Monday, May 2

Weekend Whatnots

We had a pretty good Friday.  I had Alexander to school on time, a first in a long while!  After we dropped him off, Sterling and I headed to our weekly Sam's run.  She loves to sit on the Gatorade with her feet hanging over.  Such a ham!  We ran out to base to look at the BX for some makeup so I wouldn't have to go to Dillard's, but they didn't have what I was looking for.  On the way out of the store, sweet Sterling asked if we could go have a mommy and me muffin.  We headed to Scooters so I could have some coffee too.  She loves the blueberry muffin and orange juice.

After picking up Alexander, we headed out for our weekly dance practice.  The parents were allowed in to observe during the last 10 minutes.  I thought I recorded some of it, but I guess I snapped two pictures instead, lol!  Just two practices left before her big debut.

Then Nick had a great idea to have the kids kiss my cheeks.  In case he needs the picture for an upcoming project for Mother's Day.  Ha!  We'll see if they do anything or not.  Otherwise, I got a funny picture, lol!

Saturday was planned as "get all the homework done" day.  I was successful in getting mine all done (a day early too!).  Woohoo!!  But, Nick still has to record a 5 minute file for his project.  I'm now done until August 22nd!

In between parts of my homework, I'd have comedian Sterling entertaining me.  Maybe it was easier to get done because she lightened the mood?!  She has so much sass!

Last weekend we signed a lease for our new home.  I'm excited for my kitchen!  I'm not loving all the colors they have going on in the house, but I'll make it work.  The home is perfect for us.'s in a school district of 9 out of 10!  I don't have to homeschool Alexander!  I would have if we couldn't find a home in a good school district, but I'm super excited (as is he) that he gets to go to Kindergarten at a school.  His new school is on YouTube, so he's been loving watching all the fun stuff they do.  He's so excited!

Talking about Alexander, he's been so difficult to parent lately.  I feel like nothing works to get him to listen.  So, I've been reading this again.  The only thing I can say to get him to do the right thing is "do you want another day of your gadgets gone?!"  This works, but if he never gets them back, I'm not sure it will work much longer.  He's just a hard headed little fella.
I like the statement in the book about the grocery cart in the supermarket having a crooked wheel.  This puts raising kids into perspective.  Do they ever, have crooked wheels!

I'm hoping now that I'm done with school work until mid August, that I can slow done and "play" with the kids more.  Maybe they (Xander mostly) needs more one on one attention?!

On Sunday Sterling woke up excited to play with mommy.  She loves it when you play with her.  It's her most favorite thing ever and her love language.
We first played with her princesses.

We then moved on to playing with baby dolls.  I held this doll and was her auntie while she was the mommy feeding her.

After we played for an hour, I started getting some real work done.  It's spring clean up days here, the last day, so I wanted to make sure to get some of the bigger stuff to the dump before we move.  

Feeling accomplished here.  We started going through our closets/drawers/toys today.  Not anywhere near done, but it's a good start.  I went through my closet/drawers and emptied out 1 large bag.  Nick started working on his and got rid of 1/2 of large bag and then the kids didn't want half of a bag full of stuffed animals.  And one full bag of trash.  The Open Door Mission is having a truck in our area on Saturday, so we want to utilize this service as well. We have SO much crap that we just don't ever where.  Like tags are still on shirts from 12 years ago.  Not even joking.  I wish I was!

This week is purge week!

Have a great day

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