Monday, January 31


What happens if we get a short notice placement?  We'll have to buy tickets, last minute, I know this much.  But what about the infant car seat?  I'm a person that likes what I like and wants what I like.  I see 2 different infant car seats that I'd be happy with buying, but are afraid that the store won't have them when I get there to pick them up.  I've decided not to buy and get shipped here and have to take back to the states, that would be silly.  Although, I would, just to have what I want.  If I knew the placement would happen before May, I would buy and ship to my sister in NC and have her hold onto it for me.  But I know, with adoption, it could take awhile.  I'm not buying the travel system stroller, just the car seat, because the stroller would be no good over here in Europe and would fall apart with all the cobblestone.   I shouldn't need a stroller in the states if I have the car seat and probably a carrier thing.  Now, do I go ahead and buy the stroller I am going to buy now and get shipped here or do I wait. Babies. R. Us. seems to be the only reputable retailer that ships to APO, even some bigger items, like the stroller I want.  Do strollers expire like car seats?  We did buy a convertible car seat already, the Britax. Boulevard. 70. CS., but it was manufactured in 2010 and we should have our baby within the next year.  It was a great sale on it, so I couldn't pass it up, and FREE shipping. 
Today I'm going grocery shopping and after I get back and have everything put away, I'm going to start on the mural.  I'm so excited.  It's going to help time go by and keep my anxiety level down, hopefully. 
Yesterday, I was going through a bunch of the paperwork BCS gave us before we moved.  This is what has me thinking.  Then also, adoptive families website had an article in there, and I'm going to submit an article to them after placement sharing our experience traveling for domestic adoption.  Oh and they also said in the article that I wouldn't need much for baby for the first few weeks living in a hotel.  They said babies like to sleep in their car seats, would you do that?  I was thinking of buying a mini travel bed and putting blankets underneath for cushion, not in the travel bed, but under.  Maybe I'm thinking to hard on this stuff and should just stop...LOL. 

Have a great day!

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