Thursday, January 2


A new year usually means a new start.  We're going to have a big year this year and I'm hoping to accomplish some major goals that will remain life changing and not just a one time deal.

1.  Start paying large chunks at bills to pay off short term non essential debt

2.  Get healthy.  Get fit.  This is probably on every list anyone ever makes, but still important

3.  Spend more time as a family by playing games, creative play, dance parties, get out and get involved.  Turn off TVs.  Put electronics down.

4.  Get organized and stay organized.  There are so many areas that need this attention.  We have too much stuff and with moving to a much smaller home this summer, we need to clutter every nook and cranny.  Less clutter equals less stress equals happy mama!

5.  Personal one for me:  Stop getting so upset and taking things so personally.  Take it easy, not everything is so important or an "emergency."  No more Chucky eyes :)

6.  Potty train both kids :)  Get kids involved in the community.

7.  Work on paintings/crafts (create a mural for the kids new rooms this summer).  It relaxes me and relieves stress.  Something I have way too much of!

8.  Go on dates with my handsome husband

9.  Keep on track with taking 3 classes in my master's classes and maintain As in all of them

10.  Find a church home

Here's to a Happy & Healthy New Year

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