Sunday, January 2

New beginnings

This year I'm starting it out like any other year...get healthier and fit.  This year I've also added get even more organized than I already am...I've included a schedule and zone cleaning to my new year goals.  I was reading a blog and came across her schedule and thought, I could do this too.  I came across zone cleaning and  thought this is a smart way to get weekends free!  Yesterday and today I was busy creating schedules that will work, setting up a zone cleaning schedule that will work on my iPod using an app, and also setting up my Spark People again and also putting an app on my iPod.  I must say I am getting motivated to use all these new features and plans I have.  Bringing a baby home will be so much better if I have a routine in place, in my opinion.  I know a lot of people say, routines go out the door when a baby is in the picture, but I don't think it necessarily has to.  Yes, I'm sure I'll have to adjust and tweak it, but I will find a schedule that works when we have our baby.

Today hubs and I went for a run, it felt great, and hubs says I did awesome.  I haven't ran in many months so getting back into it is hard.  Plus I have two bum knees, and when it's cold, my fingers and toes don't have circulation moving.  But I put that aside and did it.  Will I regret it, I hope not.  I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for my knees because they have been in SO much pain lately.  It used to only be one knee consistently, but it's been both for the past month.
Here's pictures of the nursery complete...except wall art.  My friend will be helping me with the walls and I'm so excited to start the task.  I'm not sure on the theme I want to use, if any at all, but we'll come up with something good and take more pictures I'm sure.  I must say I love how it's looking so far.

That's about it from me.  I hope your new year plans are in full swing and are excited about them.

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