Wednesday, May 4

Hello Sunshine

We've finally had sunny weather since Monday, so we decided to hit the trail at the lake.  It was beautiful out.  Xander and I went one way and Sterling and Nick went the opposite.  It was fun to meet up, supposed to be in the middle, but I guess Sterling was a bit side tracked on their walk.  She hates walking!

Xander and I had a great time.  I let him explore, have fun, and talk my head off.  He has a lot to say!  As he says.."I know everything, so that's why I know everything!"  Ha!  This boy is a hoot!
We saw a snake and he was worried it was going to bite me because I was too close.  It was a baby one, so I told him to not worry so much.  We saw turtles. We walked down to the water to see if the alligator were in the water.  Because he knows everything and alligators are in the waters of Nebraska. Oh, how I love him and his great mind!

He was so sweet.  He held my hand.  Grabbed my leg and hugged it real tight.  As I tried to walk.  He often wondered where Sissy and Daddy were. He loved walking/running the 3.2 miles.

His favorite part was running as fast as he could to the next bench so he could have a longer break.  He could have just walked and wouldn't have been so tired.  Hard headed little fella.

We met up with Sissy and Daddy and decided to make funny faces during a pit stop.  Nick made the remainder of the walk stressful.  He was constantly bickering at the kids to stay on the side by the grass.  The trail wasn't packed, so I didn't worry about it much.  When someone got close, we'd move to the side.  But Nick, he was constantly harping on them.  He's worried about them being ran over.  I am too, but I also want them to explore the environment.  It's good for them.

After getting home, Sterling needed to put her feet up.  She's not walker. But, we're going to work on that.

While Sterling had her feet up, I got busy making my weekly meal prep.  First up was this pasta salad.  I've been craving a cold pasta salad, but can't find one that I might like.  So I bought all my favorite veggies, salami, and cheese  and mixed it with rotini pasta.  I wanted to use my Olive Garden (OG) dressing I had, but wasn't sure how it would taste.  After mixing the ingredients, I took out one of each and mixed it with some dressing (as a test sample before mixing all of it) and my mouth died.  It was SO good.  I tossed in the dressing and stirred.  After eating some, I divided it up in containers for the week.  I took some to work yesterday and had a party in my mouth, ha!  If I didn't like the OG dressing, I was just going to make it with ranch dressing.  But I'm so glad I liked the OG dressing because it's much lighter!

After making my salad, I whipped up some chicken fajitas and peppers.  This was not photo worthy, but it was so good too!  I eat mine with just black beans, no tortillas.  My sister has been raving about sheet pan fajitas, so I had to give it a try.  I'm so glad I did! Thanks, sis!

I see a lot of cooking in our new house.  The kitchen will be larger and I'll actually have space for prep work.  So excited for the possibilities!

Thanks for stopping by!

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