Monday, January 24

The Talk

Spoke with BCS today and the reason the home study hasn't been approved yet, was my greatest fear.  Them not knowing the logistics of how we will bring our baby to our home in Germany.  They've dealt with plenty of ICPC cases so they are familiar with that, just not the passport and such.  Because they've waited so long and have been sitting not knowing what they are going to do, our fingerprints are soon to expire so we have to redo those.  We also have to redo our CPS form...but the good news is that they will be paying for both those clearances since it's their error in sitting on our home study.  They've had it since the 28th of Dec. from AA.  That saves us $114!  Today we were able to get our CPS forms notarized before the office closed and on Thursday we will do the fingerprint cards.
Tomorrow evening there is an adoption support group meeting and I am planning on attending it.  Hoping that some other ladies will be able to help me sort all this out.  If for some reason I can't make it, I'm planning on emailing the ICPC coordinator to see if they could assist me. 
The other day I said that if it came down to this, I was going to switch agencies, because I fear that we won't get placement because they won't know how we bring our baby home.  Well I woke up on Saturday and decided there was no reason to get all frumpy about this.  It will all work out.  I may have to do a little extra leg work.  I may have to stay in the states for a few months.  It's okay, it will all be worth it and it will all work out.  Some way. 
Hubby is leaving in the morning for another 2 day TDY.  I'll be going to Frankfurt for most of tomorrow also.  I'm excited, new place to visit.  My friend has to go to the embassy to get a visa so she asked me if I'd join her.  Of course...any chance to see the country, I'm there.
My cousin finds out if she's having a boy or girl today.  Well, that is if the baby cooperates.  I'm hoping for a girl, don't know why, but just am.  She had a struggle to get pregnant also, but not nearly as long as me.  I think she's been trying 2 years.  My friend here is having 2 boys, i was hoping for at least one girl with her also. 
Well I'm off to write an essay.

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Stay positive! Everything will work itself out. Have fun on your day trip!
