Monday, January 6


It's more like a bitter, brutal cold out there.  This past fall we reached record breaking temps (107) and our air went out...boy was that a hot one!  Yesterday our temps were -32 and our heat goes out!  BRRRRRRR!  What's with the record breaking weather and the furnace/ac going out?!  Good thing yesterdays was just the pilot light needing to be reset, but man was it some trouble figuring out how to do that.  We've never had to do it before so we didn't know where to begin.  Good thing for Dr. Google :)  An hour later our heat was blazing again.

Schools in the area are closed today.  Kids and I will be staying in and staying warm today and then the rest of the week, they'll be at PDO.

I started working on organizing all of our stuff that was sent to long term storage while we were living in Germany.  I feel like throwing it all out the door!  We didn't use it for the 3 years we lived in Germany.  Obviously didn't need it.  If we did, we bought new in Germany.  Why keep it?  My lovely husband has a hard time letting go of stuff.  He can just imagine himself reusing an item 20 years from now, so why get rid of it?  So while he's at work this week, I will finish this task and he won't even know what's missing because it's been so long since he's seen it :)  For me, I have a hard time letting clothes go.  The clothes I outgrew.  2 sizes too small.  Work clothes.  Shoes.  Purses.  Those are my weaknesses.  I'll be purging those as well.  Nothing will be left out.  Ok, maybe I'll leave all his military crap alone (for now).  A huge box of cords?  Not looking forward to going through that, but we seriously do not need that many of one item!  Desktop style computers, you'll be taken to best buy to be recycled!  Things that someone could benefit from, they'll be donated.  Other things will just be tossed to the curb!

This shall be a fun week :)

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