for about 10 minutes.  I put him back in his bed, sleepy, but of course he's screaming by the time his head touches his pillow.  I let him cry, fuss, throw his fit for 50 minutes,  then my heart couldn't take it and I went back in there.  I picked him back up, but only for about 2 minutes.  Put him back down for another 40 minutes.  I caved in and brought him to my bed.  He was asleep in 5 minutes. 

So I'm trying to figure out the problem, other than him just wanting to be next to mommy.

Is he falling asleep too early?  Usually between 7 and 730.  But that's because he's not taking his naps like he used to.  He rarely takes a morning nap and his afternoon nap is only an hour long, tops!  He's up by 2 in the afternoon and is ready to crash come 7.   So, should I let him take a short evening nap?  But with that, he'll only fall asleep on me. 

Is he overtired and fighting it?  If so, how's one to fix this?

Does he realize daddy's gone this week and he's not getting his night-time routine that daddy took over?

We might make a trip to the library tomorrow to see if there are any good books on recommendations that could help us...or me?

Oh Xander, you are breaking your mama's heart!  I really wish for you to fall asleep on your own, like you used up until you were 6 months old.

Tonight's plan:  He's a fussy one and tired, but I'm going to keep him up a little later tonight.  I'm not going to give his bath until 7:30, usually 7, pushing everything back a half hour.  Is this going to makes things worse because he's so tired now?  It's only 6:40.  We'll see, but this is the plan tonight.  Oh, and I'm going to see if I can not go in his room at all tonight.  It won't get better if I keep going in.

Stay tuned for tomorrows update.

Have a great day!

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