Friday, January 3

Five on Friday

Linking up again with Darci from the good life blog this week.  


I've been so excited all week for Thursday to come.  The kids started back with PDO and it was their first Thursday.  I was also a bit nervous since there would be different kids and their favorite teacher was not teaching Thursdays.  They did awesome and talk non stop when they get home about what they did at school.
Xander wanted to get himself dressed for school that day.  Top shirt on backwards and bottom shirt is a tank top down around his waist.

On Tuesday Nick went to work and an hour later he called me on his way back home.  He didn't know it was a down day.  After he got home, we took the kids to the zoo and we celebrated New Years Eve with the animals wearing fun character masks, disco ball necklaces and lollipops.  What could be better?

New Year, new possibilities!

Gymboree.  My absolute favorite store and I found a steal this week.  They had 4 racks of $5.99. I found Xander 2 summer outfits and Sterling a top and leggings, plus headbands for .99 :) I just love getting a good deal!  I now have $125 in Gymbucks to use at the end of the month on the new line that will be coming out.  Beyond excited!

We have been presented with an option that will impact our future a great deal.  Right now we are weighing the pros and cons and hope to have our decision made in the next two weeks.  We're both really excited about new possibilities.  My excitement was a bit of a shocking surprise for Nick, I'm usually a bit more reserved and cautious when dealing with our future.


  1. found you through five on Friday LU. You are my LU neighbour:) Beautiful children you have.

  2. Thank you and thanks for dropping by!

  3. Thanks for stopping by!!

    I love Gymboree too.. they always have some of the cutest kids clothes. Have you checked out Crazy 8? They are very similar and have some cute styles too.

    Your children are adorable!

  4. Thanks Emily, we have shopped at Crazy 8, but they seem to always be sold out of the size I need. Still cute things though :)
