Thursday, January 9

Potty training

For the past 2 weeks we have been serious on the potty training wagon with Xander.  I didn't get my Christmas wish of "all I want for Christmas is a potty trained boy," but we've had some serious progress in this house!  Because we've had so much time together, we've worked on mornings and nights on using the toilet and getting familiar with recognizing when he needs to go.  Today after school we decided to work on afternoon potty training.  It's gone great!  He's had undies on for 4 hours and only 1 accident.  He's even told us "uh-oh, it's coming," and we make a mad dash to the bathroom.  I made the mistake earlier today while we were upstairs of telling him to use "his" toilet in his bathroom.  Well now that's the only bathroom he wants to use.  Not any fun while you're in the middle of making dinner!

During the last 2 weeks his training was quite hilarious.  He'd go, get off, get a sticker, then have to go again.  And he'd go again (not just dribbles either!).  And he'd repeat this process at least 4 times!!  In the very beginning he was concentrating on going number 2.  I think it helped because every time he was working on that, he'd pee too.  Now we're working on going all at once and not up and down.  So far today (which is nearly over), he's not been up and down at all.  He's recognizing.  I may ask him every second while he's in undies if he needs to go potty, but he knows when he does.  I just don't want him to forgot that he needs to stop what he's doing and go potty on the toilet.
Sterling...we'll she sits on the toilet A LOT.  Has yet to go pee, but for the first time tonight she went number 2!  YAH Sterling!  Way to go!!!  We have a long way to go with her but I'm hoping that her wanting to sit on the toilet so much and seeing brother go, will get her going :) 
On Sunday and Monday we will go all day in undies and hopefully he'll go to school on Tuesday in undies!  That's our goal :)

Way to go kiddos!


  1. Good luck with that! I've been working with Kaylee for, um, at least a year now. She's so dang stubborn- she knows she needs to go and how to do it and she just won't. So frustrating!

  2. Ha! Thanks Ashley! I know I'm in over my head in this task and on Monday we will come crashing down and fail, but we will be giving this task our all. Willing or not :) Gotta love our strong willed kiddos!
